Parents under fire for failing to allow lifesaving blood transfusion to terminally ill son

by AndersonsInfo 80 Replies latest watchtower medical


    Outlaw - I think that portraying JW parents as uncaring is unhelpful.....cofty

    Your never ending,Unsolicited Judgmental Opinions get Tiring..

    You may Not be Aware..But..

    There`s 'Freedom of Speech" in the Outside World..And..

    Your not a JW Elder in a WBT$ Kingdom Hall anymore..


    Thanks, OUTLAW. I really needed to laugh. Sometimes I have to laugh not to fall apart.....StrongHaiku

    Yes I know what you mean..

  • Doltologist
    Why am I desperately trying to maintain my composure? Isn't x-tianity about peace and love?
  • cofty

    You have very thin skin for an outlaw.

  • Heaven

    Isn't x-tianity about peace and love?

    Christianity is about the veneer of peace and love. The underlying truth is that if you don't believe as they do, if you do not get reborn as one of them, you risk judgment and eternal torture.

  • Doltologist


    Outlaw - I think that portraying JW parents as uncaring is unhelpful.....cofty

    Cofty, I have read a lot of your posts. I agree with most, if not all, apart from this one. You are a bright guy. You are looking like a real pratt on this occasion. Someone needs to point it out to you.

    The parents care more about their religion than they do about their son's life. When religion interfere's with life, it's time to take religion and the parents out of the equation.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    That image you posted is grotesque, and unfortunately just about spot on.

    When will this madness end?

    JWs and their children are waiting on JeWatchtower to end it.

    PS: A parent who lets this happen, religiously brainwashed or not, has no priority in my mind compared to what's happening to their child here and now. A parent who's unwilling to lay down and die for their child (and, of course, depend on God's mercy for sins hoping for a resurrection!!!) is not worth worrying about.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    What a sad story. I find this odd: The parents are Jehovah's Witnesses. They are on national T.V. with millions viewing; they have an opportunity of a life-time to give a fine 'witness' to their God and all I heard from them was: Something to the effect from the father....'please don't bother me' and from the mother....'no comment'!

    Thank you Barbara for sharing.



    That image you posted is grotesque, and unfortunately just about spot on. ......Marvin Shilmer

    The WBT$ dehumanizes people..

    They`re nothing more than Sacrifices to the WBT$ Beast..

    That`s something that Needs to be Spotlighted and Addressed..


    ........................................The WBT$ Literally Advertises For..

    ...........................JWs TO SACRIFICE THEIR CHILDREN.TO THE WBT$..


    ..A WATCHTOWER SACRIFICE........................................A BAAL SACRIFICE

    ....Image result for Watchtower children..............Image result for Baal sacrifice

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    "Their seven-year-old boy has severe liver disease and doctors have said he will die without a transplant." Strange - when doctors in Brazil say that they can do liver transplants on J.W.'s without blood transfusions.

    Good to hear other medical opinions.

  • cofty
    You are looking like a real pratt on this occasion. Someone needs to point it out to you. - Dolt

    I observed that parents who put their religion before their child are not necessarily uncaring. It is agonising for a JW parent to be in this situation. Do you really think they do it in a carefree manner as Outlaw implied with his "get a shovel" cartoon? How does that make me a pratt exactly?

    The parents care more about their religion than they do about their son's life. - Dolt

    Yes that is what I said...

    "They actually believe eternal life is involved. From that perspective their decision makes sense"

    That doesn't make them callous or uncaring. It means that they actually sincerely believe idiotic superstitions. Wrong beliefs result in wrong actions.

    To make good people to do bad things takes religion.

    When religion interfere's with life, it's time to take religion and the parents out of the equation. - Dolt

    Yes that is also what I said...

    "In the UK it would be very easy for the doctors to get a "ward of court" order. I hope Australia does the same."

    So exactly how exactly does that make me a pratt?

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