Christmas Aint Jesus's Birthday

by comforter 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shakita

    Dear "the nameless one":

    Celebrated Christmas before becoming a JW. I have very fond memories of Christmas' past. I plan to celebrate this year. In my case, I will be not be celebrating the birth of Jesus on this day. But, instead, I will be celebrating the return to my sanity. I will be celebrating the day for what it is.....just another day on the calendar that people have decided to take a day off of work, and rejoice in the love of family and friends.

    As far as mixing light with darkness, paganism, blah, blah, blah.......In my research, has information regarding paganism beliefs that we all share in in today's society. You would have to remove yourself from society to stop sharing in all pagan origins. Have a nice day.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • SixofNine

    So basically, you have a natural born "scrooge" type outlook, and none of this really has anything to do with proper respect for God?

  • comforter


    a christians can observe a day like sabbath that they want to. they shouldnt attribute religious importance to it though. these celebrations are for weak believers.


    some jews ate vegetables instead of eating meats offered to idols or unclean animals. those were vegetarian jews in first century.


    who said ah from south. maybee I a yankee. LOL.

    the nameless one

  • LB

    Well Comforter it isn't Christ's birthday and you aren't Christ. I'd let him do the judging if I were you.

  • comforter


    no it aint just about being stingy. i just have problem with following man made customs like christmas that are pagan in origin.


    it not just about something being pagan. christmas is based on pagan religious worship day. it appropriates many practices of pagandom. there a difference between following a pagan calendar and having a festival to Jehovah and bowing to a golden calf.


    christ can judge. i aint no judge. the nameless one jest want people to think about what they do and not be uncritical sheep. Jesus warned about man made traditions.

    the nameless one

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    The Watchtower says Christ was likely born about October 2, so why ignore counting back 9 months for normal conception or genetic-level birth means he was born in late December? Why insist Christmas is from the pagan Saturnalia when John 10:22-3 says Christ also celebrated the Festival of Dedication or Lights, more often called Hannukah, which first began December 25 but has varied since because lunar-based? Job 1:3, 3:1-3 show Job's kids celebrated birthdays if you read all 3 verses to see day of birth is meant. At Luke 2 angels themselves celebrated Christ's birth. Santa is from Saint Nicholas, an actual red-robed Christian gift-giving elder of the Middle Ages, not a wizard or pagan god. The word Easter may as easily be from the Anglo-Saxon word eastern (Christianity came from East of England) as from the goddess Eastre, the eggs as likely from the Jewish passover egg as from paganry, common sense saying early Christians more likely
    using eggs and rabbits to symbolize the hope for new life by resurrection than as vesiges of pagan fertility or sex rites! Halloween came from All Hallows (Holy Ones/Saints) Evening when parents had children dress as saints to encourage them to be good, the normally harmless pranks coming from Ireland where maybe or maybe not taken from pagans even as wedding rings, names of days, months, some Christian names in the Bible like Apollos and Jason also came from pagans. Why does Watchtower call compromises holidays that attacked and replaced paganisms especially since Colossians 2:16 says let none judge you about a holiday or Sabbaths? Watchtower calls a cross a repugnant murder weapon but Paul said boast in it as a symbol of resurrection over death. (Ga 6:14, 1Cor 1:17-18) They say it was a stake but human remains and inscriptions show archaeologists the stauros was a cross not stake, Dr F Zugibe's research shows suffocation would be in minutes if on a stake but in hours if on outstretched cross per Luke 23:44 and Matthew 27:45-6, and the word stauros can mean not just stake but cross.

  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    As a very happy Pagan I say HOORAY FOR CELEBRATION AND LOVE!

    And fyi Christmas is great and I use it to celebrate a great guy named Jesus... I use the Solstice to celebrate my naughty Pagan stuff.

    'the nameless one" is a killjoy, dried up doofus." :)Go play with the other little drones in the hive.


  • NeonMadman

    Paul did not have christmas in mind. he didnt know what it was. The context is about the relationship between jews and gentiles. why you think Romans 14:1, 2 say about eating vegetables or not eating them? Paul talking about jewry.

    Where? Where does the context say that? Show me the specific verses that demonstrate that the context is talking about the relationship between Jews and Gentiles. You can't because they aren't there, and that's not what Paul was writing about at all. You know, comforter, it's easy to claim that the context shows this or that. But outside the Watchtower walls, you have to show people the actual verses.

    I didn't say that Paul had Christmas in mind. But the principle he stated applies as well to Christmas as to any other day that some people might choose to celebrate out of reverence to the Lord.

    As Yeru pointed out above, vegetarianism was not a part of the Jewish Law. The fact that Paul mentions it in the same context as celebrating days proves conclusively that he was not restricting his discussion to matters of the Law; he was stating general principles that would apply in all contexts.


    a christians can observe a day like sabbath that they want to. they shouldnt attribute religious importance to it though. these celebrations are for weak believers.

    Now you're just being flat-out dishonest. You know as well as I do what would happen if a JW today decided to celebrate the Sabbath or the Jewish feasts. He would quickly be disfellowshipped as a Judaizer and an apostate. He certainly wouldn't be tolerated as a "weak believer".

    Edited by - NeonMadman on 11 October 2002 11:16:49

  • AjaxMan

    christ can judge. i aint no judge. the nameless one jest want people to think about what they do and not be uncritical sheep. Jesus warned about man made traditions.

    Once again, cum-farter, oops..., I mean the "Shameless One" is at work: Being a condescending jerk, but so are all the drones he hangs out with at the Kingdom Hall.

  • Silverleaf

    Comforter, aka 'the nameless one'

    May I suggest you change your name to an unpronounceable symbol? That will make it much easier for the rest of us.

    just a suggestion,


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