Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"

by breakfast of champions 443 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Odyssey

    I kinda wish that I woke up earlier to prepare and record this meeting even if only for a talk or two. So easy to do on an iPad.

    What could they do? Ask me to stop in the middle of the meeting? Shun me some more?

    I truly appreciate those who are posting what is said today....and would love actual video or recordings.

  • 4thgen

    Thanks for this thread! Here are some random thoughts….

    “He thinks parents should pray in front of their children and admit mistakes and even cry during prayer.” Ok, How about YOU admitting mistakes in Prophecies and crying for forgiveness????????"

    Ok, if there is such a vicious attack, shouldn’t that have been detailed in the talk? If the WT is being attacked, shouldn’t everyone know the details to prepare themselves? Well, they will not mention it, since the attack is well justified by the victims!

    One of the ‘Tests of Faith’ could have been if the elders sent all the $$$ to Watchtower for the event…..besides the MS and stupid pants thing.

    Oneeyed: Wow. How arrogant of him! “Also he prayed to Jah that we would accept the direction we'd just gotten because it came from Jesus, not the US branch.” Cult.

    BU2B – That was a very important point, when he yelled: “Also at the end when he yelled out how obedient people in the new world will have LISTEN TO GOD, OBEY THE FDS, AND BE BLESSED AND LIVE FOREVER!” Thanks for sharing. CULT!

    Oh and don't record or give notes? Why????? Controling Cult.

    Thanks everyone who sat through it to report back to us! 4thgen

  • baltar447

    Found someone uploaded the infamous Tony "tight pants" Morris talk:

  • leaving_quietly

    Anyone else notice the gold-edged, brown-covered large Bible Morris was using? I'm thinking it's the next Bible to be released, probably a reference Bible.


    He is an idiot. He says "we" have to go along with the published direction. He doesnt have an opinion?!?!? YOU published the "direction" you friggin idiot!


  • Justnowout

    Yel i noticed it. Its not going to be released its just something he had done custom

  • Oubliette

    Justnowout: He's mispronouncing "spandex"! He keeps calling it "spanks".... What an idiot!

    While I agree, AM3 is an idiot, spanx are something different.


    I'm wondering how he knows about such things!!!

    Maybe this is how ol' Tony gets into HIS tight pants!

  • Justnowout

    Holy sh***t! Its a fraudin slip!! How did he know about those and mistake them for spandex???

  • AlwaysBusy

    I was hoping to hear something inspiring, fantastic, and 'end-of-system' worthy, I really was. In fact I looked forward to the meeting all week.

    1. Berating the Bethelites for being late was 45 minutes of wasted time. In fact, I thought it was cruel. If I was a bethelite, I would have packed my things, and gone home.

    2. A father whose 7 children were in the truth is supposed to feel bad?? WTH??

    3. Why so hung up on tight pants? This is not the first time I've heard that talk.

    4. Here is another point which bothers me the most....This is not the tribulation and most of the JWs are able to preach freely. But the few that are imprisoned could probably be helped somehow. Maybe I'm dreaming, but what if the GB waved a few million in the faces of those doing the jailing...would that help those poor people to be released?? Isn't there anything that can be done to help them? This isn't the tribulation or Armegeddon, so why do those people have to suffer? I don't think that's somehting to brag if the organization was under some kind of tribulation. I think the tribulation they will face in the near future, if not already is from policies they have made that will backfire, big time.

    5. What happens to all of the money? Why don't the rest of us get to know where the donations are going?? And asking for money to build new KHs? I thought they were selling them left and right?

    But, all in all.... for ONCE it wasn't about how evil the df'd and da'd ones are. Never mentioned them once, at least not that I heard. So, for once, after one of these 'special' events, I didnt' have to feel like dirt under the elites' shoes.

    Just my thoughts.

    Anyway, Take Care,


  • punkofnice

    Is it just me or are the GB getting more disconnected from reality?

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