Apathy trollies in my city.

by punkofnice 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tim3l0rd

    I'm to receive "training" to have the "privilege" of manning one of these carts soon. What a joke! I'm only looking forward to it because it is way easier and will pain my conscience less than knocking on doors. At least while I'm still stuck-in, it'll make my service a little easier.

    The strange thing is that, at least in my area, it seems that each person/group is only allowed to man the cart for an hour at a time. I don't know if it's local ordinance, direction from the branch, or something that the local BOE decided. Maybe when I get the training I'll be enlightened.

  • punkofnice
    Timelord - Man the apathy trolley for an hour only? I wonder if that's just your local bullies bullying the publishers with that or if it's a WBT$ law from the holy, holy, holy Governing Body?
  • Vidiot

    It didn't attract potential converts when the "Plain Truth" folks did it, and it ain't doin' it now.

    Although, a case could be made that it's not actually about attracting converts, but is instead about keeping the rank-and-file (semi-)busy.

  • The_Doctor10

    There was a cart outside a local courthouse, thought it seemed fitting as the WTS will be at many courts fighting Child Abuse cases.

    As a side note, the two sisters sitting this particular cart were of the plumper variety, probably should be the ones out walking door to door to shed some weight and get healthy, but nope just sitting there racking up easy hours. I guess they don't take care of themselves because, hey, why get healthy in this system, they can be skinny in the new system lol

  • Vidiot

    @ Doctor10...

    I think it'd be a real kick to walk past them and say...

    "Gettin' some easy Field Service time in, huh, ladies? Niiiiiiice."

    ...whilst winking and making the "shooter" gesture with both hands...

  • punkofnice

    I saw 2 sisters(tm) sitting lugubriously on the bench. Then they stood up. One stood next to the apathy trolly and the other took a photo of her al smiles.

    Dunno what she had to smile about. Being avoided?

  • Vidiot

    punkofnice - "Dunno what she had to smile about."

    I already told you... "easy Field Service time".

  • Phizzy

    I saw my very first Trolley today, it was in a small Market Town, (little more than a large village really).

    It was manned by a guy that I used to do Street Witnessing with years ago, before Street work was "approved", or even hardly mentioned, by the Borg.

    I did not approach the old feller, he is nearly 80 now, and the last time we spoke I destroyed everything he brought up in favour of the "religion", and then he sadly said "But, if it isn't true, what is there left for us ?", meaning him and his dear wife.

    He has severe Diabetes, and has had a couple of Strokes, I judge it is better, kinder, to leave him with his Faith.

    The sad thing is that, as an old hand at such work, he is one of the few who may effectively recruit.

    Even so, I left him to it.

  • Phizzy
    On the Trolley I saw , I could not make out a JW Org Logo, it may have been there ,very small, but is this deliberate ? more subterfuge so that the Public do not quickly recognise the cult ?
  • punkofnice
    On the Trolley I saw , I could not make out a JW Org Logo, it may have been there ,very small, but is this deliberate ? more subterfuge so that the Public do not quickly recognise the cult ?

    That's an interesting question. I wonder if anyone here knows?

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