Is Watchtower imploding? 10 reasons why the end could be nigh

by WildeLover 63 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JWdaughter
    I think there is enough money for the elite to hold on. The shakers have about 3 members left and hundreds of thousands in property and assets at least (they use it for educational purposes outside mostly). But the movement is dead. I'd rather a few jerks kept the assets and the movement just petered out from pure boredom.
  • Crazyguy
    I have never met a more deluded, delusional, brainwashed, ignorant , loyal, group of people then the Jehovah's witnesses. Their ability to think has been stolen from them, seeing how they react when I share some knowledge with them that doesn't go along with their world view, via their indoctrination, only confirms this to me. Its very unfortunate that they will continue to have members for years to come. One can only hope that with all the changes they are making they become less relevant in the lives of their members and their members can have some sort of a life and taste just a little bit of reality before they die.
  • pepperheart
    Also its not just a shortage of money but also how many young people there are in the borg because if you have a KH just full of people in their 60 70 and 80s it very quickly becomes like gods waiting room
  • elderINewton

    The one main item that people seem to miss is the pension influence within the WT walls. One can't help but notice how many CO's and other full time (aka paid by WT) servants are retiring. This in turn is causing a "pension" crisis within the organization. In truth if you made me guess, its probably a growing burden that they did not plan on paying.

    I could not help but notice that that organization has this new burden that is having an impact on a larger scale than most realize. But it also hides some hidden assets that very few know about, that being the various CO and older DO homes that were purchased by circuits (and the members not the org) which there is now an attempt to bring under the WT fold. These assets are in turn being used by some retired CO's and DO's effectively becoming retirement homes. Still its a financial drain.

    If there is also a financial drain then then there is likely needs to further cost cut, and also bring in much younger members to bethel to ensure a good turnover so that when someone hits 30ish they can be asked to leave without a future pension cost/expense.

    Demographics and spending are always tied together. The real question is how much of the millions spent each year are for these retiree costs? Just another reason that that many miss with the $$$

  • JakeM2012

    Sir Elder Newton, you do realize that the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society does not pay retirement to anyone?

  • sparrowdown
    The Watertower Tire and Tractor Society might have a retirement plan though.
  • Vidiot

    sparrowdown - "To the Contrary of Wishful Thinking..The WBT$ is Alive and Well....And.....Will probably 'Out Live' us all.."

    Some of us need to hold on to that hope, though, I think.

    (And no, the irony of that statement is not lost on me.)

  • umbertoecho

    The one main item that people seem to miss is the pension influence within the WT walls. One can't help but notice how many CO's and other full time (aka paid by WT) servants are retiring. This in turn is causing a "pension" crisis within the organization. In truth if you made me guess, its probably a growing burden that they did not plan on paying.


    I would like to know more about the "pension" that you speak of. If you don't mind leading me to some source or simply laying it out for me. You see, it is never, ever mentioned here in Australia. Nothing is said. Why is that that? Last year I discovered that a property not far from me had been gifted to the society. It is three units, used for when various COs or whatever are here.

    The elders wife looked embarrassed when she told me this as we stood looking at this property. I wondered ...."who missed out in that family?" Now I have discovered pensions.

  • Vidiot

    Oops, correction... the quote in my previous post was from Outlaw.

    Sorry, guys; my bad.

  • Crazyguy
    I believe Co's and DOs after retiring get a monthly stipend. Could be wrong but thought I heard that somewhere.

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