Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"

by breakfast of champions 443 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sloppyjoe2

    1914, they just had a part 2 weeks ago on how to explain it during the service meeting. As restated repeatedly they can hang onto that until at least 2034. Changes that could be a test of faith, perhaps, everyone should partake at the memorial. 144,000 is not literal. I expect nothing exciting from this zone visit at all. Just commenting to comment.

  • wallsofjericho

    i suppose a symbolic 144k would be a big change too....


    I posted elsewhere that I suspect the reason behind the the recent 1914 revival is not to embed it, but to prepare the R&F for a change.
    If they don't understand it now, they will be more confused with a change. If they can be comfortable with the "math" now, the change can be slighly introduced in a way that doesn't shock their system so to speak. it will just be a minor change to one variable but that will change the whole thing... kind of like 606 to 607 & no zero year changes but this time its enough to knock out 1914, at least as a starting point for all last days prophecies or to align the 587BCE destruction of Jerusalem into the JW eschatology

    perhaps the 7 times really are just 7 years? perhaps the 3.5 times will be disconnected from Daniel? these are big shake ups to the old school JW for sure

  • Skinnedsheep

    I bet it is the Governing body no longer have to be "annointed"

  • Cadellin

    Fessing up about the rash of child abuse lawsuits is a possibility, IMHO. Of course, that's "fessing" up WT style, which means putting the Satan Spin on it. It would be a huge deal for the WT to actually mention it from the platform but this particular zone/branch visit, being for the US would be a good time, since there are so many/such large US suits recently. And the WT know that JWs google stuff--it's inevitable that eventually enough publishers will read the suits that it could become a problem.

    A good offense...

  • wallsofjericho

    I bet it is the Governing body no longer have to be "annointed"

    not faith testing. this was tested back in the 90's with the Nephunim analogy. It just fizzled away without any real conversation

    barb anderson has a discussion on this I believe, apparently the writing dept got quite a tongue lashing over that one

  • LoveUniHateExams

    'The generation that will not pass away until all these things occur, refers to those that witness the present Iraqi conflict in the Middle East. The encamped armies are fighters loyal to Islam. Simon is Gog and Magog in both a literal and symbolic sense, and the Devil is in-the-detail.' - fantastic!

    I don't know what substance you're taking, THE GLADIATOR, but if you have any left over, can I have some?

  • sloppyjoe2

    In all seriousness I don't think there is anything that would really test a JWs faith. I remember when they changed the generation teaching in 1995, there was really no shake up. Sure there were people here and there but no mass exodus. I bet they could present the trinity as a true doctrine and most JWs would accept it.

  • M*A*S*H


  • Magwitch

    Whatever the announcement is, it will be met with an agreeing head shake, frisbee eyes, and a mutual agreement that "Only we have the truth. How wonderful to be a part of Jehovah's GRAND organization"

  • sloppyjoe2

    Don't forget how many people will say if they make any change and only after they make it, "I always thought there was something wrong with that, Jehovah has blessed us with the correct understanding."

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