Surprise Elder visit today!

by kairos 53 Replies latest members private

  • BetterGuyNow


    I've often had the same desire, though I haven't had the opportunity yet. I had the good fortune of being disfellowshipped 8 years ago in a different city. I moved to a new town in which I've never lived as a JW. In the 6 years that I've lived here, I've never had a publisher knock at my door (though once I found a Memorial invitation inside my screen. I believe I must be marked DF on the territory card. I had three annual visits from a local elder (same guy for the three years, but I'd never met him before his first). I didn't argue any doctrine at all. I told him, I grew up in organization, I got baptized at 15 because I thought my father would like it and I wanted to do more stuff during the meetings, I have conducted the WT study, given countless public talks, and conducted a bookstudy for over a year - all as a Ministerial Servant. And yet not once in my life did I ever believe it in my heart. I know all the answers, but I don't believe them in my heart.

    He, of course, tried to remind me that the only place I can receive Holy Spirit is at the meetings. I told him that I went to meetings for 35 years. Why would it be any different now? He had nothing. He tried again two more times, and then suddenly, no elder.

    I gathered up the nerve to take my baptized minor daughter who was visiting me during the summer to a meeting a few years ago. There was that elder. He looked at me, then looked away. We never made eye contact again. Loving? Hmmmm.

    These guys have an agenda. They come at you as long as they think there is a chance of getting you back. You'd think they get a finder's fee. But once they think you're a lost cause (there they go judging again!) you're off the radar. Reminds me of a used car salesman who realizes you really are just browsing and have no money to buy a car. The moment he gets that you really aren't going to respond, he's off to someone else.

    Of course, this is all the once-visit-to-the-dark-side-a-year to a DF person. Kairos, sounds like either this guy really thinks you'll come back or they're testing you to trip you up because they know you're gone and want to get you off the books. Must be a C.O. visit coming up...

  • BU2B

    Just be happy you dont have kids... I mean seriously. They make the stressful situation 10x more stressful and emotionally charged.

  • kairos

    That's the crazy thing, here.

    This elder was not from my former hall.

  • kairos

    Not a peep.

    I never expected an escape would be this easy.

  • DesirousOfChange

    They're happy to see you go away quietly.


  • DesirousOfChange
    Oubliette 3 months ago

    "we have since withdrawn our membership, so it is all ok now!"

    Allow me to paraphrase and apply this to a more familiar situation:

    • Elder: Did you commit fornication with that woman?
    • JW: Well, I was committing fornication with her, but I "have since withdrawn my member, so it is all ok now!"



  • kairos

    *quick update*

    For the same elder that dropped by yesterday morning:

    I heard you knock loudly twice at 10:30am.

    You really should call first, as you do have my phone number.
    Also, why did you bring along a 2nd witness? I told you we would only speak alone.

    Wouldn't it be fun if he knows who I am and is following along.
    If he was honest with me and himself, he already knows TTATT.

    Come clean local elder from the other hall I "served" with so many years ago.

  • 3rdgen
    Good for you that you didn't answer the door. Too bad you trusted an elder in the first place. Unfortunately, this may not be the last you hear from them. Keep us posted ok?
  • cappytan

    Answer the door next time and say, "Sorry, I'm not giving y'all the satisfaction of having two witnesses to something." :-P

    Kidding. I know it's not easy.

    I can't wait to move.

  • kairos

    "They" know my wife attends the morning meeting.

    I guess they figured it would be better to keep their petty, lie filled threats away from those that are already committed to the cult.

    The craziest part of this story is the fact that this elder an I were in the same hall about 8 years ago and we had major conflict. His family and I do not get along.
    His family was the biggest reason for me to move to the neighboring hall.
    I was saying move to another hall or quit attending.

    My, how I wish I quit 8 years ago...

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