My appeal was successful. Now what?

by noonehome 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Fortunately you are in a better position now. Be very careful however as the disfellowshipping body will have a bone to pick and someone or all will be looking for something to ratify their previous decision. No appeal committee ever likes to overturn the previous decision unless 1) they think the disfellowshipping body is a bunch of baffoons or 2) the lack of judgment is so egregious that there is no alternative. That being the case, I would imagine the second is the reason. You are now in the right, and they, in the wrong. You have the capability of claiming that they are harassing you if they start putting you and what you say under a microscope.

    I think Terry sums it up well, you must have quite a delivery. Good for you.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Your question: Faders. Why do we (pretend to for me) stay in?

    It is for my own personal dignity. There is really only a handful of people that I have cared about for most of my life that are still JW's. I have longed to see them for so many years. All of us are getting older because, of course, there is no Big A coming. It is just a scare tactic. All of us, no matter what age, are destined for death. I, too, find our lives very precious. I have spent a lifetime, amongst cruel people. I have no cruelty in me. If I wrote a book about my life, nobody would want to read it. It would be just too sad. I believed in God, and that he would straighten all things out, and I would come out the happy victor. But no. That is not real life. I cannot undo the past. Your appeal was successful, yet you are marked.

    WT/ is cruel when they make the decision who is acceptable to talk to and who isn't. You have a sister? She is alive and close by so you can see her, talk to her, encourage and be friends with???

    This is a first for me. Getting DF'd for a picture of your ear, next to your recently DF'd sister. lol

    Maybe after a bit of time goes by, I will try harder to forget those people, my long ago friends. No one lives close by to me. I don't see them. They are just etched in my heart.

    Para 8: The girl you liked, that turned your 'ear' in to get you DF'd, what are your feelings for her now? Does she live locally, go to your KHall? Do you see her often, or not anymore???

    My heart goes out to you noonehome and to all of us who have had our lives, derailed is too nice a word, destroyed is not nice either, by the supposed people who say they are the direct link and voice (JW GB) to the god who they say is The God of Love and Tender Mercies... I call the God YHWH, the Israelite God of War and War Atrocities.

    (((Hugs))) to you dear one. Don't do anything silly. Life is beautiful. Even if you have to go it alone.


  • Auntfancy

    Noonehome, I faded for a little over 2 years and finally I turned in my DA letter because I wanted to be free to do as I pleased and not have them looking over my shoulder, we have a JW that lives across the street and I am decorating the outside of our house this year and I knew it would cause them to come after me. I can honestly say I feel so much better and I feel free. As far as I know I don't think they have announced it but that is ok.

    While reading your post my thoughts were you write very well, you appear to be a very intellegent young man and I hope you are getting or have gotten a good education. Please go after your dreams and don't let anyone stand in your way.

    I too would like to know what is going on with the girl you liked who turned you in. It sure does break the trust between you. I can honestly say while I was in I would never have turned my husband in unless it was something criminal. I never did understand husbands or wives that tattled on their mates for every little thing they did.

  • 3rdgen

    noonehome, Sorry you are feeling low today. The good news is you acomplished something amazing! Hardly anyone ever wins a JW appeal and in so doing you have won FREEDOM. Why do I say freedom? Because you are free to talk to ANY person in the world who will talk to you. When I learned TTATT 3 years ago I was extremely angry and wanted to DA. I wanted to tell Watchtower "You can't fire me, I quit! I am glad now I was talked out of it. Lately I've been reverse witnessing to my best JW friend and it's working! She has all but stopped meetings and now wants to discuss: Where do I go from here? and What do I teach my daughter? Winning your appeal does not mean you have to be a JW. Walk out the door and stay free.

  • Divergent

    Not shunning a family member is NOT a disfellowshipping offense!

  • Divergent

    Not shunning a family member is NOT a disfellowshipping offense!

  • ruderedhead

    Are you from Canada, noonehome? Today is your Thanksgiving, correct? Happy Thanksgiving!

    I guess only you can decide the best course for you to take from here, but please realize that if you are staying for that young woman, she has already stabbed you in the back, and is probably not worth your time. What she did was petty and a little mean. You bleeping EAR? How did she know it was yours? Move along, my friend. There's nothing for you there.

    Figure out what you want, and how to achieve it. Have a wonderful life!

  • OnTheWayOut

    All I can say is what I have done and what I am sure I would do.

    I was never DF'ed, just faded away. I am able to keep contact with my mother and my wife's family because I was never kicked out. I don't really discuss any doctrine with them. I tried for some time with my wife and now I just do the long-haul discussions and slowly force her to think for herself.

    If my lovely wife were to turn me in for violation of any of the JW rules, it could very well be a deal-breaker. We have complete trust in each other, and her trust has strained some since I left, but I can see that is normal for people subjected to that dangerous mind-control cult. If she decided to report me, that trust would be gone.

  • Crazyguy

    Stop going to meetings, no one there is your friend, then spend time with your sister getting her to see the cult for what it is. You don't need to fade slowly after my JC I went to 3 meetings thats all I could do. The elders have left me alone even though I have kids and a wife that are still in.

  • noonehome

    That's hilarious Outlaw... yup pretty much.

    Thanks for all the comments and good vibes everyone. Too bad we can't all talk in person. But yeah, I feel a hard fade coming. I spent a month biking and tenting around a country to get some clarity...I've been back for a month and I'm already feeling fuzzy. I might travel somewhere again on my own if it's viable ($tudent loan$ ).


    "Maybe after a bit of time goes by, I will try harder to forget those people, my long ago friends. No one lives close by to me. I don't see them. They are just etched in my heart."

    LoisLane that's devastating. Of course, the hope is that as time goes on, these ones will slowly realize reality and wake up to the choices they've made and the people they've hurt ...what a waste all those years of pettiness were. If only they realized how damaging their actions are. That's the hope.

    My sister and I remain close and have talked about allot of things recently I never thought possible. Keep in mind she was one of those semi-judgemental pioneers a mere few months ago who would've happily shunned me. Just goes to show you never know who's gonna wake up. It frustrates me the way people look down at her now.


    To answer your questions: As for the person who turned me in... She’s very intelligent and thinks about things more deeply than most people, but has a tendency to make rash decisions or act with indecisiveness. Though I somewhat suffer the same indecisiveness in my own day-to-day life. We weren't really set up for independent thinking, which is seen as evil. She's felt bad and has tried to involve herself with the elder’s meddlings. I know she's struggled with doubts before, but I don't think she could ever be decisive enough to seriously analyze things. She puts allot of stock into the organization. Like most JWs believe (including myself, even now sort of) there’s nothing outside of the organization, so even if it’s not the truth, there’s still no better way of life. She’s an amazing person with so much potential but I think she's trapped for good and would feel lost without the org. I do at least see it as a very effective outlet for her goodness. My fear is that she won't get back all that she gives.

    So that being said, as much as it hurts, I know her motives are "good" in the sense that she wants to help me, and to her the only way I can be helped is by way of the elders. Because of course, unless I shun my sister and uphold every irrational JW belief about history, the world and the universe, I'm considered spiritually sick, perhaps threatening. Her wanting to "limit association" sucks considering how close we are and I know she regrets it to some extent... to be honest I don't know where she's at with that right now. Like I said I don't think she really knows what to do, but will do whatever the org or fellow JW’s tell her is right. The cognitive dissonance must be working overtime. We haven’t talked in a couple weeks. This whole situation kind of reinforces my belief I hold towards everyone I’m close to that they mean more to me then I do to them. I’ve sort of given up socially the past couple weeks with all my friends. I do know she loves me very much though and she’s having a tough time. It just angers me that there’s no logical reason for her to feel that way or to feel like she’s going through something.

    I know I'm probably making everything harder for myself than it has to be which is why I started this thread wondering what the point is. I guess I just need to feel that the stove is hot instead of taking everyone's word not to hold my hand to it.

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