Officer Wilson not indicted in killing of Michael Brown

by Simon 551 Replies latest social current

  • Finkelstein

    How? With his bare hands, body mass and leverage. That's how.

    There is no question that MB was a large imposing young man.

    Wilson was also a big guy of 6' 4" over 215 .

    Is the actual size of these two men really relevant ?

    Is it stated in law that if an officer is confronted by a perpetrator who is bigger in size that it is therefore lawful to use legally force based from an apparent size differance ?

  • AlphaMan

    The Brown family will get nothing in a civil lawsuit.

    They would if I was picked for the jury.



    Maybe they will get something. The way things work in America nowdays... I can see a thug attacking a police officer, getting shot & killed, then the step-father inciting rioting, looting & burning down the town, then him & baby momma coming out of it multi-millionaires off tax payers dollars.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    The debate isn't about civility its about the proportionate actions taken toward an individual who was being uncivil.

    If a big man rushes me after demonstrating a willingness to injure me, and if I'm armed, then I'm going to do the civil thing of adding holes to the ones my attacker was born with. If I'm not armed then more than likely I'll suffer injuries and perhaps even death. I do not intend to make myself someone else's sacrificial lamb. If someone wants to injure or hurt me then they'll have to take whatever I can do in defense. If they don't want to accept my defense then the answer is simple. DON'T try and attack me. The right to LIVE is a right I own and anyone who attempts to take it away from me should be prepared to pay a comparable price themself.

    At the end of the day that is the thing to learn. If you attack someone you're placing YOURSELF at risk and YOU are responsible for the outcome.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    'Wilson was also a big guy of 6' 4" over 215' - eh? I read he was 5' 7 and 170lb.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Is the actual size of these two men really relevant ?

    Is it stated in law that if an officer is confronted by a perpetrator who is bigger in size that it is therefore

    lawful to use legally force based from an apparent size differance ?

    Each human being has a right of self-defense. Law enforcement officers qualify as human beings.

    The right to LIVE and enjoy HEALTH is a right everyone owns and those who unlawfully attempt to impinge on that right should be prepared to pay a comparable price themselves.

    Persons who attack someone for no cause other than to do harm place THEMSELF at risk and THEY are responsible for the outcome.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Persons who attack someone for no cause other than to do harm place THEMSELF at risk and THEY are responsible for the outcome.

    Translation: if you don't want to risk getting shot, don't charge at a police officer. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out.

  • Finkelstein

    So by that assertion Marvin you are saying that it should be lawful to lethally shoot at a person if your in a physical confrontation with another individual as well a cop has the legal lawful right to shoot to kill if a citizen tries to make hand to hand contact with them during an apprehension ?

  • truthseekeriam

    Does anyone here watch the show "What Would You Do?"If not I would encourage you to do so. The FACTS are if your a person of color you are automatically looked upon as a threat. We have the media to thank for that!

    I've been following the threads about this case leading up to the decision. I watching the excitement growing in your comments, just waiting to be right about how it would be received. Well congratulations, you were right, the media was right and the fact that they waited to 9 pm to announce it was completely the right thing to do. It gave all the thugs some time to gather to get camera time all while the peaceful gatherings get pushed in the background!

    It's great you all have opinions of what this all means. Most likely you will never be in a situation where you have to worry about how scary you might look to someone with a gun. I don't have that privilege, I have to worry each time my husband or son drives away hoping they remember to always keep their hands on the wheel if pulled over by a police officer.

    Yes, I'm aware this may not be "the case" but what about being killed for wearing a hoody or listening to your music too loud?

    Young men of color are targets and these protests are neccessary, so let's not pretend this is about anything other then that.

  • Terry

    DESIGNS: Societal masochism is a thread in our human evolution. Hunger strikes, seppuku, it takes many forms. You and I went through a form of it with our Draft cases.

    I don't see the analogy as clearly as you do. Who does a hunger strike hurt outside of the person suffering hunger? Seppuku is fatal only to the one

    wielding the blade. My draft case and yours caused no property damage or theft.

    I have to classify the Ferguson riots as much more likely an opportunist excuse (largely if not entirely) for acting out and getting away with it within

    a dysfunctional community of peers.

    If the victim's parents or relatives were doing these things IT WOULD MAKE MORE SENSE, wouldn't it? They are the most immediately impacted.

  • minimus

    Fink, if you are in fear of your life and you believe that someone is going to harm you and you are a police officer, trained in shoot to kill, what do you think will happen? And yeah, size does matter.

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