Entire Ahmed alarm clock issue a smokescreen for Shariah law sneaking in the USA???

by EndofMysteries 64 Replies latest members politics

  • little_Socrates


    If what you are saying is true he should have faced disciplinary action from the school. I just think it was totally inappropriate to get the police involved. If the device was causing a disruption in the school, take it away from him till the end of the day. If he refuses, suspend him.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @maninthemiddle & little Socrates - he apparently was uncooperative with police. If correct, that's a serious.

    Besides, he doesn't have to shout "I've got a bomb, you know!" at the top of his voice. He could show it to his English teacher, say it's a clock and still arouse the teacher's suspicions.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I get what you're saying, little Socrates.

    But why shouldn't police get involved in this - a student bringing a suspicious-looking device to school is a very serious matter.

  • JeffT
    This flap is entirely driven by the brown-skinned Muslim meme. If he was any other kid in Texas we'd be reading about stupid redneck kids complaining because they got kicked out of school for bringing a fake bomb to class. If we heard about it at all.
  • little_Socrates

    he apparently was uncooperative with police. If correct, that's a serious.

    He Said it was a clock, and they could physically inspect the device, what more cooperation did they need?

    The way I am if I feel totally justified in my actions and I am being harassed by the police, I will do everything in within my legal rights to be a pain in the rear to the cops. Now I will admit sometimes it is a foolish strategy... however I can't help it, it just the way I am. From everything I can tell the kids personality is probably very similar. So if he was being uncooperative, try blaming it on teenage angst before you automatically assign guilt.

    say it's a clock and still arouse the teacher's suspicions

    Here again... arouse suspicions of what exactly? If she is even slightly suspicious it that it is an explosive device you immediately evacuate. If you say the teacher was suspicious that the kid was trying to invoke fear... fear of what exactly? Here again we know for certain that NO ONE feared the device and you entering into circular reasoning territory.

  • Simon
    If what you are saying is true he should have faced disciplinary action from the school. I just think it was totally inappropriate to get the police involved. If the device was causing a disruption in the school, take it away from him till the end of the day. If he refuses, suspend him.

    He was suspended by the school. It seems that the police were called because he was refusing to offer any explanation and he wasn't cooperative with the police.

    I think he wanted it to be a big incident. As always, the media and politicians are so easily manipulated.

    It doesn't need to be a real threat for it to be a threat. Should making jokes at airport check-in about having a bomb in your luggage be dismissed and laughed off? Of course not. Even if, thank god, most people who do it do not have bombs they are still "dangerous" because they are being disruptive and threatening. If the criteria for whether they have done something wrong or not is whether they have a real bomb then you'd have a million false bomb threats a day. Every fake threat consumes resources and is a threat.

    This flap is entirely driven by the brown-skinned Muslim meme. If he was any other kid in Texas we'd be reading about stupid redneck kids complaining because they got kicked out of school for bringing a fake bomb to class. If we heard about it at all.

    I agree. None of this happened because he was brown / Muslim but we're definitely hearing about it because of that and let's be honest, the only reason he's getting invites to the Whitehouse is because he's not white.

    How many dumb white kids who've done stupid things at school have had the tour recently?

  • little_Socrates

    Simon I agree with just about everything you said. Bomb hoaxs are taken so seriously from law enforcement because like you said... even the very slightest threat, eats up precious resources. Since law enforcement is forced to react as if it was a real bomb, they like to prosecute you almost as if it is real. I think this is totally reasonable.

    I hate repeating myself but I feel that I must because I think you have unwittingly helped support my premise. The very slightest of bomb threats produce a huge reaction from local emergency personal. That didn't happen in this case. Nobody was Hoaxed.

  • Simon
    The very slightest of bomb threats produce a huge reaction from local emergency personal. That didn't happen in this case. Nobody was Hoaxed.

    Well to show why you are wrong, consider what happens when someone makes a bomb claim at an airport.

    Is it evacuated? Do they quickly drive all the multi-million dollar planes to the other end of the runway as tens of thousands of people run out screaming?

    No, the person is arrested for the offense and their cases are taken off the plane to be inspected.

    It really depends on the nature of the threat and how credible it is.

    Yes, they weren't hoaxed or fooled into thinking he has a real bomb but that isn't the same as saying that he didn't have a suspicious looking device and wasn't acting in a suspicious and uncooperative manner that warranted his arrest.

    I think you're clinging to this "no evacuation means the police are 100% wrong" view which is far too black and white.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I just think it was totally inappropriate to get the police involved. If the device was causing a disruption in the school, take it away from him till the end of the day. If he refuses, suspend him.

    As I previously asked, why shouldn't police be involved in this? Teachers have a million and one things to do each and every day - teach lessons, prepare the syllabus, set exams, preside over detentions, mark homework, organise field trips, organise extra hours clubs/societies, etc. The potential for busy teachers to mishandle serious situations is there.

    It makes sense for teachers to pass on very serious matters, such as students bringing in suspicious-looking devices, to the police. They are better trained to deal with bomb threats than school teachers are, correct?

  • EndofMysteries

    Did he at any time claim it was or purposely lead anyone to believe it was a bomb?

    His father is a media seeking shariah law activist

    Ahmed in a live interview in his house says on camera out of his own mouth at 1:28 "I didn't lock it it so it wouldn't seem a threat....I used a simple cable so it wouldn't look much suspicious" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mW4w0Y1OXE

    Ahmed has repeatedly called it his 'invention' but it's been proved he just took apart an alarm clock and put it in that mini metal briefcase = http://blogs.artvoice.com/techvoice/2015/09/17/reverse-engineering-ahmed-mohameds-clock-and-ourselves/

    The school has said what happened and what ahmed has been telling the media are different things and the school has been wanting to release what happened and the questions but can't because of privacy laws and the family will not consent to it and the family won't even meet with them. Hmm, family doesn't want everybody know how how racist school was about asking about him being muslim? or could it be the family KNOWS they set them up and doesn't want the popular accepted narrative to be changed from the truth?

    The picture of Ahmed in the nasa tshirt was taken by his 18 year old sister at the school. A day or 2 after she gave it to twitter, anilnash to release it. Yet they claim he was interrogated for hours at school then police station all alone, yet his adult sister was with him in the school??

    The police said he was NOT answering questions and didn't say it was for project, to show teachers, etc, that he told media stuff he didn't tell them. That he just said it's an alarm clock. So they had to charge him according to texas law with a hoax bomb.

    It's obvious he made the item to look as suspicious as possible but able to claim plausible deniability, he let slip he knew it looked suspicious when building it (police should be rearresting him already because that's admission of hoax bomb right there), his silence so his activist dad can scream to press it was because he is muslim, and they family refusing the school to release the questions and truth of what happened. All of that points to him having made it to look like a bomb and get the response it did.

    On top of this all, the issues w/ Shariah law in Irving, the Mayor having stood up and prevented it from being legalized, what a great way to discredit her and those who stopped the shariah law and make others afraid to challenge shariah law for being labeled racist.

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