My Issue: How To Step Down As A MS Without Getting Noticed

by JW_Rogue 67 Replies latest jw experiences

  • done4good

    No clean way. Some are more of a "soft landing" than others, (such as Cappytan and _Morpheus mention), but all of those methods involve at least some playing of the game. Thank god I was not an MS at the time I left, as I could not stomach the charade.

    An alternative to that level of charade is to just miss some assignments, stop FS, and miss more meetings than usual. This will draw attention, but not so much along the lines of them suspecting you knowing TTATT. Rather, they will be pressured to remove you, since their own rules require you participate in FS, attendance, and are reliable of handling assignments. Yes, they will try to do everything possible to prevent that, but eventually they will have no choice than to force you to step down. MS/Elders that don't know TTATT do this all the time.


  • JW_Rogue
    Maybe you guys are right at some point I'll probably have to bite the bullet.
  • JW_Rogue
    My wife's first language isn't English so maybe just plant the idea of moving to a foreign language congregation with her to learn the language. While I'm learning (which can take a long time) I won't be able to be a MS, FS will be a cursory presentation at best and I'll be able to miss meetings because they aren't in my language anyway.
  • DesirousOfChange

    My wife's first language isn't English so maybe just plant the idea of moving to a foreign language congregation with her to learn the language. While I'm learning (which can take a long time) I won't be able to be a MS, FS will be a cursory presentation at best and I'll be able to miss meetings because they aren't in my language anyway.

    I think you just started your plan.

    A big issue will be where your wife is about TTATT. Will she play her part or do you have to "fool" her too?


  • sillygirlforgotpassword

    Really like the anxiety attack plan. If I were in I'd use it : Thanks guys ;)

    foreign language due to wife needs is a good idea too. It should work in ur favour ;!

  • JW_Rogue
    My wife is very much in although she complains about the Elders and cliques in the congregation she always comes back to the same point. This is the truth and weren't not here for people but for Jehovah. She couldn't watch the whole May Broadcast though because she said "I get it, we should give more" and walked out. Later though she actually did give more as a one time thing. So not sure what that says about where she is at.
  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    Being depressed worked for me.

  • Crazyguy
    Just tell them that every where you look you see dead people.
  • steve2

    Falling under a bus works for some...but you need to be strategic; harmed enough to make it clear you need a long hospitalization and an even longer recuperation at home, preferably without nosy visitors. But try not to get yourself killed in the process...because that would be, um, ...overkill.

  • JW_Rogue
    Maybe I'll become anointed then they'll question my sanity for sure. LOL

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