A tale of three sisters.........

by Tatiana 84 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mulan

    April, thank you for sharing with us. Unfortunately, I think your story is all too common. I am so sorry your life was so different from your half sister's.

    About the Easter egg hunt: My family became witnesses when I was 4, but I have photos taken at my grandparent's house, where all the cousins are holding Easter baskets, full of colored eggs. I remember those egg hunts, running all over grandma's yard, and grandpa's garden, with my cousins and my brother looking under leaves, and how excited we were when we found the eggs. There was one color we had to find, to get a special prize. I found it one year. I must have only been three, but I remember. The prize was a chocolate bunny (small).

    For some reason, that photo always made me so sad, because I realized how much we missed over the years. Shortly after the photo was taken, my grandparents and all but two of the cousin's families were witnesses, and there were no more Easter egg hunts.

    So, I know how you feel about that memory.

  • Seven

    {{{{{{{April}}}}}}} My old cafe friend, there are times when I read experiences here like the one you've just shared that effect me deeply. I can't find the words so a {{{hug}}} will have to do. Welcome back, btw. Love, Seven



    What a touching story! . . .of the pain of the jw life. Thanks for sharing that with everyone here on the forum. It is not easy to look back on an abusive/traumatic childhood. Sharing it with others will help us to heal from the damage that occurred throughout those years, however. I think it is healthy.

    Off the subject: Your picture reminds me sooooooo much of my friend Gail who is still a jw and is now shunning me. She is beautiful, just like you, inside and out. We used to do everything together, when I was jw. I hope one day she will walk away from the jws and git herself a life. She is married to a very abusive man. . .soooo sad.

    I'm glad you have a nice boyfriend now. You deserve to be happy and feel wonderful! . . . Lots of lost time to make up for!!!!



  • Windchaser

    (((((((((((((((April))))))))))))))) My heart and tears are with you. You have many friends here who care about and love you. You are a Sweet Angel who has been surrounded by demons. My mother used to tell me that I was a survivor. We share this in common, April. No matter what happens, we don't lose the important things, when people or cults are taking what seems like everything away from us. The important things that make you, you, can never be taken away. You are loved for who you are.



  • somebody

    (((((((((April and Sister))))))))))))))))

    I'm so very sorry that you had a very painful childhood life. I'm so sorry for what OLD Hippie said to you too. I hope he doesn't have any children, because he probably has no idea what the signs are when a child is crying out for help. And when a person spills her guts as you did, and letting others know that when children go the road you did, it's for a reason!!!

    I'm only guessing that Old hippie has children and they acted out it ways that you did. He probably reacted to his children with heartless sarcasm as he did to you. That is the only reason I can come up with when trying to understand his complete ignoring the REALITY of your life (and that of SO MANY JWs), and responding with a cold comment to you.

    peace to you, April. I hope with all my heart that you and your sister are doing better now.



  • jgnat

    There is nothing so real as a personal story. Tatiana, you have given us all a gift, a picture of your sweet heart. Scully is so right that committing this story to paper - and now for us- is a lot of work. I expect as you get closer to now, the writing will get harder. It did for me. I worked out many of the hurts and wounds of long ago. I have new challenges today. I do not have my life sorted out in to neat packages, labelled and wrapped and stored away. Real life does not resolve itself as easily as a novel.

    Please, I hope, I pray, the raven haired girl is finding her way free of her bitterness. I know Tatiana, that you are coming out all right.

  • SheilaM

    (((((((Tatiana, Raven haired girl and the half sister))))))))

    I am so sorry that is so beyond words I also feel for the half sister that never got to have her two wonderful sisters in her life. I have NO words for your Mother ...just that Dub's destroy

  • Mac


    Thank you for sharing that...my heart goes out to you.

    Hippie: You should be ashamed.


  • SloBoy


    Damn!! girl, keep going and remember what Shawn Colvin said, " I'll always be telling my story".

  • Xandria


    Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. Many here have gone through so much. An even I can relate to what you have written. So you are amoung friends. ( well a majority of friends)

    Old Hippie:

    I know you may of meant well but.. it did not come out right.


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