Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • Laika

    Muslims have widely condemned ISIS. Type 'muslims condemn ISIS' into Google and you'll find statements, criticism and protest from basically every mainstream muslim group you can think. Not that this fact will stop the islamophobes from repeating the myth of 'muslim silence'.

  • confusedandalone

    Laika, let it go

  • digderidoo

    Using a link to Fox News for evidence that Islam is a disease is hardly credible Simon. It's watching and reading this sort of right wing biased media that links the association of the words Islam and terrorist.

    If we support Israel attacks on innocents in Gaza or CIA drone strikes based upon characteristics in Afghanistan, we are as equally as 'diseased' as those who support ISIS.

  • mana11

    Islam Is NOT interested in what you think, Say, or Do.

    It Doesnt matter if you have muslim friends. Who Doesnt?..

    The Muslims that have Fled to UK USA Europe and Australia are running from that SHARIA concept. From being persecuted by either shia against sunni or sunni against shia..

    BUT, when they get to those countries they entrench and segregate into firm beliefs of their faith that allow Sharia Law again.

    ANY Muslim will agree to and WANT sharia Law it is inbuilt so to speak. ASK THEM! see for yourself, get past the muslims are nice and into the FACTS!.

    It doesnt matter if Shia or Sunni. It doesnt matter if you are a good caring christian,

    If YOU are a moderate muslim or a non muslim or do not agree then you are dammed to death in the eyes of sharia law as that is thr ONLY law that Matters.

    The problem as christians in the west and UN felt sorry for their suffering in these war ravaged countires and allowed them intergrate into their communities worldwide via mandatory UN refugee intakes unaware that these CORE sharia beliefs are IMPOSSIBLE to break.

    Yes there are NICE muslims, but if you talk to even these ones they will accept Sharia law. They will do so easily when under any pressure and submit to it laws without question least they are themselves punished (KILLED for saying NO)

    Just look at that littke girl in the video below, escaped then executed for her refusal to marry at the age of 11.

    Islam at its root is Intollerant of others. FULL STOP!.

    Ask do you agree with stonings?. beheadings?. cutting of hands?. Most Muslim wil say of course not, ask if they want Sharia law,, they will say YES, the 2 are the SAME THING.

    The West has mostly matured above these things which were in the dark ages, but Islam would and does only but revert to these as they are stuck inside that circle of belief.






    Political Correctness is going to Bite the west in the butt!. Taking in thousands of Refugees whom are not willing to accept the Laws of your country but only Sharia Law as the only law where will that get you?. NOTHNG BUT PROBLEMS...

    Yes we can say there are Nice muslims, but then you do NOT understand that islam is a lifestyle. it incorperates Education centers, Banks and Places to worship as well as a military side and specific laws that allow child marriage, from the age a girl bleeds, to family killings of a girl if she doesnt agree or runs of with a guy she loves. ARE YOU really aware of all that happens in Islam?

    Mix into that the fact that Shia and Sunni don't get along well.

    If you want to see what is coming in the USA just look at Sweden and Norway!...

    Good intentions of assisting those suffering is turning around to bite back.

    The West has Played with these Sunni / Shia sentiments for years to play one against the other.

    The divisions in islam are there but also the Ability to unite under sharia law is also strong as it applies to both faiths.

    I have Good friends whom are Mulims, I hope they are Never forced to accept Sharia law into reality, but i feel the time is coming when this will be a reality and it is closer that we all think..

  • minimus

    Mana, good post!😀

  • designs

    Why can't ISIL kill the way the West does- from 35,000 feet up or 1200 miles away.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Then don't open yourself to being misunderstood.Add a comment about how you feel and whether you agree.

    Put some thought into it before you make knee jerk reactive comments about someone's thought provoking contribution.

  • lisaBObeesa
  • Qcmbr

    FHN - stop trying to pick fights its petty. You still haven't shared what you think so we can only assume you are in agreement with the sentiments you copied.

  • Qcmbr

    lisa - did you look at the pictures you posted? The ones that stand out to me are:

    1 - The only people claiming everyone is x or y are extremists (like the muslims committing genocide in Syria and Iraq). Very few people in the educated and civilised world would dream of grouping all people into the category of terrorist and would be condemned for it in any educated discussion.

    2 - In the Muslim world it is common practice to hide women with clothing, by not allowing photographs and making them walk behind the men. Its a horrific way to treat women and make them disappear.

    4 - Islam doesn't allow women to choose who they marry and if they date outside the acceptable bounds or they dare to fall in love with someone not sanctioned by the family then they are at risk of ostracisation or in really Islamic cultures - honour killing.

    5 - Color is an important battle that the West is gradually overcoming (thank goodness) but there are still backward cultures like Islam that split people up into groups based upon such things as belief and in extreme situations teach that it is acceptable to kill them (some even do.)

    I'm glad you have shown some concepts that make Islam particularly backward and repugnant to modern society.

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