I'm New

by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho 209 Replies latest members meetups

  • smiddy

    Welcome to the board my friend and yes you will have many here to give you encouragement and support and plenty of advice.

    Take care.

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @undercover I never realized it was a cult 'til I saw the bunker videos and the shunning dramatization when I was at the Remain Loyal convention. That's when the walls started closing in on me and the floors began to tilt. I've been clawing my way out of this insidious cesspool ever since. It's been a gory battle trying to prize my sanity back from the clutches of the organization. And DAMN do they have an iron-vice grip.

    @EdenOne Thank you for the advice from BOTH sides of a) being an elder and b) being faced by the elders. You've got an insider's perspective, and that is invaluable! I never thought of the apostasy witch hunt still lingering even after I've faded. It's scary to be always looking over my shoulder! :( I guess it's never TRULY over until you've been disfellowsipped. It's a merciless process that can seriously wear you out, psychologically-speaking. I just want to exhale and be my usual open self. Thanks to the organization, I'll forever be in some form of hiding. I hate that.

    @smiddy Thank you for the well wishes! It's all a bit surreal to have this much dialogue going with so many kind and reasonable people on this site. I feel like I've found a cyber oasis!

  • James Jack
    James Jack

    Thanks for being brave enough to Post your story!!

  • tryingnow

    Wake Me Up: It has been very helpful to me to read your posts. Thanks for your candor. I am new here, too. Quit all meetings, etc. about 2 months ago. Can no longer go along with feeling like I am being misled by upper leadership. My initial issue is probably an arcane one, having to do with bible translation. It may not matter to anyone but me, but, at any rate, that is how I began the journey which has led me here. Am not df'd or da'd, but realize that I am losing all to whom I looked for any support. No outside family I can turn to, either. At this point, I do not have one human soul to confide in. All of you here have suddenly become very important to me. Thank you for being here.

  • jp1692

    Welcome Tryingnow!

    You're in a lonely place right now, but you can confide in us.

    May i suggest you start a thread a tell us a little bit about yourself and begin your own journey to freedom out of this cult!

    You are among others that have been where you are now. We understand.


  • tryingnow

    Thanks so much, jp1692. Have just now finished reading the whole of this thread. Am horrified by what Wake Me Up was put through. It shows the stark brutality of which those given authority in that org are capable. Another indication that this cannot be Christianity. Dear Wake Me Up: you are a brave and honest soul. Don't know if this will help, but for some (possible) perspective, perhaps briefly look at what went on in Muenster, Germany in the years around 1535. The episode is known as the affair of the "Muenster Anabaptists". Another search-term for the same would be Jan van Leyden, whose real name was Jan Bockelson. Shows what can happen with "true belief"... in the wrong source. Wishing you the very best speedy healing and recovery.


  • LoveUniHateExams

    I'm very late to this thread but welcome to the forum, Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho & Tryingnow.

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @James Jack and @LoveUniHateExams Thank you for chiming in! All the support on here has blown whatever's left of my mind after waking up. I'm so touched. I want to meet all of you just to thank you in person. It's been one helluva week, but it all feels so much better coming on here and having you all by my side. xxx

    @tryingnow Welcome!!! I've been on here less than a week and everyone's made it feel like home. Listen to @jp1692 - you're in good hands with this warlock. Remember the final scene in Lucy with Scarlett Johansson when she becomes a human computer? This guy is the Internet personified. The way he can quote stuff is impressive. And scary. JP, use your powers for good... never evil.

    I just read the Münster Rebellion page on Wikipedia, @tryingnow. You know, I'd never even heard of this movement until you told me about it. Fascinating read! My paternal lineage is all German and my father is a stoic scholar when it comes to history. I must hit him up for more information on this! Thank you for even taking the time to read this long thread. You came into my journey at a time of me reclaiming my happiness and finding my footing in the real world. I can't wait to ride this journey together with you. I don't know where or who you are, but just know that I'm holding your hand through this and we can do it together : ). You've done something I've never done, however. You've questioned our Bible's translation. I've never made an effort to research the Christian Greek or Hebrew scriptures outside the confines of Watchtower's interpretation. Therefore I don't know WHAT the truth about basic Christian beliefs is. I'm still sold that the accurate interpretation supports a resurrection into paradise, no immortality, non-Trinitarian (is that a word?) stance. So weird how you can spend your entire life reading a book and thinking it means one thing when it may be NOTHING like how you've understood it!

  • LoveUniHateExams

    It's nice to get a response from you, Wake Me Up.

    And yes, we are all on your side.

    If I'm honest, we aren't united on all matters here (if you don't believe me, check out the threads on politics!), but we all are united in our criticism of The Watchtower (but not necessarily of JWs).

    You've got the rest of your life ahead of you.

    I hope that you pursue whatever you're interested in, and that you get any help you need (leaving the WT can be traumatic, esp for born-ins), and that your life is a success of sorts.

    All the best, and I look forward to reading more of your comments.


  • tryingnow

    Thanks so much, @Wake Me Up. Your basic honesty is what will get you through this awfully difficult time, and bring you out into a much better one. So that I don't clutter up the general thread, will send you a PM with some info on what I found that finally pushed me out mentally from the indoctrination.

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