Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    LUHE - sorry a typo - it is ijtihad which is the type 8 form of the verb jahada to struggle. JIhad is a noun derived from jahada. Ijtihad means independent reasoning.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    sorry to be completely accurate ijtihad is a noun formed from the type 8 verb. In Arabic there are 12 verb forms dervied from each stem which follow set patterns. This makes interpretation of Arabic very subtle - as different forms of the verb give variations on the theme of the base meaning. Also my Arabic teacher said that efvery Arbvic word had at least four meanings 1. the original; 2. its opposite; 3. a dirty word; and 4. something obscure. He was being facetious but what he said is not far from the truth. Also Arbic is an allegoric language. It does not have the precision of meaning that English does. Poetry, literature and speeches are often deliberately designed to be ambiguous so that the reader or listener can interpret it how they like and the speaker can subsequent deny a particular interpretation. Saddam was a master of this style of speech.

  • mana11

    If you support any muslim sect, moderate or otherwise then you support the following;

    Beating your wife. Quran 4:34

    Marrying young girls (regardless of what they want) Quran 65:4

    Honor Killings

    Kill infidels wherever you find them Quran 9:5

    Beheading is ok: how many times have you heard moderate muslims saying that if they behead just one they have killed mankind?. this is a joke!!.. READ CREFULLY..... the full passage and GRASP the real meaning...

    Sahih International http://quran.com/5/32-33 Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.

    What is that corruption?. it is the non muslims in the land thus making the land corrupt.

    Credit; Sahih International

    Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut offfrom opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,

    This is why the recent british hostage killed, was taken, even though he went with his muslim friends whom left him behind,, he wasnt a muslim!... thus it is ok to clean this corrutpion by killing him.

    It sickens me to watch his fellow taxi drivers saying how they tried to get him released, all they did was put their friend in danger and run away once threatened. is it not good enough to sacrifice themsleves for their friend?, if it was your faith would you not put your life on the line to save your friend?. As with all moderates they become silent when under pressure and conform to the will of their brothers leaving a caring genuine man behind to die...

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    mana11 - did you read my post about a blindman grapping the tail of an elephant and saying it is like a snake? You are that blindman desperate to hang on to your prejudices. And in Exodus the Bible says that a man is entitled to sell his daughter into slavery. On your reasoning the Bible and Christians promote this practice. Come on be honest with yourself and just admit you are a bigot.

  • mana11

    The bible clearly says the old laws were done away with with the coming of the christ.

    If the christians practiced such things today i would also not agree with them. BUT THEY DONT!.

    WAKE UP....

    If they do where do the practise these things today?

    Islam does practise these things TODAY.

    It is the CODE they live by.

    I dont agree with it as i DONT agree with the OLD testamant..

    I have muslim friends, I have seen the briuses on their wives!...

    Which world do you live in?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @Frazzled - 'This problem of radicalization is not the fault of Islam or the parents - it is the fault of Western society ...'

    Let me see if I've got this right. A young British muslim man feels alienated and frustrated. Western women dress attractively whereas his wife does a passable impersonation of Darth Vader. So, he becomes radicalised, goes off to Syria, joins ISIS and beheads an infidel. Islam is faultless, as is his cultural background. It's all the fault of the West.

  • mana11


    well put!.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    LUHE - obvisouly it is not all the fault of the west - those Extremism promoting violent Jihad and indoctrinating youth to believe that what they are doing is Allah's Will are the GB and are fundamentally to balem. All I am saying is that by making Islam the enemy the West is playing into the hands of those recruiters.

    mana11 - wife bashing it also a very common practice in the Philippines so should I conclude that it is a Catholic practice? Unfortunately many Muslims countries are underdeveloped so they lack good education and hang on to bad cultural practices (many of which like FGM are justified wrongly by reference to selective quotes from the Quran - the fact that these practices are not universal in the Muslim world shows they are not Islamic but cultural) which are wrong by the standards of modern society. Non-Muslim developing countries also have problems (the Catholic countries of Latin America and the Philippines being examples) with corruption, treatment of women and children etc. Do we blame Catholicism?

  • mana11

    Just so we are VERY clear about this,

    the verse: whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land

    Shakir; For this reason did We prescribe to the children of Israel that whoever slays a soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he slew all men; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as though he kept alive all men

    is also meaning "corruption" or "Mischief"


    The entire text is very clear as is the meaning.

    If you want to reason do so with facts and truth!.

    Do you deny this truth in the Holy Qur'an ?.

    can you se how world leaders and so called muslims, whom say they are sorry, are misquoting the Holy Qur'an ?.

    Are you saying the Holy Qur'an is Wrong?...

  • cofty

    This problem of the radicalization of young Muslims is not the fault of Islam or the parents - it is the fault of Western Society and its demonisation fo Islam and vilification of ordinary decent Muslims. - Frazzled

    Facile nonsense.

    I know many muslims who I talk to on a regular basis and I treat them like friends. I wouldn't dare discuss faith or politics with them. Maybe they hate misogyny and homophobia as much as I do.

    The problem is with conservative Muslims who take the quran at it's word. They are just like committed JWs with an important difference. JWs are waiting for armaggeddon to detroy all the "worldly" people who are not interested in joining their obnoxious cult.

    Muslims are commissioned to convert "kafirs" to their even more obnoxious religion, by force if necessary. The quran says so - at lest that is how millions of muslims understand it.

    Conservative muslims are offended by the way us kafirs dress, and by our music and our dancing and drinking and our choices in entertainment. They are positively apoplectic if we dare to criticise their hateful book or their war-mongering, pedophile prophet or by the way they treat women as possessions.

    Just like JWs they see the world entirely in terms of "us v them". You walk on eggshells trying in vain to keep the peace if you like.

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