You Tube Video Ex-Betheliite Ex-Walkill Worker Layed Off!

by cha ching 116 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cha ching
    cha ching
    "Keep warm, well fed..... "
  • oppostate

    The poor guys says "Satan takes better care of his people in Christendom?" and "It's below secular standards" how they treat their workers. They started boxing up his stuff and leaving it with his car, that's it "see ya!" He wonders how a person without a car would fair, being let go from a job, room and board and left homeless.

    Yup, as Oubliette like to remind us: "It's a cult!"

  • Bonsai
    Gives me shudders just to think of how close and how much I wanted to go to Bethel when I was young. Thank goodness they picked my friend (with the inside connections) instead of me.
  • Londo111
  • Fisherman
    Something is not Kosher here. When they ask someone to leave, it is probably because of something they found wrong with the person that they have asked to leave. If the person did nothing wrong then the person would not to be kicked out like that sort of speak. He would be told to continue FTS or something like that. Either the vid is phony or he probably got kicked out for a number of reasons. Not obeying the rules is one reason.

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  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Maybe he broke a rule - or maybe somebody SAID he broke a rule.


  • sparrowdown

    Why doesn't he file for unfair dismissal?

    Oh that's right, there is no such thing in Jehovah's organization.

  • JakeM2012

    Yes, that is pitiful. So they worked him all day, and before dinner, they had brothers from the moving department come and escort him out to his car. That's pretty cold blooded.

    Not that any job is permanent, But, this is a volunteer that has given over four years of his life away, and they couldn't let him have dinner or better yet, stay for breakfast and give him the whole day for traveling? And no going away party? Well if you don't celebrate birthdays, why would you have a going away party, like you would show some appreciation for someone giving four years of their lives to you for practically nothing.

    Hate to say it, but it brings back bitter memories of my "Bethel" Service.

    The only good thing that I see is that they didn't wait until he was 65 years old to throw him on the street.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    And charging him for his meal??? As if WT had to pay for it themselves ! They get CASH donations, money willed to them! Even a convict gets one last meal, right?

    PS Thx Londo, I was hoping for more vids from him.

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