Surprise Elder visit today!

by kairos 53 Replies latest members private

  • goingthruthemotions

    You might as well start talking to the wall, because he will put up the cult shield and it's all over. You can't reason with

    these people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just move on and live your life.


  • kairos

    Probably good advice.

    If he comes back and says he is bothered by the UN scandal and wants to talk, OK.

    If, in the off chance he does come back and has excuses, I'll just send him packing.

    Also, if he has another elder with him, bye-bye!


    I actually do have better things to do than argue with elders!

  • Crazyguy

    Beware, I know of nothing stoping an elder from recording your discussion and then presenting the recording to another elder for them to DF you.

  • LogCon

    If you do not want to talk to the elders you must treat them the same as I do whenever I talk to a police officer, or more correctly, when they talk to me.

    As I live in a rather high street crime area from time to time the police approach me for information.

    If they ask me anything I reply with:

    " What is the nature of your investigation and what is the file number?'

    Police: Did you see anyone driving a blue car down the road?

    Me: What is the nature of your investigation and what is the file number?

    Police: Can you tell me where Main street is?

    Me: What is the nature of your investigation and what is the file number?

    Police: Do you have the time on you?

    Me: What is the nature of your investigation and what is the file number?

    You get the idea. Just change Police for elder and there you are.

  • Hortensia

    If he comes back, good -- be ready with not just the UN NGO stuff, but also all the pedophile lawsuits. If he even dares to make a third visit, start in on evolution.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    " In the mean time, I will not speak to more than one at a time after I insist that their smart phone be left in the car."

    Kairos, don't make the mistake of thinking that you're safe if you're only speaking to one elder at a time. Recall that the two witness rule allows for a pedophile to be judicially acted against if he abuses 2 separate victims alone. The two witness rule does not mean two witnesses have to be present at the same incident. It can also mean a lone witness from each of two separate incidents of the same nature. So if you speak to just one elder about 1914 and you later speak to a different elder alone about the same 1914, then that could be sufficient to meet the two witness testimony needed to DF you. Discuss a different topic with each elder you speak to alone. That way there's no way of corroborating that you've expressed apostate ideas on any one particular matter.

  • RubaDub

    I almost forgot.

    I told him that I thought the org was made up of mostly "assholes", right to his face.

    kairos ...

    I don't think there is a quick response to that in the list of "conversation stoppers" we use.

    Rub a Dub

  • kairos

    That was supposed to be on pg 24 of the Reasoning Book.

    There wasn't enough room on the page so it got cut in the final GB vote before printing.

    Good thing for me.

  • mrquik

    Hi kairos;

    I always start with undermining the 1914 belief. I've had a little success with younger witnesses. Older ones have too much invested to believe it's all crap.

  • Blackbird Fly
    Blackbird Fly

    Dont play the game. I dont care anymore either. Usually I just smile and show them I am very happy and pleased with my life without them. But I toy with the idea of treating them like strangers at my door if and when they ever come back. A good ol' "we're not interested" just like everyone else on the block says. I look forward to moving again one day and being just another uninterested householder...

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