by You Know 104 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dmouse

    Enough frivolity.



    Your original argument was meant to counter the assertion that we are not living in the end times because we have always had wars, famines, disease, earthquakes etc.


    False. When did I say that?

    Yet in his first post at the beginning of this thread YouKnow writes:

    In my many discussions with those who ridicule the idea that we are living in the last days of the present system, they always cite previous wars and periods of famine, just as you correctly point out, as a means of trying to prove that our times are not in any way unique.



    You see, Jesus foretold that a globe encircling calamity would instantly come upon the entire inhabited earth and be so terrifying that men would literally become faint out of fear and would not be able to see anyway out. Has that ever been possible until the recent nuclear age? The answer is absolutely not. If you think so please explain how that could possibly happen. [bold mine]

    Posters have pointed to extinction level events that could happen before the nuclear age, for example asteroid impacts and devastating diseases (ie variations of black death) I would also point out the newly discovered possibility of super volcanoes. These things could easily wipe out civilisation as we know it and result in the 'men becoming faint out of fear' scenario; and, more importantly, THEY COULD HAVE HAPPENED BEFORE THE NUCLEAR AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In a nutshell, YouKnow, YOUR CHALLENGE IS ##@~## ANSWERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, current events are unique, BUT NOT IN THE SENSE THAT YOU WANT THEM TO BE.

    And another thing,

    You describe earthquakes as a red herring and dismiss WW2 as irrelevant.

    I don't want to misunderstand you on this, so can you please clarify this point for me YouKnow, do you or do you not accept the Societys paradigm of a composite sign made up of the classic features of war, famine, pestilence and earthquakes?

    Edited by - dmouse on 14 June 2002 14:15:7

  • Valis

    D...That's why the WT denigrates the UN so much..after WW1 some could make the claim of peace and security, but the end still didn't come. Dam humanity and their cooperating with each other!!! You Knowtice someone never responded to the asteroid events in previous posts as well. In comparison to the universe and natural history , the bible is a very young, if insignificant document to say the least. Where is my light saber?

  • Bleep

    The only way out of this jam would have to come from a higher source.

    If it was up to us >> KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!

    If it was up to Jehovah and we know it will be >> Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy.

  • Mr Bean
    Mr Bean

    I am merely one, of perhaps of a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses, who choose to defend their faith on this board. On the other hand, there are literally hundreds of apostates who make the boast of knowing the truth about the truth. Over the years I have fielded literally hundreds of questions and challenges from countless posters. Yet, now, I respectfully presented a very simple and challenge that not one person has been able to answer in any satisfying way. And, yet, the issue strikes at the very core of the apostasy's criticism of the truth and the very future of everyone living. Surely, there is someone who could put forth a clear and concise answer to the challenge I presented? Obviously, though, none of you have an answer, only bluster. Do you really think truth will not eventually bite the fool who dares to treat it with such contempt? / You Know

    You are full of crap You Know.

    What I have read here on this forum, the truth is quite obvious. WWI and WWII were not signs of time of distress prophesied by Jesus and the Bible. These wars were "normal" escalations of new type of global war but not type of war which would cause people in other countries to faint. We are fast approaching (Or hopefully not!) the real world war, nuclear or even EM war where earthquakes can be created by the newest technologies and now it is apparent that AIDS, Anthrax and many unknown as yet, but, possibly more devastating viruses are were and they are still being created in laboratories of mad scientists.

    We have now a classic catch 22.

    If WWIII is just an obsession of guys like me and millions of others (Trust me, that's fine with me!) than WWI and WWII were not these signs prophesied by the Bible and the WTS is the false prophet.

    If WWIII is the real threat, than the WTS is wrong again. They've started these false alarms in 1875!!! 135 years too early!!!

    And that's the point. In both cases the WTS is cruel, false prophet. Her actions are clearly not directed by Holy Spirit. The WTS is the perfect Satan tool to divert honest people attention form real, important things into unjustified fears of non existent thread of Armageddon.

    They have missed the point!

    I was watching the soccer match last night. against . Insignificant, you may think (Poles gave a good lesson !)

    What has stunned me again. Commentators were trying very hard to properly name players and results were not bad.

    In contrast, the WTS does not even try to use God's name correctly. The WTS has less respect for God than football commentator for the player.

    Have a nice day in... field!

  • Mr Bean
    Mr Bean

    You Know?

    You are still alive or... you've died in WTS prophecied Armageddon?

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