Bush wants to use Mini-Nukes

by Trauma_Hound 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    There is radiation everywhere today. Your tv set gives out radiaion, even your computer screen. X rays, smoke detectors and so on. We are exposed to it everywhere.

  • LB

    Raise your hand if you think anyone is going to change their opinion here?

    sits on hands

  • Shakita

    Effects of radiation-------- Probable Health Effects resulting from Exposure to Ionising Radiation

    Dose in rems
    (whole body)
    Health effects

    1,000 or more Immediate death.
    `Frying of the brain'.
    600-1,000 Weakness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea followed by apparent improvement. After several days: fever, diarrhoea, blood discharge from the bowels, haemorrhage of the larynx, trachea, bronchi or lungs, vomiting of blood and blood in the urine. Death in about 10 days. Autopsy shows destruction of hematopoietic tissues, including bone marrow, lymph nodes and spleen; swelling and degeneration of epithelial cells of the intestines, genital organs and endocrine glands.
    250-600 Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, epilation (loss of hair), weakness, malaise, vomiting of blood, bloody discharge from the bowels or kidneys, nose bleeding, bleeding from gums and genitals, subcutaneous bleeding, fever, inflammation of the pharynx and stomach, and menstrual abnormalities. Marked destruction of bone marrow, lymph nodes and spleen causes decrease in blood cells especially granulocytes and thrombocytes. Radiation-induced atrophy of the endocrine glands including the pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands.
    From the third to fifth week after exposure, death is closely correlated with degree of leukocytopenia. More than 50% die in this time period.
    Survivors experience keloids, ophthalmological disorders, blood dyscrasis, malignant tumours, and psychoneurological disturbances.
    150-250 Nausea and vomiting on the first day. Diarrhoea and probable skin burns. Apparent improvement for about two weeks thereafter. Foetal or embryonic death if pregnant. Symptoms of malaise as indicated above. Persons in poor health prior to exposure, or those who develop a serious infection, may not survive.
    The healthy adult recovers to somewhat normal health in about three months. He or she may have permanent health damage, may develop cancer or benign tumours, and will probably have a shortened lifespan. Genetic and teratogenic effects.
    50-150 Acute radiation sickness and burns are less severe than at the higher exposure dose. Spontaneous abortion or stillbirth. Tissue damage effects are less severe. Reduction in lymphocytes and neutrophils leaves the individual temporarily very vulnerable to infection. There may be genetic damage to offspring, benign or malignant tumours, premature ageing and shortened lifespan. Genetic and teratogenic effects.
    10-50 Most persons experience little or no immediate reaction. Sensitive individuals may experience radiation sickness. Transient effects in lymphocytes and neutrophils. Premature ageing, genetic effects and some risk of tumours.
    0-10 None Premature ageing, mild mutations in offspring, some risk of excess tumours. Genetic and teratogenic effects.

    Mrs. Shakita(who will NOW sit on her hands)

  • Mulan

    I drove my 14 year old granddaughter to school this morning, and we passed a car with a sign that said "No to War in Iraq". She said "I hate that lady. We should have a war. Bush is a great President". I asked her if they talk about that in school, and she said they didn't, but her parents think that way. I know my son is a Bush supporter, but was saddened by what she said. I asked her why she thought there should be a war, and she said they have to be stopped before they use their weapons.

    So I asked her what repurcussions she thought there would be on this country.............wouldn't they still use their weapons............and probably for sure? For now, they aren't. She hadn't thought of that.

    It made me think of how we used to "parrot" what the WTS said..............she is doing the same thing, and parroting what she hears at home.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    If it comes to taking out a chemical or bio weapons store then I think a battlefield nuke would be just the thing. Incinerate the stuff. Fallout is minimal. If Iraq uses WMD on Israel there's a very high probability that you'll see a strategic weapon used. Bye bye Tikrit.

  • rem

    I sincerely doubt 'mini nukes' would be deployed in downtown Baghdad. The US certainly would not (intentionally) put our own troops in that kind of danger (or am I being naive?). I could see them being used as 'bunker busters' in remote locations where the risk of collateral loss is low. The US has nothing to gain by putting innocent civilians in harms way. I, too, think the radioactive fallout of these 'mini nukes' is exaggerated.

    There is just a lot of speculation going on right now. It will be interesting to see how things really pan out. Maybe it will be as easy as it was last time. Remember, Saddam had WMD the last time we kicked his ass.


  • Crazy151drinker

    The majority of 'Fallout' and Radiation caused by our Current Nuclear Inventory is due to the Uranium lined Casing installed for added yeild. They can make them without the lining. No big deal.

    I highly doubt we are going to Nuke Bahgdad. To many Civilians. HOWEVER- Isreal wouldnt hold back if they were gassed.

    And a low level 1-2K tacital nuke is in no Way a Hiroshima.

  • NeonMadman
    Raise your hand if you think anyone is going to change their opinion here?

    Well, I won't change my opinion. I still think that smoke looks more like a golden retriever than a wolf.

  • BluesBrother

    The world is just not ready to accept the the use of nuclear bombs by the U S , again! Especially since American territory is not under a specific threat from Iraq

    Just see how the debate has gone on here. Any use of the dreaded Nuclear arms would put everyone against the USA/GB alliance even if the fallout was less than they perceived it to be

    The word "Nuclear" scares the ****** out of me

    Mulan - A sad story and one that is repeated so many time over. Such is the power of media propaganda.

  • ThiChi


    Seems your granddaughter did pretty well for a Child vs Adult. To bad she could not make the come back:

    "But Grandma, think of what the world would have been like if we would have stopped Hitler in Munic? Think of all the Jews and Jehovahs Witnesses whose lives we would have saved! Appeasers seldom win against evil."

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