JWs Are the Cleanest People on Earth

by comforter 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Christ I can't believe these idiots even need to be told to wipe their own ass.


  • SpiceItUp

    Online guide to trolls....

    I call this one the trinity troll that has literature...lol ( I do say---it does look like its clean...lmao)

  • COMF
    The Society knows what we need. We get food on how to be clean at the proper time.

    Yes, comforter, you got the point. You guys have to be told how to be clean. You are as dirty as everybody else, if not dirtier. You're the same as people everywhere. No difference. "Cleanest people"... time to take off the blinders, friend.


    Hey comforter,do you want to clean something up?......Go clean up the Pediphiles in WBTS..Go for it DipShit!! But you won`t .You don`t have the courage of a Bill Bowen of "SILENT LAMBS "You are an odd creature in no position to give advice...OUTLAW

  • comforter

    You miss the point, comf.

    A few examples of bad hygene does not negate the fact that jws are the cleanest people on earth as a group. We are not perfect. But i would put our record up against any other group's anytime. Worldly people have recognized the cleanliness of jws and just go to bethel. You will see an exemplary example of cleanness at bethel. Because of this unclean world, those of us who came out of the world and its churches do need advice on how to be clean. There are some clean people in the world. But jw group is the cleanest. You ought to have seen how clean our assembly hall was when we left convention this year and last year. It was spotless. All praise goes to Jehovah.


  • comforter


    What does your comments have to do with the thread? I refuse to be sidetracked by your word games. Get a life.


  • minimus

    why don't we just agree with comforter???

  • KistByQpid

    Your "need" for a WT hygiene tutorial is only surpassed by your apparant ignorance regarding logical fallacies. Your so-called rationale is what every junior high school debate student knows as a HASTY GENERALIZATION.


    If I remember correctly,WBTS was caught boinking the Wild Beast(The United Nations).According to WBTS it is a very unscripturall,unclean act they commited with the UNITED NATIONS.I wonder if they wil repent?..LOL...OUTLAW

  • Carmel


    You're probable too young or too asleep to remember, but there was a time during the "cold war" that the Russians claimed to have invented everything. Many of the hoodwinked Russian populace actually believed the communist party line. You seem to have swallowed the JUU line just like the duped prolateriate.


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