How Good and Pleasant It Is . . .

by comforter 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    Ummm, so comforter. Is there a reason that you are attempting to start another flame war? I don't really think you're a bigot and calling a black person colored is bigoted these days.

    I'll be you wouldn't call this young lady anything other than what she wanted you to call her.


  • comforter


    good to know you down. comforter has plenty of colored friends too. but he aint got no phd. i would send you a 20 dollar bill. but i is a window washer who be broke at the moment. got a 20 to spare?


  • comforter


    who is that young lady in the picture? she look good. but comforter not sure who she is. the word colored is not a bad word in our town. some colored people told me they like being called colored. i aint no bigot. God aint no respector of persons. he made us all and jesus died for everybody. i just dont see what so wrong with saying colored.


  • StinkyPantz

    Don't worry about it Comforter, if you think it's okay then it must be, right?

  • LB

    i just dont see what so wrong with saying colored.
    Well this is great then. A sort of give and take. You can teach us and we can teach you too. This is wonderful.

    Well, perhaps I can lead you to a path filled with knowledge. Take a little trip to a colored part of town, perhaps to a blues club and use the word colored a few times. Tell them how you appreciate fine colored folk. I'm sure they'll better be able to explain to you the meaning behind colored than I can. After all, if you want to know the bible you study with someone well versed in the bible. If you want to know about coloreds, well, you know where to go.

    Enjoy your culture study.

  • comforter

    no that dont make it right, stinky. comforter like to learn different perspectives. he has trouble understanding something he never been through. comforter never had to go through slavery or jim crow laws. and he aint never been called the N word. but to use colored seem alright to him. no offense, stinky.


  • comforter


    this is off topic but i talked to some colored friends that told me i better call them colored and not black. you ever been down south usa?


  • StinkyPantz

    I've never been through slavery or Jim Crows laws either. . so what's your point?

    Anyway, I knew you didn't mean offense, I realize that you are ignorant so it's no big deal.

  • larc

    LB, wow! what a woman. Comforter, well you got black friends. Well, as I said, I have them in my family. Both of my grandchildren are half black and half white, so I do know a bit about the multi-cultural experience. My white daughter sings raggie and Spanish songs. She is a master of accents and learning languages. She is getting a following from her singing. So, our Bible study - will it be at my house or yours?

  • StinkyPantz

    BTW, I do not believe for one second that someone told you that you better call them colored.

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