I'm living with nausea

by kairos 68 Replies latest members private

  • DJS

    I lived with nausea for a long time time too. Then I finally said 'enough' and divorced her.

    Jake and Kairos,

    You two seem to have a lot in common, including allowing women to neuter you, control you and emasculate you. My gift to you on this wonderful Xmas morning: Grow a couple of pairs. Hop on the bus, Gus. Slip out the back, Jack.

    But not before finding good lawyers specializing in divorce and getting your houses in order - which includes protecting your rights and her rights, joining a gym and getting in great shape, eating healthy, minimizing alcohol, etc., getting a nice hair cut and buying some great clothes.

    The only thing your wives haven't done to further emasculate you is: a. Point at your groin and hold up two fingers an inch apart while laughing at you to her girlfriends; and b. Post your picture and name on www.tinypenises.com.

    Your'e welcome.

  • kairos

    Easy there, big guy!

    You've not got me all figured out.

    Thanks for the reply, I disliked it.

    Other than the fact that my wife, that I dearly love and cherish, is still a JW, I may have one of the best lives available. I lack nothing.

  • kairos


    No more nausea!

    Still at 175#s.


    Some time has passed from them DFing the hell out of me, Sept 10th 2015. I think the stress of what "might have happened" to me was the root cause of the nausea. When I first realized something was wrong back in 2010, it was coming to terms with the very real fact that I no longer wanted to be a JW.

    Many years would pass until eventually being labeled an "APOSTATE" and being shunned by a social circle 25 years of my making.
    The stress of trying to maintain a fade was overwhelming. Even the most clever fade can be undone in a matter of minutes.

    One phone call changed my life forever.

    If you are hurting and KNOW FOR SURE that you are never going to remain a JW, I recommend DAing. The stress and pain are not worth prolonging the inevitable.

    I wish that instead of only stepping down as a servant all those years back, I DA'd. I'd be so many years ahead.

    Once you are awake to TTATT, you are faced with two choices:

    Living a lie or living free.


    Freedom is worth losing everyone.
    It's a sad reality in my opinion.

    I still have my JW wife of 20 years.
    I'm happy for that, as I fully expected to lose her by choosing to leave the JWs.

  • jhine
    Fantastic news Kairos . Jan
  • FindTheLost


    Freedom is worth losing everyone

    Freedom is part of that "freewill" we were created with to use. I am glad you are now be to exercise your right to choose what to believe or not. It seems coincidental that the UN fiasco opened your eyes, it had an affect on me too.

    I rejoice that you and your wife are still together. Maybe in time her eyes will be opened as she realizes that you haven't changed (by growing horns and a tail).

    Stay true to yourself and take care.


  • FayeDunaway
    One of the best things about this site is when people come back and give updates after the stress of leaving the witnesses and are feeling better and stronger and happier. Glad to hear this news kairos.
  • DesirousOfChange

    Great news! Glad you gave us the update! Sounds like things are on the upswing.


    BLONDIE: I did and found that one of my meds had damaged my liver. I'm better now but I lost 70 pounds before things leveled off.

    70 pounds? I'd love to get some of those meds!

    JK. Glad you're feeling better too.


  • blondie
    Not really DOC, left me with cirrhosis of the liver and facing a liver transplant. If you need to lose weight, sounds like cutting off your legs might help (just illustrating that your "joke" was not funny as death was the prospect)
  • TheListener
    Yay!!!! Kairos!!!!

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