It led them to sin. Not the reading itself.
by You Know 104 Replies latest watchtower bible
I think no one's bothered to give a lengthy rebuttal to your theories YouKnow because no one can be arsed. We are tired of it.
I remember once having a discussion with someone who was convinced that the world was flat. He dismissed all of my arguments each and every time, and his rhetoric was eerily similar to yours, YouKnow. He KNEW the world was flat, after all you only had to look out of the window to see how flat it was, and nobody could convince him otherwise. In the end I got bored with him and gave up; he too exulted that no one could provide him with an answer.
Anyway, I will just make a few points on this issue.
The economic and nuclear disasters you talk about are POTENTIAL, not actual. They haven't happened yet, and may not happen. The likelihood of them happening, the odds if you like, are irrelevant. I remember how devastating and unique the millennium bug was going to be, remember how that turned out?
And the speed of demise is relative; the spread of the plague in medieval times was certainly rapid enough for people to be convinced that the end was nigh. In your opinion, how fast do we have to be capable of killing ourselves to get God's stamp of approval? One month? One week? One day? One hour? One minute? One second? Whatever you say, we will be able to do it quicker in a few years time. Why shouldn't God wait until then?
Saying that people have rejected God simply because they do not ascribe to YOUR singular interpretation of events, your unproven speculation, is unchristian. Who the hell do you think you are? What makes you think that your particular world-view is more valid than anyone elses? Why have YOU alone been chosen to get this insight from God?
Prophecies of doom are ten a penny, always have been, always will be. In 30 years time, if you can drag yourself to a computer, you (or your replacement) will be saying how the invention of the new photon bomb by the republic of Scandinavia is a unique indication that means that Armageddon is near. After all, the new bomb can wipe us all out in ten minutes flat, not like those puny old nuclear bombs. For the first time in history Jehovah's prophecy is coming true!
There, I've given flat-earthers and prophets of doom more attention than they really deserve. One day the world MAY end, possibly in our lifetime, who knows? But I bet that if the world ever did end you would be just as surprised as the rest of us.
Edited by - dmouse on 13 June 2002 15:53:5
Geez, what's up with this "bleep" person? Cut & Paste doth not a discussion make.
You Know, as usual, claims no he hears no answers to his nonsense.
Take your fingers out of your fucking ears, Booby, and then you'll hear!
Even with shouting he hears nothing, because hearing, after all, is mostly done in the mind.
Edited by - AlanF on 13 June 2002 16:30:41
Simon, editing is messed up.
My loving family was willing to let my mom die five years ago when she was in the hospital. Until my exJW sister and I got into the face of the stupid ass JW hospital liaison and told him to butt out or else. I then told the doctor to give my mom the blood derivative that she needed to live. My loving brothers and sisters including my step dad were willing to sacrifice her life for your stupid ass religion. She is alive today because I am the least dangerous of my family. Those brain dead idiots were willing to let her die, I was not. They get the benefit of her still being alive, I do not. Now dip shit, tell me who is dangerous to my family?
You have a prerogative to ignore, I have a prerogative to get in your face. You are just like every other pompous JW who condemn those who make the rules but are the first ones to use those rules to protect your destructive religious practices. You are all fakes and cowards. You use and then manipulate laws and rules to benefit yourself like any common criminal.
You say you loath Simon but you run to him for protection if someone decides not to play your game by your rules. Every time you call us morons, idiots, delusional or any other soft porn expletive you are saying that to Simon. You are so wrapped up in yourself and your loathing of exJW's you forget that the one you run to protect your rights is also one of us that you ridicule and condemn. Your sucking up to Simon like you are his best buddy right after you say you loath him is pathetic and twisted.
Don't tell me or anyone else you "can take it." Every time you get nailed and exposed you clam up like the coward that you are and disappear for a while until you need to come back and pad your time slip. You are so incredibly delusional you have lost the ability to feel or react in any manner different from your robotic programed response of indifference.
You are here for one reason and one reason only, to count your time on a time slip. You suck off of other people and spend your day polluting this board with your closed minded one sided bullshit. You are a low life drain on other peoples resources and time. Nothing bothers you as long as you justify in your distorted mind that you are above all reproach in your methods and desires.
Just because you do not use colorful language as I have you think you do not put across a more perverted message. You wish us all dead, simple and emphatic. You couldn't care less who listens to you as long as you can keep your lazy ass at home and count your hours condemning us all. You would be lost without this board. It is the savior to your worthless lazy life. Without this board and those whom you loath you would not be able to keep your phony hours up and appear as the dedicated low life leach that you are. You give the word welfare a whole new meaning. You live off of other peoples time and emotions to satisfy your sick agenda.
You have searched out an underaged girl on this board and picked her as the only one you have ever posted your e-mail address to and asked her to e-mail you. You still have not explained that one Bobby. You got caught playing your little game and you have no answer for it just as you have no answer for those who prove you wrong time and time again.
I have not gone ballistic, I am simply tired of you and your phony whiny little victim persona. You can say what you please to anyone on this board and get away with it and it makes me sick. If we came here and said things like we hope you die and that someone comes into your house and kills you and your loved ones, you would go crazy and scream foul. But, you do it to us every time you post.
You are a pathetic, human leach that lives off those who actually work for a living. The worse part of it is you can care less.
Now, I gave you another ten minutes to write on your time slip Bob, You have accomplished your daily goal once again. Now who are you going to go sponge your dinner off of tonight?
PS: You spelt prerogative wrong you moron. If you are going to try to use big words at least learn how to spell them right.
Edited by - seven006 on 13 June 2002 16:35:56
Edited by - seven006 on 13 June 2002 16:37:41
All of nature and that includes man is governed by natural laws. Every action has a reaction. Yes, there may be global nuclear war which wipes out 3/4 or more of the population. Yes, the financial system may fail. There will be survivors, and I'm not talking about miraculous survivors tucked under a spiritual beings wings. There will survivors of any global collapse and they will rebuild again over the centuries.
Life never stays constant. We look at our amazingly comfortable lives and think doom is upon us if our ATM card doesn't work. Doom is in the eye of the beholder. There are Amazonion Indians who still live in the darkest parts of the jungle. Unless the radiation drifts over them, they won't notice anything other than a distant boom.
I still think the chance of global nuclear winter is remote but possible. Either way, we have no way of preventing it on an individual level.
I keep asking YK the same question. Okay, the end is near, what are we supposed to do about it. Go to the Kingdom Hall? I will answer my own question as I have many times. Since YK is extraordinarily repetitive. I guess I will have to be too.
What do we do if we are on the brink of global collapse?
1. Stay close to our families and loved ones.
2. Follow Christ's example to love our neighbor as ourselves.
3. Take good care of our health.
4. Carpe diem, enjoy the abundance that is life to the fullest we can.
5. Build up our spiritual strength by reflecting on that which is greater than us.
What do we do if we are not on the brink of global collape?
Read the answer to the above.
Scream all you want YK. My path was chosen for me a long time ago as a child. I have the same simple faith I had then
and when I call on it, it serves me well.
awesome post with too many excellent points for me to highlight. bravo.
i hear ya man, ive asked the same question of yk several times. his only answer to me was that i dont care if i die. he loves to spread his predictions of gloom and doom, while offering no real viewpoint other than "i cant wait to dance on all of your graves!". its sick and perverted, yet we are the "disgusting" ones.
Seven, I am with you on this one. You Know is a tragic figure, a man here putting in his time the easy way. A man devoid of feeling for others. Someone who uses mischief to stir up others, just like he did all through his childhood.
It was from the heart. I just get tired of Bob saying we are all buzzard kibble then acting like he is only here to read us bed time stories.
You better watch it, Bobby is going to put you on his "do not respond" list. When he has done that you know for sure that you have gotten under his skin and hit him where it hurts with the truth. Bob hates the truth, it puts annoying little earthquakes in his imaginary world.
You and I have always seen eye to eye when it comes to Bobby. The guy is dangerously sick!