My Parents have gone FULL CULT MODE! Having a job is SATANIC!

by BU2B 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    To give a little background, my parents are in their late 50s. Around a year ago, my elder dad got laid off from his job. He worked as a auto mechanic making ok money. My mom has not worked in 30 years. She has been pioneering for the past 20.

    Even though my mom is a skilled seamstress and tailor, she refuses to find even part time work, even laughing about it when I suggested it. My dad gets called back in to work on occasion to work a day here, a day there. His unemployment has run out and they still have to pay the mortgage, buy food, pay bills etc.

    Heres where it gets crazy.. Although he has no retirement, and savings are dwindling He responded to the counsel at the assembly and decided to take advantage of his not working and applied to pioneer. Soon after this he got a job offer from an auto shop for a full tiime position 9-5 not interfering with any meetings or anything. He turned it down, since his unemployment at the time paid more. A couple months later the other mechanic at his original job that he got laid off from walked off the job, clearing a space for him to resume his full time position there. Here is where it gets crazy. He told me that he feels it is THE DEVIL offering him this job because SATAN wants him to come off the pioneer list! Let me be clear. They are getting older, have NO PLAN long term or short term other than pioneering.

    This morning I asked him how he was making it? He responded that he is selling his golf club collection, classic TV show VHS tapes and DVD on ebay, even some furniture! I asked him what will happen when it runs out? He said he doesnt know but Jehovah will provide "bread" if they take things one day at a time!! Again he is TURNING DOWN MULTIPLE JOB OFFERS to pioneer and is now selling off golf clubs to pay the mortgage!

    If my mom and dad both got part time jobs, they could still pioneer and if they lived simple, could make it. What they are doing now is incomprehensible to me, even as cult members. Their eyes even seem to glaze over and they have this wierd expression on their faces. Their walls and tables are lined with WT publications. I fear they are becoming more and more unbalanced and making really dubious decisions. The short sightedness is mind boggling. His savings are going down, no unemployment, and they refuse to work. All they can talk about is WT related things. When a well paying job offer is described as from Satan, that says it all.

  • EdenOne

    Indeed, full-throttle CULT MODE. Sad.


  • Oubliette

    BU2B: Again he is TURNING DOWN MULTIPLE JOB OFFERS to pioneer and is now selling off golf clubs to pay the mortgage!

    Those must be some golf clubs!

    Your parents actions are insane. The sad thing is, when it all runs out, there will not be any Jehovah to bail them out for their foolishness; meanwhile, the GB boys are living like kings in NY.

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • hoser

    Eventually they will run out of things to sell and reality will set in. They probably had a recent circuit overseer visit and he told them to simplify their life and it would go well for them. These clowns are good at messing with peoples lives because a lot of them have never had a real job or had real bills to pay.

    A similar thing happened to my parents when they were in their 50's. They had a growing business happening and then some of the elders and the CO started giving them advice. They sold out some of their equity and pioneered and went on quick builds till they were too old.

    The sad thing is that my dad is still working at 75 and trying to buy back what he sold when he was 50 and he and my mother are very frustrated at getting old in this system.

  • Splash

    When the cash has run out, BU2B, they will look to you to support them.

    The CO's that have advised them will be long gone, and the congregation that applauded them will tell them they have family (you) and you should now pay for them.

    You will become their "provisions from Jehovah".

    Just to forewarn you about what the future holds.


  • BU2B

    The sad part is that pioneering is supposed to bring fulfillment and make you happy, but I can tell he is miserable. He probably does not even know why. He sees all the other pioneers are retired, vacationing, living comfortable lives. Its got to wear on you mentally. Dont they always say to have a full share for your circumstances? Why couldnt they do 30 hours a month and work? Why do they feel god would feel any less about that? Its messed up.

  • BU2B

    Splash- I might sound heartless here, but so be it. I WILL NOT support someones pioneer lifestyle as they WILLFULLY turn down viable employment. Its not my problem. Since I followed the WT guidelines, I can barely make ends meet right now for me and my family. I can not and WILL not support anyone else. If I was to live with them while knowing TTATT and them as deluded and crazy cultish as they are, I truly would either blow my brains out, drink till my liver was pickled, or be institutionalized. Its going to be hard enough trying to get my kids to think for themselves without having them around too. Its just not going to happen. I cannot help those who will not help themselves. If that makes me a bad person so be it. They can "Take it up with God" or the GB. If they believe Jah will provide, let him.

  • hoser

    They do sound a bit like they have an entitlement mentality. More so your mother. It sounds like she has been treated like a princess for too long.

    If it gets down to the bottom of the barrel for them you could always send them in the direction of the local food bank or get them whatever government aid is available. It sounds harsh but I am in agreeement with you. Why should you bail out their lifestyle choices. Look after you and your own first.

  • Splash

    Maybe tell your dad that if he's been praying for a solution and he gets a job offer, why does he attribute that to Satan and not Jehovah?

    Some were apostles, some teachers, some had other gifts. Maybe God doesn't want your Dad pioneering - there may be something else for him down the line.

    But I agree. Watching people avidly pursuing hardship is difficult to do.


  • braincleaned

    This is so frustrating. I'm sick of this mind-controlling cult!!! I hope the news all over the internet about Anthony Morris' speech against gays and jogging in spandex wakes some of these sleepy heads up!

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