by You Know 104 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • VioletAnai

    Thanx for your perspective YK. Often I've tried to explain the last days....but I'm not very good at self-expression.

    I have a great fear for mankind. We are so cruel to each other. Continent to Continent, it doesn't change. Selfishness, Greed, Violence - just as Jesus said.

    So I don't doubt the bible....it's the men who interpret it, that worry me! After all that's happened in the last few months, I can't put my trust in wtbts, but I know it's happening for a reason.

    I like you, I don't know why people crack a fuss at your posts, afterall it is your opinion and you're not forcing it down their throats...just offering a different viewpoint, just as they are.

    Luv Vi.

  • Englishman


    What the hell does that mean?


  • one

    It is difficult to disassociate the messenger from the message.

    It is also difficult to understand the mentallity of any person who seem happy at the inmediate perspective of seing more than 99% of the human race "blow to pieces", murdered, including his/her own children.

    Regarding their profile, elements present are:

    *is a looser at the personnal level
    they wont have to be challenged after the end of the world

    *historical mental inestability
    worsesing with time or
    obviously triying to hide their inestability

    Look at the messengers and you will find more elements

  • Bleep

    Natural Disasters-A Sign of the Times? From the Watchtower 93 12/1

    "NATION will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress." With these words Jesus Christ explained to his disciples 19 centuries ago that such disastrous events, together with an increase of lawlessness and the worldwide preaching of the good news of God's Kingdom, would introduce a composite sign marking "the conclusion of the system of things."-Matthew 24:3-14.

    In view of that, we must ask, Are we seeing more catastrophic earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, and famines than did generations past? And in spite of advances in science and technology, are proportionately more people suffering as a result?

    To many the answer is yes. For example, the magazine New Scientist warns that "the world can expect more disasters in the 1990s than in past decades." Similarly, in the UN Chronicle of June 1991, the director of the World Meteorological Organization stated: "The trend is quite clear. From the 1960s to the 1980s . . . , there has been a fivefold increase in the frequency of great natural disasters, and a threefold increase in total economic losses." Providing a little perspective on the subject, World Health, the magazine of the UN World Health Organization, observed: "Examples of natural disasters and their devastating effects can be traced throughout history. However, as the 21st century approaches, we face a changing mix of demographic, ecological and technological conditions which make many populations more vulnerable to the impact of both natural and man-made catastrophes."

    Anyone who pays attention to current events is not surprised at such statements. The news media are never short of sensational stories, be it a volcanic eruption in the Philippines, an earthquake in California, a flood in Bangladesh, a famine in Somalia, a hurricane in Hawaii, or a tidal wave in Nicaragua. Hardly a month goes by without a report of a disaster in one corner of the world or another.

    Some people dismiss this as insignificant. They argue that the apparent increase in disasters in our time is merely due to better reporting or to better record keeping. They further argue that more people are suffering from disasters simply because there are more people today. Are these arguments the whole story?

    Note what is said in the New Scientist article quoted above. "There were 523 disasters reported in the 1960s and 767 in the 1970s. By the 1980s, the number had reached 1387." It goes on to explain that "part of the apparent rise during the past decade can be accounted for by the greater openness in reporting disasters in China and the Soviet Union." Then it adds: "Even so, the number is growing." The precipitous rise in the number of disasters cannot be explained away by better reporting or better record keeping alone.

    Further, the UN Chronicle of March 1992 reports: "During the past two decades, some 3 million people have lost their lives and 800 million more have been affected by 'the havoc, hardship and suffering' brought about by natural disaster." This means that about 1 in every 7 persons living on earth has been touched by some kind of disaster or tragedy. That is truly staggering and leaves little room for doubt that ours is an age of upheaval and unrest.

    Since the Bible foretells such a time of great distress, does it mean that God is responsible for the disasters and the suffering resulting from them? Many people think so. But what do the facts show? And more important, what does the Bible show?

  • Bleep

    The Bible's Viewpoint Awake 93 12/1

    Will a Cosmic Disaster Destroy Our World?

    ON March 12, 1998, newspaper headlines, TV screens, and Internet sites around the globe spread the ominous news: "Mile-wide asteroid on course for near-miss with Earth." Scientists and laymen scrambled to assess the actual danger. Astronomers soon concluded that the chance of an impact was zero.

    However, amid the hubbub, a new awareness has emerged. "The most remarkable thing about the false alarm may be that, however scary it was, many people treated it as no huge surprise," said U.S.News & World Report. "The notion that we on Earth should be watching for more such objects-and planning to do something about them-would have been outlandish a decade or more ago, but now scientists and even some politicians think the threat, while slim, is real."

    Some astronomers believe that about 2,000 celestial objects large enough to cause a global catastrophe are hurtling on paths that either intersect earth's orbit or come close to it. Even if a relatively small one of them struck the earth, researchers say, the explosion would be equivalent to the power of many nuclear weapons going off at once. The consequences of such an impact would be catastrophic for our planet and its inhabitants, human and animal alike.

    The one opinion that is often left out of such grim predictions and calculations is that of the Creator of the universe, Jehovah God. (Psalm 8:3; Proverbs 8:27) In the Bible he has clearly made known his will and purpose for the earth and the human race. Will he allow a cosmic disaster to destroy our world?

    A Universe Under Divine Control

    Since Jehovah is the almighty Creator of the universe, it is reasonable to conclude that he has the ability to exercise complete control over the forces that govern celestial bodies. Wise King Solomon said that Jehovah has "solidly fixed the heavens in discernment." (Proverbs 3:19) The prophet Jeremiah declared that God is "the One who by his understanding stretched out the heavens."-Jeremiah 51:15.

    Jehovah has set in motion the laws and forces behind the movements of the heavenly bodies, including stars, planets, comets, and asteroids. (Isaiah 40:26) However, it appears that he allows the stars and planets to go through their natural cycles of metaphoric birth, life, and death without his constant intervention. This includes some terrific collisions of heavenly bodies. One recent example is the July 1994 collision in which fragments of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 slammed into the planet Jupiter.

    There is geologic evidence of large rocks from outer space impacting the earth in prehuman history. But will such an event ever take place on our populated planet? What might happen, for instance, if a mile-wide asteroid collided with the earth? Astronomer Jack Hills predicts that its impact would unleash energy millions of times that of the bomb that leveled Hiroshima. If it hit the ocean, the tidal waves would flood the coastlines. "Where cities stood," Hills says, "there would be only mudflats." The worst scenario predicts the complete annihilation of the human race. How does this doomsday forecast fit in with our Creator's will for the earth? The Bible shows that this planet has a special place in Jehovah's purpose.

    Our Earth-Made for a Purpose

    Regarding our planet, the psalmist states: "The heavens, to Jehovah the heavens belong, but the earth he has given to the sons of men." (Psalm 115:16) Isaiah describes Jehovah as "the Former of the earth . . . , the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited." (Isaiah 45:18) The earth is the inheritance Jehovah has given to mankind. And since our Creator has in mind an eternal future for God-fearing humans, the earth will remain forever as their lasting home. Psalm 104:5 assures us: "[Jehovah] has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever."

    True, God has allowed some great disasters on our planet, resulting in death to large segments of humankind. Some of these catastrophes-such as wars, famines, and epidemics-have in whole or in part been caused by the greed, foolishness, and cruelty of humans. (Ecclesiastes 8:9) Others-such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, and storms-have been caused by natural phenomena not fully understood by mankind. Contrary to God's original purpose, humans are no longer perfect; they are sinful. As a consequence, on an individual basis, we cannot at this time count on divine protection from so-called natural disasters.

    However, in no case has Jehovah permitted man's existence on earth to be seriously threatened. Since the creation of man, confirmed history contains no incident of a natural catastrophe that threatened the existence of all mankind.

    Survival of the Human Race Guaranteed

    From the beginning of human history, our Creator's purpose has been for man to "fill the earth and subdue it." (Genesis 1:28; 9:1) He has promised that "the righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it." (Psalm 37:9, 11, 22, 29) Regarding his promises, Jehovah confirms: "My own counsel will stand, and everything that is my delight I shall do."-Isaiah 46:10; 55:11; Psalm 135:6.

    The Bible does not completely rule out the possibility of a small-scale earthly calamity caused by cosmic phenomena. However, we can rest assured that Jehovah will not allow any cosmic disaster to thwart his stated purpose for the earth and mankind. On the basis of Bible promises, we can be sure that our planet will remain inhabitable forever-yes, it will be the home for humankind to time indefinite!-Ecclesiastes 1:4; 2 Peter 3:13.


    The Flood of Noah's day was a means of divine execution, but Jehovah made sure that some humans and animals survived.-Genesis 6:17-21.

  • Farkel


    Name any crisis that was not in some way unique itself.

    ALL crises are unique, you jackass.


    Edited by - Farkel on 12 June 2002 19:45:19

  • You Know
    You Know

    ALL crises are unique, you jackass.

    Yes, and all snowflakes are unique and so are all people. I explained WHY the present crisis is unique. Is there some aspect of it that you disagree with, or are you just playing out the "what me worry?" Al Neuman moron routine? / You Know

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Here's an hilarious footnote.> http://money.cnn.com/2002/06/12/news/companies/morgan_kits.reut/index.htm

    Yeah, that was hilarious (NOT).

    YOU KNOW/BLEEP.... If you want something that is really hilarious, and you think you can handle it try: http://www.bible.ca/Jw-NWT.htm

    Edited for typos.

    Edited by - Double Edge on 12 June 2002 21:7:57

  • Reborn2002

    Hillary_step -

    While the sound file is embedded into the post, you actually do have a choice as to whether or not you wish to download it or play it.

    When you clicked this thread, and the file download began, you could have clicked CANCEL.

    Secondly, if for some reason you went along with it and downloaded the sound file you were not terribly impressed with anyway, instead of playing it, click the X box at the top right corner of the wav.file, and CLOSE IT.

    Nothing too terribly difficult.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 13 June 2002 0:39:24

  • You Know
    You Know

    For the dozens of apostate JW websites, dozens of books, and literally thousands of posters on forums like this, up to this point there apparently exists no reasonable answer to the challenge I presented here. Have all the ridiculers been silenced and reduced to muttering nonsensical gibberish? It would certainly seem so.

    According to the prophetic script, ridiculers of Christ's presence, and apostates in particular, contend, with numerous variations on the theme, that nothing out of the ordinary is happening that hasn't happened before. That is demonstrably not true. And the fact that no apostate can refute the facts now presented lays bear the entire apostate movement as being based upon a lie and fraud. / You Know

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