Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • Gregor

    "Do you think the USA and Europe would leave them alone to do whatever is they want and stop meddling in their affairs."

    Leave them alone...Meddling in their affairs ?

    Are we living in the same world?

  • confusedandalone

    Mikado - have you been to Turkey? I have and it is a predominately Muslim nation and it is the way that you described. There are moderate Muslims. Travel and exposure to other peoples cultures and respect for customs is a key to people understanding one another and accepting what makes people unique. There have been tons of Muslims everyday on the news etc... speaking out against what it taking place.

    I imagine when they look at Christian nations and the actions that they commit that they assume the same thing, that all christians are murderous beasts as well.

  • scary21

    Since I have lived very close to one of the largest if not the largest Arabic community in the USA, East Dearborn MI. I have known many Muslim people. I have had friends that were very nice. I must say when I was younger and went to clubs they were at, Arabic men were very agressive and disrepectful.

    It's like if you were female and in a club you must be a hoe. Scary enough that after a few times I never went back.

    My brother in laws son was married to a Muslim girl. Before they were married my BIL and his son went to visit her on 9/11. He said people were hootin and hollering in the streets having a grand old time. He was shocked . I did not see this for myself ,but trust what they told me.

    I have to agree with Simon. I know many Catholics that practice birth control, but they are not following the letter of the law when it comes to their religon. There are many that do follow it.

    When I was a young girl in the 60's there was a man who cut his wifes head off for cheating. I was very disturbed by it.

    I find the whole thing very disturbing and SCARY.

    I love Arabic food and have lots of Arabic cousins that are all Catholic

  • Gregor

    " There have been tons of Muslims....."

    " I imagine when they look at Christian nations and the actions that they commit that they assume the same thing, that all christians are murderous beasts as well."

    Make up your mind.

  • Mikado

    the people I choose to employ BECAUSE I have found them to be honest and decent people. their religion was irrelevent.

    i would never choose to employ someone based on their religiom.

    the implication that I would and that I would only oppose the bigotry I have read on here is offensive in the extreme.

    The turkey comment is extremely apt. I wonder how many of you have actually travelled to the many predominantly liberal Muslim countries...

    the usa will never leave other countries alone as long as there is oil...I make a prediction, the day that oil is no longer necessary the amount of wars will plummet.

    Would Iraq have been invaded if their main produce was broccoli?? somehow I doubt it.

  • tootired2care

    Alton Nolan goes by the name Jah’keem Yisrael on Facebook. And yes, he wrote this post which included the twin towers burning in the background. This is a fascinating glimpse into what devout Muslims really think of average Americans.


  • confusedandalone

    Gregor are you taking a page form the Watchtower by adding " ..." in an attempt top hide the rest of a quote?

    I also realize that you can not honestly answer the question stated. The fact of the matter is this, ISIS is being attacked and hopefully destroyed. I think that is what is important, what is senseless/ arrogant and the height of idiotic is to suggest that being a Muslim be a crime. Being a part of a group like ISIS should be - but once you think regulating what someones beliefs should be you have stepped into a territory that demonstrates you are completely stupid.

    "the usa will never leave other countries alone as long as there is oil...I make a prediction, the day that oil is no longer necessary the amount of wars will plummet."

    @Mikado - rest assured once things calm down in the Middle East the will then tip toe over to african and exploit the oil and resources there along with China

  • Simon

    LisaBObeesa - were you honestly trying to make a comparison between Christian 'wifely subjection' and the kind of treatment women get under sharia law? They are far, far from equitable. Even the bible-doctrine is bad but it looks sweet and perfect next to Islam.

    confusedandalone: your whole 'argument' could be summarized as "let's do nothing, let's not even discuss anything because bad things once happened by THOSE PEOPLE and I AM NOT GOING TO LET IT GO, EVERRRRRRRRR". Wading past the same thing you have posted over and over is actually getting quite tiresome and interfering with the discussion, please do not go off-topic.

    Same with the argument that 'there are other problems to fix'. Of course there are. There are a whole range of things to fix in the world. Did people honestly think we tackle things sequentially, not attempting to solve something else until the first one is sorted. Sorry starving kids, we're on 'war' right now and abused pets? Well, you need to wait. Who decides what to tackle in what order?

    Really, when we need to go back to "the numerical system vs roman numerals" for great examples of contributions to mankind by a culture then I think that culture is underperforming in the science department. Yeah they did some things ... once, but what have they done for us lately?

  • Mikado

    do not use posts by a nut to vilify millions of innocent people.

    I do agree that the whole angry young man thing is a big problem.

    but, this is not the first time this has happened... remember the young Turks?

  • Simon

    what is senseless/ arrogant and the height of idiotic is to suggest that being a Muslim be a crime. Being a part of a group like ISIS should be

    So what is the difference between them? Don't both groups believe in the same Quoran?

    Is the only difference that some are more zealous about following the commandments that define their religion?

    Are the ones that don't practice the religion's commandments really in that religion?

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