Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @Frazzled - I certainly agree with you that scapegoating random 'ordinary' muslims is unhelpful. Talk of deporting all muslims back where they came from, etc. is ludicrous.

    I have to ask this question: do you think that Islam is faultless?

  • mana11

    I wasnt aware the catholics sanctioned wife beating in any counrtry??.

    it seems clear that they DONT.

    As for catholics ...this is a statement from ;

    Domestic Violence Against Women [from the U. S. Catholic bishops’ pastoral statement on domestic violence, When I Call for Help , www.usccb.org/laity/help.htm ] Violence against women, inside or outside the home, is never justified. Violence in any form—physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal—is sinful; often, it is a crime as well. The Catholic Church teaches that violence against another person in any form fails to treat that person as someone worthy of love. Instead, it treats the person as an object to be used. When violence occurs within a sacramental marriage, the abused spouse may question, “How do these violent acts relate to my promise to take my spouse for better or for worse?” The person being assaulted needs to know that acting to end the abuse does not violate the marriage promises. While violence can be directed towards men, it tends to harm women and children more.

  • KateWild

    The problem is with conservative Muslims who take the quran at it's word. - cofty

    I agree Islam is dangerous when parts of the Koran are taken litterally. IMO the majority of Muslims are just living their lives trying to put food on the table, earning a living and the Koran is a small part of their lives. The majority of Muslims interept the Koran as a loving peaceful holy book, and that Mohammed was a prophet that showed the example of peace.

    Extremist groups from all religions are just as dangerous as each other and cause much death. These extreme sects, are damaging cults that recruit young adults with their sureal ideologies and fake loving brotherhood scams. They want to make money and gain more power across the globe. It's all about money and power it always is.

    Kate xx

  • barry

    Frazzled UBM you wrote

    The problem of the radicalization of young muslims is not the fault of Islam or the parents.

    I would suggest to you as of late I haven't seen many buddist bombers or seik jihadists running around. I have seen an 18 year old terrorist in an attempt to kill two cops endless articals about Islam in the newspapers all questioning Islams role in our society. There have been raids on muslim homes with hundreds of police involved.

    Of course all this could be just propaganda by the government and right wing because Islam is just the religion of the month to pick on. Some lefties are telling us just that and I don't know how long they will stick to their guns because Islam has a problem with gays and feminists.

    At least Abbott changed his mind a smart man changes his mind sometimes a fool never.

    True wife bashing is a common practice in countries other than muslim countries the problem also being the holy texts of Islam approves of violence toward women if the sayings of the budda said the same we would have a problem here too .

    When there is a problem we deceive ourselves by denial of the problem. We may think we are being kind by our stand but sometimes the right medicine is what is needed to cure the cancer.

    Frazzled UBM Where is your post on th ehumanist elements that says you should not read the quran literally ? I would like to read it sounds like it might have some answers Barry

  • mana11

    Here is a lesson on how to beat your muslim Wife, oops should i say


    Qur'an (4:34) - "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great."

    Bukhari (72:715) - A woman came to Muhammad and begged her to stop her husband from beating her. Her skin was bruised so badly that she it is described as being "greener" than the green veil she was wearing. Muhammad did not admonish her husband, but instead ordered her to return to him and submit to his sexual desires.

    Bukhari (72:715) - "Aisha said, 'I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women'" This is Muhammad's own wife complaining of the abuse that the women of her religions suffer relative to other women.

    TODAY this is a COMMON PRACTISE of all muslims!.

    Do you really agree with it?

  • cofty

    The majority of Muslims interept the Koran as a loving peaceful holy book, and that Mohammed was a prophet that showed the example of peace. - Kate

    Then they have never read it.

  • cofty

    TODAY this is a COMMON PRACTISE of all muslims!.

    No it isn't. This is the problem with this thread. Black-and-white thinking by some posters on both sides.

  • mana11

    KateWild: and the Koran is a small part of their lives

    SO WRONG...

    The Holy Quran is the MAIN PART of their Lives. Ask them first hand!.

    Five daily prayers

    The five daily prayers are obligatory (fard) and they are performed at times determined essentially by the position of the Sun in the sky. Hence, salat times vary at different locations on the Earth.

    Fajr (pre-dawn)
    Dhuhr (midday)
    Asr (afternoon)
    Maghrib (sunset)
    Isha'a (night)

    Now Which Muslim doesnt pray at the appropiate times?.

    None that i know of!

  • KateWild

    mana, well that's my opinion that the majority of Muslims hardly read the Koran and it's a small part of their lives. It's your right to disagree with me.

    Yes cofty I agree if Muslims believe the Koran teaches love and peace they have never read the whole of it. Just like JWs, most hard core indoctrinated sheeple haven't read the bible. The ones that do break free from the cult.

    Kate xx

  • mana11

    COFTY - YES IT IS!, it is just more hidden because the wife cannot seek help without getting more beatings!.

    Islamic wife beating is a significant problem because it is supported and practiced in the worldwide Muslim community. It is not looked down upon in the Islamic world, rather it is extolled! It is much bigger than outsiders think because many Muslim women are unwilling or unable to get help. They accept this abuse as Allah’s will, and not go for help because that would be a greater degree of rebellion towards their husbands and God. This is a tragic dilemma for these unfortunate women. They are trapped between an abusive husband and an abusive god.

    If inciting violence against women is illegal they will have to outlaw the Quran!



    Wife Abuse in the Muslim Community [30] by Kamran Memon

    "While North American Muslims loudly protest the widely-documented Serbian abuse of Muslim women in Bosnia, the abuse of many Muslim women at the hands of their own husbands in North America is hidden and ignored by the community.


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