Let's show pics when we were teens, or younger

by LyinEyes 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • morrisamb

    I'm not computer literate...I have to rely on my master..I mean webmaster, Maurice ...he put together a gallery of photos on my web site...yeah, photos of my youth...starting here..


  • Michael3000

    OOOH! Wait 'til I get home to my scanner...

  • Stephanus

    Me at friend's wedding when I was 18 (I'm on the right):

    Interestingly, the girl was an ex-Dub who was using the wedding to thumb her nose at her legalistically still-loyal parents... (this is one view, to which I don't entirely subscribe...)

    Edited by - Stephanus on 10 January 2003 1:39:21

  • roybatty

    Technically I was 21 in this pic but I don't have any pictures of me younger then that. You'll have to call my mom if you want one.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    This is me before I got fat. I was 17 and a senior in high school. It's about the only photo of me when I was a teenager that wasn't destroyed. Ah to have a 30 waist again . . . .

  • roybatty
    Ah to have a 30 waist again . . . .

    Amen to that!!

  • Nikita

    Enjoying the new pics uploaded!

    Lyin, yes, Funchback thought he was pretty studdly! I think I still have those jeans but I can't fit into them anymore! Here is one taken prior to all of us studying:

    Funchback is on the left with our beautiful Mom.

  • cruzanheart

    Okay, ladies, now you see why I fell hard for Big Tex! I met him about a year after this photo was taken. Woo-woo!


  • Mulan

    I am the blonde on the right, age bout 6. The other girl is my cousin, Sharon, who was about 10.

    Edited by - mulan on 14 January 2003 11:59:9

  • Pleasuredome

    me when i was sweet 17. i hate the hair though. shouldnt have let my sis style it!

    Edited by - pleasuredome on 17 January 2003 18:40:25

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