Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • confusedandalone

    "Really, when we need to go back to "the numerical system vs roman numerals" for great examples of contributions to mankind by a culture then I think that culture is underperforming in the science department. Yeah they did some things ... once, but what have they done for us lately?"

    Simon you try to diminish a statement by pointing out just a numerical system as opposed to the physics and chemistry and astrological and medicinal contributions. That is pathetic and even your cohorts in this thread won't support that. It's that kind of pompous attitude that prevents you from thinking clearly.

    "let's do nothing, let's not even discuss anything because bad things once happened by THOSE PEOPLE and I AM NOT GOING TO LET IT GO, EVERRRRRRRRR"

    Actually if you ever thought about what Iwrote you would see that is not what I am saying but I amsure you will get nods from the xenophobic friends you have who cheer anything you say. I do not really need to continue with this because based on what others have said to me based on what you and others have said it is apparent that your thinking is off base and many people realize it they just don't want to tell you publicly.


    So what is the difference between them? Don't both groups believe in the same Quoran?

    Is the only difference that some are more zealous about following the commandments that define their religion?"

    Just like the Westboro Baptist Church and then you have other Christians. Both doing seperate things. You have dug your own grave, and sensible people see it

    OVER and OUT!

  • tootired2care

    do not use posts by a nut to vilify millions of innocent people.

    This is about a barbaric religion, not innocent people, as Cofty so rightly said earlier: "there is little hope for progress until the basis for their ideology is discredited. "

  • Simon

    Simon you try to diminish a statement by pointing out just a numerical system as opposed to the physics and chemistry and astrological and medicinal contributions.

    Please list 10 great contributions then. It should be easy.

    BTW: Astrology is not a science, Astronomy is.

    Just like the Westboro Baptist Church and then you have other Christians. Both doing seperate things. You have dug your own grave, and sensible people see it

    OVER and OUT!

    You mean 'cut and run' and throw some insulting labels like 'xenephobic' in the hope that you'll sway people who don't bother reading the full topic.

    What you are forgetting is that it's very easy to discredit the Westboro Baptist Church because they are clearly not Christian because their views and behaviours are at odds with what is written in the christian scriptures.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to Islam and the Quoran - all that evil crap is in there so who's to say what makes a 'good' muslim and what doesn't ... you apparently.

  • Gregor

    "but once you think regulating what someones beliefs should be you have stepped into a territory that demonstrates you are completely stupid."

    What have quote marks supposed to mean? What did I leave out that would contradict the quoted portion. As in the above.

    "...regulating what someones beliefs should be..." ?

    I think you've got it backwards.

    I may be partly stupid but not completely.

  • Mikado

    I agree Simon. So let's ban all Christians too.

    problem solved.

  • Simon

    So let's ban all Christians too.

    While I despise most religions, right now it doesn't appear to be doing a whole lot of evil in the world. The new Pope guy is actually kind of cool!

  • Simon

    confusedandalone: are you still googling for something they've contributed to science? I thought you could just reel them off ...

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Gregor: 'It's not that complicated folks' - agreed.

    It turns out that the main factor behind islamic terrorism is islam. Who'd a thunk it?

  • Mikado

    great achievements of islam


    the first use of alcohol as a disinfectant

    arabic numerals

    the preservation of many works of antiquity that would otherwise have been lost.

    the building of the first scientific observatory

    by the tenth century they were doing eye surgery.

    they determined the circumference of the world.


    the first correct description of how vision works

  • confusedandalone

    I am not you, I do not need to google. I posted plenty of information previously. The fact is if I brought out 384 things you will still just try to be witty and get the applause of the few who follow you like puppies. Trust me you have no reason to wait for anything from me. I would however suggest you and few others take some time to look up the plethora of things they have contributed to society and how had it not been for those contributions your country would not be where it is today. I am sure you won't.

    Also my slip up ther I am sure provided a chuckle. WHy arent you so dilligent in pointing out the misspellings and completely screwed up concepts of your followers in this thread.

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