Let's show pics when we were teens, or younger

by LyinEyes 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Well,,,,, I meant that I am sorry things were so bad , what the ex did to you, and you had to go thru it Neo,,,,, I am sure you are better off for it,,,, too bad we have to go thru hell sometimes to find the rainbow thou huh. Glad you are happy.

    Shakita,,,,,,, those are too precious,,,,, the one of you asleep I bet was at the kingdom hall. I have many pics of my kids just like that,,,,,,,,passed the hell out,,,,,, my son said it was the most torturous thing to keep his eyelids open on Sunday mornings,,,,,he hated to see his little brother and sister on pallets on the floor all nice and cozy, with a pillow even. He said he wanted to push them over and lay down too. So did I. Now that would have been a funny site to see,,,, the whole family on the back row,,,,,, sleeping bags on the floor......hehe.

    I ran out of my strike9 space too, so if anyone knows how to get it back.....lol..... i tried deleting some of the photos but I don't think that worked , or I don't know how to fix it.

  • Shakita


    No, this was in my kitchen. This picture is one of my favorites from when I was little. My Dad was the photographer in the house, and I cherish this picture he took of me. I don't have too many memories of when I was this young, but I remember when this picture was taken because I woke up from my nap just when my Dad had taken the picture. He died a alittle over a year ago. I miss him.

    I now am the picture taker in my family, always have been. I love preserving the memories for my kids and their kids.

    If ashitaka lets me, I have some pictures of when he was a baby. Some are real cute.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Nikita

    Here I am (@19-20) with Funchback (@15) and Quincy (@5) and a friend.

    I was fresh out of the JW's-wearing tight jeans, silk shirts, high heels and makeup. The friend pictured has to be credited with helping me gain some self-esteem.

    DeDe, I loved the picture of you & WT!

    Ang, such a cutie!

    Neon, what an awesome story-very touching!

    Mrs. S., awe, what cute pics!


    Edited by - Nikita on 9 January 2003 11:6:15

  • asortafairytale


    Except for one of these pics, I was 14 or younger in all of them.


  • ashitaka


    sure, Go ahead, just no nude ones please

  • Shakita

    OK ashi.........gotta load them up.

    No nudies?........awwwww ......I have some real cute ones.....OK

  • Englishman

    Well, one of us was a teenager here!


  • Shakita

    Ashitaka, sorry it took so long............here they are


    You sure I can't post the nudies?

    Mrs. Shakita

    Edited to add, this one is my favorite:

    Edited by - shakita on 9 January 2003 13:48:27

  • Nikita

    Here's a nice one of Funchback, he was @ 17:

  • xenawarrior

    Wow, great pics!!!

    Dede- that picture of you and Denny is awesome!!!

    Angharad- Dede stole the word from me - Precious!!!

    Neon- great story!!!

    Mrs. Shakita- so adorable- I didn't know you were ashi's mom! Cool!! (psst. post the nude ones)

    Nikita- Love the jeans!! Great pics of you and Funchback

    Englishman- Are you sure you weren't a member of The Who?

    Great pics- Great idea Dede!!!!

    *hides Brumm's cookies from another thread here so he won't find them* shhhhhhhhh, don't tell


    Edited by - xenawarrior on 9 January 2003 13:47:14

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