Surprise Elder visit today!

by kairos 53 Replies latest members private

  • DJS


    The conversations simply will not remain confidential, regardless of what he tells you. He will rationalize his lie (if he has told you they will remain confidential) based on the rules of engagement - theocratic warfare. Unless you want to live dangerously, I suggest a new strategy R2 - avoid the Wookie (elder) at all costs. Other than emotional release, there is nothing to be gained from engaging the Borg and its minions.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Also, this is the guy that told me at the meeting where the new bible was released, that he would be visiting me "soon".

    Yesterday was first contact since. So how long ago was that?

    I don't see the problem, he visited you a little over a year later, that's certainly soon by any definition the JWs might be using. Afterall, armageddon has been coming "soon" for over a century.

    I agree with the assessment of others here - if you have anything to lose by being DF'd, I'd stop talking to him. If you've got nothing to lose, though, go for it - maybe you'll help save him from the cult.

  • kairos

    It's a very strange situation.

    His wife, never a witness, is an agnostic that attends the meeting to gossip and watch others fall.

    I meant to tell him that all this time, it was his wife that was "right". ( apart from her acting like a witness )

    She used to only attend the weeknight meeting that had the monthly "local needs" in hope of picking up some clues about local wrongdoers. Pretty cool, huh?


    I will not attend a JC without the media, a lawyer and a police officer.

    In the mean time, I will not speak to more than one at a time after I insist that their smart phone be left in the car.

  • JunkYardDog

    good work. sounds like you put him on notice your not going to take any crap. calling them a--holes is good, let him prove jesus choose the wt in 1918 only using wt books printed before 1918. it will will never happen. DRAG them in the MUD about the U.N, in fact the wt is still in the u.n. one of the leaders at London bethel is still a member of the U.N. his name is Paul Gilles. under some name like the european cong of jw's. if I remember correct the wt has a number of different groups still NGO's. show them no quarter and pound away

  • kairos

    I'm standing up for myself and what I believe in.

    I always have ( even when I was believing and teaching lies from the platform )

    Maybe I'll help just one person recover their life.

  • flipper

    KAIROS- Your quote, " He will have to assure me that our conversations will remain confidential. " Like DJS stated this elder WILL NOT keep your conversations confidential. He is trained by the WT Society to be a " spiritual policeman " and his first and ONLY allegiance is to the WT Society and keeping the congregation " clean " - allegedly - or THEIR version of " clean ". Which means CONTROLLED so no rank & file JW's will influence other rank & file JW's with " worldly " independent thinking. So believe me this elder will talk to the other elders in detail about your conversations- it's how they roll and what they do.

    Just be careful about what you say to your wife or your wife's relatives as they may go to the elders as well with any confidential information. That's how rank & file JW's are trained as well- unfortunately it's nicnamed " the rat fink society " not the WT Society. There is no such thing as respect for privacy or respect for even oour private thoughts. Just sayin'. My 2 cents on the subject. Watch your back with everybody involved

  • Oubliette

    "we have since withdrawn our membership, so it is all ok now!"

    Allow me to paraphrase and apply this to a more familiar situation:

    • Elder: Did you commit fornication with that woman?
    • JW: Well, I was committing fornication with her, but I "have since withdrawn my member, so it is all ok now!"

  • kairos

    Thanks, Flipper.


    He was here visiting for about 90 minutes. ( counting time? )

    We covered many topics.

    He was 100% unprepared for the double barrled blast I gave him.

    I did mention the 1914-1919 era when the WTS was selected by Jesus, although Armageddon had just "not happened".

    As he was leaving I cornered him on the role of elders judging in JC's.
    I asked how many JC's he's been on. Nothing...

    I said 100? Shrugs...

    200? Then he left.

    It was like a dream.

    Speaking of which, I had a dream last night that I was around nothing but JW's that wouldn't speak to me.

    Then I was yelling "hypocrites" at them.


    It's been a wild ride, these past 25 years.

  • RayPublisher

    I really am glad u shared this bro. You're too smart to get caught in their little traps!

  • berrygerry

    You should meet with him and his wife.

    Let his wife carry the discussion.

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