Reality check: World less happy about America

by Pathofthorns 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • Iwasyoungonce

    Ya sure..

    When I deal with those who put America down or our current President as they will never change...

    "I guess the only solution is to vote for Gore." That is what they want to hear.

    Think of where the world would be if the USA did mind it's own business. Europe has no right to bitch. You guys owe us big time.

    I really am becoming "The Angry American" (Toby Keith) and I will expain why a little later on my own thread.

    The UN is in agreement with the current policy and France wants the Oil rights; Russia wants assurance of Debt payments and continued sale of their own oil. Both are not unreasonable concerns BTW.

    I love hearing people from the Middle East or where ever wanting to get into this country for jobs and education or just the hell out of the craphole they were born into, all the while running their mouth about how bad it sucks over here. Can you say hippojerkocrite?

    (Ed 4 SP)

    Edited by - Iwasyoungonce on 5 December 2002 14:13:23

    Edited by - Iwasyoungonce on 5 December 2002 16:51:47

  • Blueblades

    Bottom Line:Hindsight, After everything has been said and done.Viewpoints,advice, popularity,opinions,asking permission,lessons of history,geopolitics,oil,money,special interest groups,religion,and you can add to the list.When it becomes personal,when it hits home,when you and yours are in harms way.Are we so cool and aloof .Do we have our emotions ,nervous system, thinking ability,our beating heart,our minds collectively responding "Lets see now ,if I do this or that ,what about how they might think etc."NO! Self -Preservation instinctively takes control.Don't we all do our best to try and prepare the best for our own.It's only natural,like, if you try to harm the child of a mother, she will do whatever it takes to protect that child.So,bottom line,I can't wait for it to become personal again,when it hits home again,when you and yours are in harms way again.No!Some " outcries "come to my mind,"Remember the Alamo!" "Let My People Go!"Never Again!' or The Finality of the final CRY of MARTIN L. KING, "Free at Last","Free at Last", "Thank God Almighty ,I'm Free At Last!" and many ,many others that you can add to the outcries of humanity,including the silent cries of many not heard.So, while an interchange of discussions serves it's purpose. One does not have to be an intellectual giant in all fields of endeavor to understand a very basic human need for all of us .Freedom! Safety! Protection! ( add whatever else comes to mind)From being put in harm's way.Whether it's a mother protecting her child, or, a man protecting his home and family, a nation protecting it's own.This I say from the hindsight of history!Blueblades

  • Realist

    i think you grossly underestimate the US government...they are not morons...
    the don't do anything without order and approval of the different lobbies. 
    they give a shit about human rights and certainly don't do anything because they 
    want to bring freedom to the world.
  • Kenneson

    I'm certainly in favor of getting rid of Iraq's nuclear weapons, if they exist. And it would be hoped that all the nations in the U.N. would follow suit and get rid of theirs too!

  • Crazy151drinker

    Why? So we can go back to conventional wars????

  • freeman


    I like you handle, it fits you well. You are of course correct when you say:

    i think you grossly underestimate the US government...they are not morons...
    the don't do anything without order and approval of the different lobbies. 
    they give a shit about human rights and certainly don't do anything because they 
    want to bring freedom to the world.
    No they are not morons, not by a long shot and indeed they 
    do care about  human rights, and no its not just about oil
    as some so simplicity believe. Oil is only one factor. 
    If we were greedy for oil, what would it take to take over
    Kuwait? Like maybe an afternoon perhaps? And what do you think 
    it would take to take over Saudi Arabia, like about a day 
    to level the palaces perhaps? No the US government wants free 
    flowing oil at market prices and not in the hands of a nutcase
    like Bushs friend in Iraq. 
    I love it when I hear people call Bush a moron, it means he 
    has successfully fooled yet another one. Did it ever occur to 
    these same people that the moron is the most educated person 
    to ever occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and that this jerk holds
     an MBA from Harvard and also degrees from Yale? Could you get
     into Harvard or Yale with your SAT AP scores? Think money or
     who your daddy is will get you in? Think again, it doesnt
     work like that at these institutions. Do you know what the
     Laffer curve is? Ill bet GW knows, and thats why cutting
     taxes to increase revenue overall makes sense, again 
    confounding his detractors, but then most of his detractors 
    are not self made millionaires, are they?  
    That said however, lets get one thing straight, GW Bush is a
    cowboy in the true sense of the word. Is that a bad thing?
    Maybe, maybe not. He says what he means and he does what he 
    says. He is very simple that way, he also mangles the English
    language like few others can, but when push comes to shove, 
    he will kick ass. Some will not like that, others will 
    applaud it. Again Im not offering overt praise or ridicule
    of our government or its leaders, just what I believe to be a
    balanced and realistic viewpoint based on what I know.
  • Pathofthorns

    I think the bottom line of this world poll is that the world loves American culture, their movies etc and they like individual Americans. The basic message is what it has been for a long time - their foreign policy is distasteful.

    If action on the world scene is necessary, then America must do a better job of justifying their actions and explaining their position in a more convincing way. They need to be a team player that respects the world community. Sure we can say "who cares what the world thinks, we are right and so what". But, on the world scene it is very important what others think of you sometimes and you might slide by looking badly on an issue or two, but eventually it will catch up. After all, perception of a country and their perceived position on certain issues is what leads terrorists to choose certain targets to deliver their political messages with maximum force.

    It is not about choosing sides between Bush or Sadaam but about respecting the ENTIRE world and trying to understand and appreciate different cultures and any action that needs to be taken must be approached with more understanding instead of ignorance.

    Of course, in the end it remains up to American leaders, and the public that votes them in, to decide whether they actually will take into consideration what is revealed by polls like this. Americans can blow all they want about freedom and how great America is, but just how well will a country sleep when their men are constantly at war and their people live in fear?


  • larc

    I agree with freeman. George W. is no dummy. Plus, he has the kind of education that is needed in the White House, a Harvard MBA. I am tired of presidents who were attorneys. They don't have the sense to run the governement, nor the practical wherewithall to select a cabinet. Greorge W. had the common sense born of an MBA to select people based on talent not on the basis of political favors. Now, as far as oil interests, etc go, I am happy that our oil industry and our other business interests are protected. It makes my life as a consumer a whole hell of a lot better. So let business get better and stronger, so I can enjoy the fruits of their labor. Yes, I am happy to buy better products at lower prices. It is the American way, and I happy to be a part of the system we call America.

  • bigboi

    Like it or not someone has to be a force on the world stage today. There are many dangers that could threaten the stability of world much smaller than what it was even ten yrs ago. The pro-active stance taken by America may well be distasteful to a world full of sovreign nations having their almost everyday affairs influenced by one country. Yet, in these times it is dangerous for any developed, modernized country to sit on it's laurels and think that troublesome situations in the world can be ignored or thought of as far away. We simply cannot afford to do that. The power, security, peace and prestige we enjoy depends on the stability of the world community. That can extend to the third world in due time if we take care of the situations that at present threaten to destabilize the entire world community. With issues like nuclear proliferation, terrorism and the like we need a strong power that is willing to stand up and lead a world effort to deal with these appropiately.

    In doing this we also have to realize that the best interests of all have to be taken into account, while at the same time reconciling that with the old addage that you can't please everybody all of the time. What is best imo, is a world as reasonably free of terror and tyrannical regimes as is humanly possibly.

  • Iwasyoungonce

    Toby Keith sings it best. "Red White And Blue."

    Crazy151drinker says volumes with his I.D.G.A.S. Category. And I add to those who think that America "blows" can be in my shut the hell up category. (Soon to be) Bageddad will be much better off with SAdam removed from this world. (Or office, whatever)

    To bad as we entered W.W.II we did not take a poll as to what Nazi Germany thought of us going to war with them. Islamic rule fears the truth. (they are CRAP) But so many seem to think that they are just another world government. No better than anyone else. Yep and the Jehovah Witnesses are "just" another Christian Religion. And if any government takes any action against them ever then they are unjustly being persecuted. They never hurt anyone just like SAdamed. He was legally elected to office by the people of Iraq. 100% of the votes were to him. Therefore he must be legit and America only sees a small oil source to exploit. That's it.

    Islamic rule that support terrorists and all terrorists should be afraid. They wanted attention. Now they have it. I think that the free world has ignored the garbage world for too long. Now it is time to kick some ass and not play games. This has been going on for over a decade lets get it over. Then turn to Bono's plan because his way will work. "Clean drinking water for all." (For a start)

    Crazy151drinker- Daisy Cutters are rather effective with zero fallout.

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