Counsel from Bro Losch (GB Member) to the Elders about the NFL
by James Jack 43 Replies latest jw experiences
I guess when you're just "sprit-directed" instead of inspired, thsee difference's arise. -
This berk worships a god who cheerleads some of the most genocidal, violent acts in history and yet his barmyness whine's about the game of American football being too rough...
Didn't he get up to some infamous nuttyness recently...something to do with hand signals? Hasn't he seniority within the GB? Perhaps they allow him his peccadilloes due to that...
Jehovah's witnesses..the religion that likes to say NO!
An Elder sitting next to me from Alabama said: "that driver is in the wrong and needs to be counseled! I am going to write a letter to the Branch about this driver and his lack of respect toward members of the Governing Body"!
Since he was from Alabama, he is likely a Crimson Tide fan, and therefore cannot understand why anyone would prefer the NFL to college football.
There are certain topics that, even if the GB were to outright condemn them, JWs would rise up in rebellion.
They can change goofy crap like overlapping generations, this-blood-fraction-but-not-that-blood-component, people might remarry after resurrection, etc., and JWs will just smile & nod & say "OK".
But there would be a wide-scale mutiny if they ever imposed a ban on:
-- Coffee
-- Alcohol
-- Sports, particularly (In the USA) American football
I think the GB knows this, and they don't touch those topics with a 10 foot pole.
An Elder sitting next to me from Alabama said: "that driver is in the wrong and needs to be counseled! I am going to write a letter to the Branch about this driver and his lack of respect toward members of the Governing Body"!
You should have told this elder to be sure to include in his letter a guidance request on how best to remove Bro Losch's schlong from his anal cavity with the least pain possible.
The WTS has commented some on sports = gladiator games:
*** w02 8/15 p. 29 Do You Remember? ***
The violent and deadly gladiatorial events of the Roman Empire have been compared to what modern spectator sports?
A recent exhibit in the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, suggested modern parallels by including video clips of bullfighting, professional boxing, auto and motorcycle races, and spectator fights at other modern sports events. Early Christians took to heart that Jehovah does not love violence or violent ones, and neither should Christians today. (Psalm 11:5)—6/15, page 29
*** jd chap. 9 p. 121 par. 19 Dealing With Others as God Desires ***
Though Habakkuk was forced to keep looking upon mere trouble and the “violence in front of” him, it grieved him. You might now ask, ‘Would he be comfortable sitting with me and looking at the programs I regularly watch on television?’ Ask also, ‘Would he set aside time to be a spectator at so-called sports events that are violent by design, players even wearing protective armor like that of ancient gladiators?’ With certain games, the thrill for many springs from fights on the court or the field or those between crazed fans. In some cultures, many watch violent films and videos centered on warfare or the martial arts. This may be excused as history or a display of the nation’s cultural past, but does that make the violence more acceptable?—Proverbs 4:17.
James Jack
Siri82 is right! There are some things in that are in print that is just glossed over, like viewing R rated movies.
Thanks for the reminders I just glossed over that information.
My Name is of No Consequence
Good thing Losch didn't watch the Steelers-Bengals game on Saturday! -
Surely he doesn't see the immense hypocrisy in "representing" a violent god that condoned the very-specific destruction of the Canaanites, banging of children against rocks, stoning of lawbreakers, and mistreatment of women. Maybe he wouldn't condemn a sport like football if he realized "Jehovah(tm)" actually supports violence.