God has never failed me ...

by CoolBreeze 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mebeme

    Cool Breeze.......... Amen!

  • COMF
    I guess God FAILED to act on their behalf huh?

    WRONG! Reborn, you are speaking badly of God because you just don't grasp the situation. That child CHOSE to be raped by choosing to worship Satan (path of chaos). We know this because something bad happened to it, and something bad happening = you made a choice for Satan.

  • Surreptitious

    I have to agree with at least your third paragraph Reborn. (oops, now it's your fifth)

    But hey Anton, to each his own (said the old lady as she kissed the cow).

  • mebeme

    Emperor Class........Whoa.....thats just twisted......that child was hurt because the rapist chose not the child. Therapy for you maybe?

  • Surreptitious

    That was COMF's point! The child did NOT choose! Yet bad happened to it anyway.

  • COMF

    Thank you, mebeme. The post was tongue in cheek.

  • SloBoy


    Welcome to the board. I think if you go back and re-read COMF's post, you'll see it was a fecitious perspective. Anyway, keep coming back!

  • mebeme

    ohhhhhhh.......not paying close attention.....(red faced) I stand corrected ...so sorry charlie...I mean uh sorry people I'de like to take advantage of the newbie chat ......room for foot in mouth break...ever so grateful

  • mebeme

    Hubby needs the puter......Civilization game......Rule the world kind of stuff......It's been fun


  • Robdar

    I think that many on this thread are misunderstanding what Cool Breeze is saying. What has God got to do with death? He allows it, big deal. Because of our death, others are given a chance to experience life. The Earth has limited space, after all.

    Just because we die, and sometimes horribly, does not mean that God fails us. Usually a horrible death is caused by another human or disease. Stop blaming God for death. We die.

    And, what if God does hold the keys to immortality? (It could happen.) Then he would have no need to fear death or worry about us when we die, knowing that we will live again. What if, (stay with me now) death is just a passage to a better level of existence? It could happen.

    I am not saying that I will go to my death willingly. I enjoy my life. But I don't see the point in whining about it when there is no escaping from it.

    Of course giving God the benefit of having a plan is just too difficult I guess. BTW, I am not certain that God does have a plan, but I am willing to keep an open mind....

    Could it be that life, no matter how short, is such a true gift that God is willing to give it to us even though we may not appreciate it and blame him bitterly when we realize that is isn't forever?

    I really get sick of hearing our sufferings for fearing death laid at God's door.

    Now, having said all that....anybody want a cuppa tea?

    Edited by - robdar on 7 December 2002 16:12:51

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