Donkey's never-ending atheism thread

by donkey 189 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unclebruce

    Hey Focus length,

    thanks for the link to dejavu oh luminary of the damned .. my welcomes worn to nought here so with any luck i'll be avoid'n ya over there soon. (i bin mean'n to ask you for a link but i get all overcome with the shyness) anyway ..back to yelling again ..

    Have a very pagan christmas ya bloody great bear puncha!

    unclebruce who could do with some dejavu about now.

    ps: just read a great (and only slightly creepy book) called Uriels Machine. It explores the understanding the ancients had of astronomy through places like Newgrange in Ireland and the "book of Enoch". I know one risks being labled an idiot for admitting to reading such things but what the heck, a guy as sharp as you could get himself worse xmas presents

  • Focus

    God's pure language related to donkey's dangley dongles and steed's showery sprays have been circumcised. But do not forget:

    Psalms 12:6
    The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

    Psalms 19:8
    The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.

    Psalms 119:140
    Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.

    Proverbs 30:5
    Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

    So, celebrate the Pure Language of the Lord!

    Yes, I noticed some of the Mediocre Class saying you were not you. I hereby certify you are you.
    A Merry Crittermas to you too!
    And you are very welcome over here. Where is "there"?

    (Pro-ejaculation Class)

  • unclebruce

    Yes Focus, .. last time I checked I was still me, though how can a bloke tell? (i'd ask zerubberballs but he's been ejaculated by simone) LOL

    By the way - this is a very funny thread (funny/humor-us that is ;)

    I'll cat-chew up in the New Year .. Focus Claws. May the ghosts of the patriaches not infest your stock'n (trade)



    Hey how do you folks cross stuff out like that? [line-through-this-crap]unclebruce[/line-through-this-crap] .. nup that didn't work :(

  • meadow77





  • SixofNine



  • Farkel


    : In a perfect world everyone would be as intelligent as you.

    Ad hominem. Irrelevant.

    : Just wondering, does calling someone an idiot make you feel more intelligent?

    Red herring. Irrelevant.

    You have much to learn about me and logic. Until then you ARE an idiot and until then your comments are irrelevant.. Live and learn, or test the waters and get slaughtered. Your choice.

    I'll take you on in a real argument anytime, and anyplace. Until then, learn some basics and stop acting like you know what you don't know in public, ok?

    If you want to debate me, you'd better know what you are talking about. Otherwise, I'm your worst nightmare, because I KNOW what I'm talking about.

    Bet on it.


    Edited by - Farkel on 1 December 2002 23:20:23

  • larc

    Dang Farkel, I would like to go 12 rounds in the ring with you. The only problem is that I agree with you too much of the time. I guess that is because great minds, etc, etc.

  • SYN
    It must be stopped, sqaushed, squished, chewed up, spit out and swallowed like an african.

    Six, how would you do that? Some Africans can be rather large, and difficult to swallow. Take me for instance, I weigh 65 kilograms. You'd have to take a couple of bites at least.

  • donkey

    The Fig Tree Enigma

    The next day..., Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." ... In the morning..., they saw the fig tree withered from the roots. Peter ... said to Jesus, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree ... has withered!"
    -- Mark 11:12-14, 20-21 (NIV)

    Points to remember

    • Jesus was hungry.
    • He looked for figs on a tree.
    • But it was not fig season.

    Questions to ponder

    If it wasn't fig season, why would even a moron look for figs?

    Is killing a tree for not bearing fruit out of season a reasonable response by any standard?

    Matthew 21:18-21 (written after and based upon Mark) says it withered at once. Mark says they saw it the next day and then marveled. Something's terribly wrong, here. Was Matthew possibly dissatisfied with a Jesus who'd take an entire day to wither a damned fig tree?
    -- from a commentary by Cliff Walker

  • WildHorses

    I have to save money so I can go visit Doug. Sometimes fathers need to be knocked up side the head too. LOL

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