Don't buy into Ray Franz's stumbling block.

by Bleep 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • one

    One more thing about selling 'literature'.

    Once upon a time a pionner asked permission to give away the magazines whenever he wanted.

    Since it cost him so cheap. Magazine cost was one cent to be sold for five cents.
    (500% profit as my grandmother used to ironically say.)

    Any way, authorization was denied. It would not be a good precedent, people would not appreciate the gift etc etc.

    Then why have a Public Talk, but not charge for the admission or something.?

    The hi profit allowed to the pionner = his pay for being a full time recruiter.

    No charge for public talk = we dont charge for training and conditioning new potential salespeople/recruiters

  • SYN

    Generally I don't buy books, but just to be a better Apostate, I think I will buy a CoC shortly!

    Blep, once you have read CoC, or in fact most other "Apostate" literature, you will feel your grip on reality increasing slowly but surely...and HEY, WTF are you doing in an Ethics class? Why aren't you in Bethel? Momma doesn't want you going to Ethics classes! You just might discover that you have a few firing neurons remaining in that remarkably thick skull of yours! And for God's sake, get a flipping grammer and spellchecker! GEESH! It's hard enough to read through your posts WITHOUT the grammar issues!

    Guess you must have gotten your "education" from all those Asleep! magazines...that explains it then!

    Oh, and if you were to go back and read my post carefully, you would see that I wasn't referring to MYSELF, but to OTHERS on this site, people who know enough about the Tower and it's methods and Bible Based (TM) practises to be able to talk you into a corner, doctrinally speaking. Personally, I'm pretty much a newcomer, but there are people on this site and elsewhere who knows MANY times more about the Deep Things of the Organization than you. It would be good for you to stop shooting your mouth off and go over their research. You might see things which disturb you; you might even have to start thinking for yourself, although it's doubtful whether the facility for critical thought processes continues to survive inside your head. You never know.

    Why can't you at least be an intelligent troll, like YouKnow? Some of his posts are actually entertaining...

    WHY am I responding to this thread? It's just like an itch, the more you scratch it, the more it itches. Hopefully it doesn't result in a haemorrhage (SP?)...

  • Faraon


    1)He is making money off a dumb idea. 2)He was expecting 1975 to be Armageddon. Ignoring Mathew 24:14. 3)The Watchtower Society is run by people but Jehovah provides the idea of free worship and true Bible understanding.

    1- Would you want him not to make money? If he is making money, it proves his book is selling and being recommended to others. he wrote the book to take people from bad ideas.

    2- I recall certain magazine writing for years that the system of things would end with the generation of 1914, which proved to be another shutting of a long chain of lights on, and off. My brainwashed brother even admitted to me to the 1975 fiasco.

    3- I was always curious on this one: How does big j provide ideas? Is it in dreams? Does do lunch with the geriatrics on pampers? Does he vote on the board? Is the gb filled with spirits after drinking alcohol spirits? If J's worship is free, how come they want contributions, and don't let others express their thoughts without being DF, unless the board approves the change? If they have true bible understanding, How come they switch their minds so much?

    20 dollars would be an investment to shut up people who believe in him, just to prove him wrong. Why do you think the TrashTower has not sent its gaggle of lawyers after him?

    A Cult would not let anybody out of the orginization. Many people are disfellowshiped for doing wrong. Ethics and Morals are GOOD. Gothics and Satan worshipers are far worse, make a book about them for once.

    Where did you learn about cults? I bet your only source of information comes from the Witchtower Babble and Trick Corp. They usually disfellowship them. You can check with your local library, you know, the place where you can read books for which you don't have to leave a donation? By the way, you can ask your local librarian to get it for you if you think it is not worth $20 dollars to free you from an organization on which you have spent way more money and time. Hey, think of it as the money you would make at minimum wage by not going to two meetings.

    4)The book costs money and not a donation. How are all of Jehovah's Witnesses going to react when they have to spend hard earned cash for a small publication from a guy that has too much time on his hands?

    Don't leave "donations" after getting your books, and see if you are resupplied. Watchtower uses the equivalent of slave labor, which is the costliest part of producing a book, but they expect you to pay full price on your "donation".

    Fact %5! Ray Franz's book is just another attempt to take the "eyes off the prize". Trying to criticize a good Organization is hard to do. It will only give ExJW's more reason to think that they are right. So they can carry on with doing whatever they want, be it strip poker or dressing up in womens clothing.

    Does the prize have eyes? LOL

    >Trying to criticize a good Organization is hard to do

    Fortunately the WT is not a good organization and therefore easy to criticize

    It will only give ExJW's more reason to think that they are right

    Wrong, It gave me one more reason to know I was right!

    >So they can carry on with doing whatever they want, be it strip poker or dressing up in womens clothing

    Hey, at least strip poker is more fun than going to meetings, and as my experience in the Kingdum hell, I saw over half the congregation dressed in women's clothes.

    Fact # 6 The Bible did foretell the coming of false prophets.

    Then you should really be afraid because they have been prophesizing the end of the world for over a century, saying they speak for Jehovah and claiming there are no germs, aluminum causes illnesses, denying vaccines, transplants, and blood in his name.

    I did correct my quote, it is from some reader in Kansas or West Virgina where there are many gay preasts.

    If they were preasts, could they become full asts?

    One chapter details how the Governing Body decided that certain conduct between husband and wife in bed would be grounds for divorce and disfellowshipping (formal excommunication and shunning).

    Boy, you should sell your services to lawyers defending EXJWs in divorce cases against dubs.

    hope he is aware of the timely information that is brought out to my religion. Being a lost Apostate brings darkness and no knowledge about God. It is sad to think they are 1000 times smarter about Jehovah.

    Jesus apostatized from the Hebrews. Paul apostatized from Jesus, and so on. Can you show me a link with no apostates. Even Abraham's father and relatives worshipped other gods. Which god? It is only your opinion that Jehovah is the only god. To me he is a murdering, cruel, lascivious, impotent, misogynous, shallow, tribal Jewish mythical god.

    Note below that it was SYN's (and my) opinion about knowledge of the disOrganizantion who claims that organized religion comes from Satan, coming from others here. not himself.

    Blep, do you understand exactly who you are going up against on these matters on THIS site? You are faced with some of the most influential people in the XJW world here, who know a thousand times more about the Organization than you could ever dream to know, and yet you constantly deride their experiences and knowledge of the deep things of Jehovah? GOD!!!!!

    My Ethics Teacher hopes that the priests that are twenty three get to experience life before being committing to the priesthood. That way they are less tempted to touch those little boys.

    Funny, I was thinking the same about JWs. They should experience life before, during, and after the organization.

    I hope you learn something in this course. Don't mention it to the elders, though, they hate any mention of philosophy and its branches such as logic and ethics.

    On a personal note, when my 11-year-old daughter saw the Dateline program with me she told me: My mom has asked me 18 times if you have raped me, but never asked the same about the "brothers".

    Nice way to try and distract the viewers attention about the subject of Ray Franz's stumbling block book. Look at the pedo issue! There can be an issue right upstairs from your house. If it is a JW involved it goes on the front page of the paper. If it comes from the gay priests then it is old news.

    You must've really being brainwashed totally not to pay attention to the news. This issue has plagued the RCC for decades. These cases originated 20 or 30 years ago, and still are being pursued. Your dictators must be shitting on their pampers.

    I'm sorry but the pedo issue has nothing to do with a Theocracy. Last time I checked a Dictatorship was man made government.

    Funny, the Taliban and their suicidal squads make the same claim.

    And you go to college? I am turning my degrees. I don't want to be thought of in the same class with you. (nice ad hominem attack). Ask your teachers to assign you a research paper on the ethics of the JW. It's easy, you can get some starting links at the bottom of this page.

    Yet another distraction about a pet being smarter than me. A dictatorship gives people no rights, JW's can come and go as they please last time I checked.

    Sure, they can leave, but their families and friends will be forbidden to talk to them. They can come in after everyone, and leave before the indoctrination ends. This is not come and go as you please.

  • NewWay


    I have to protest your definition that a "non-member" is an "apostate". Please be reasonable and refrain from making sweeping generalisations. Of course there are those members here who by their words have demonstrated that they are 'apostates' according to the Biblical understanding of the word, and in fact many are proud to be called such. However, there are many here who have demonstrated that they have not 'turned aside' from the Christian faith, and therefore are certainly not 'apostates'. The use of this type of word used indiscriminately falls into the "he has a demon" class of retorts. I've tried to set an example of toleration and flexibility to you by treating you with respect, and even in certain cases taking your side where the matter of good manners was an issue - a very important part of my 'culture'. I had hoped that by using the Scriptures to show how those who purport to be Christians should conduct themselves (even amongst opposers), we would have had a mutual set of guidelines in relation to the proper way in which discussion should take place.

    I've tried to judge members' characters by what they say over a period of time, although in some cases I've got a very quick 'gut' reaction about certain members which later proved true. There is one character in particular that I do not engage in conversation because it is evident that to do so would not be productive, and I refuse to give fuel to the fire of his/her 'wicked' words. I expect a lot more from one who claims to be a Christian than from one who does not, and I don't take kindly to those who put themselves in the judgement seat of God - after all, the 'gospel' which Jesus gave his disciples to preach actually means 'good news'. In case we need reminding as to what type of conduct and qualities are required of Christians, we might consider these scriptures:

    "Continue reminding them to be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers, to be ready for every good work, to speak injuriously of no one, not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all men. For even we were once senseless, disobedient, being misled, being slaves to various desires and pleasures, carrying on in badness and envy, abhorrent, hating one another." - Titus 3:1-3 (New World Translation)

    "And if I have the gift of prophesying and am acquainted with all the sacred secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all the faith so as to transplant mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing." - 1 Corinthians 13:2 (NWT)

    Kind regards.

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