How to Avoid the Faithless Spirit of most here-

by DocHouse 104 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DJS


    Yet another Ex-Dub or Proseletyzer arrives to save us poor ex-Dubs. You recently joined the site; I suppose after reading a bit you see the work ahead of you is challenging. Not gonna be so easy to preach and make converts is it? You say losing my faith likes it's a bad thing. My journey away from faith and your god/jesus took decades. That was me in the spotlight. That was me in the corner, losing my religion.

    Holding on to faith keeps humans tied to the lowest rungs on our evolutionary ladder. We will never fulfill the potential locked in our DNA until we lose our faith. So DH: what about the billions of Hindus, Buddhists, Animists, Pagans, Non-Theists and others who do not believe in your god/jesus - or likely any god - and yet live long and prosper????? They lack the faith you seem to think is necessary. Yet they thrive. They are happy. One more thing DH: the 'faithless' as you call them, are typically the happiest, smartest, most educated and functional people on the planet. Your OP should have been "How to Embrace the Faithless Spirit of most here.

    And DH: how long before you start telling us that you are the new sage, the new visionary, the new hope, the new prophet with special knowledge and a direct conduit to the big girl in the sky?

  • stuckinarut2

    Hey DocHouse...

    You still never answered the points I raised!

    You started this thread, I challenged you and gave you a specific response, cited biblical examples, yet you have not replied as yet.

    It seems that you were only interested in a "one way" discussion?

    Bear in mind, that the so called "faithless spirit" many of us have here, is a direct result of actually observing and experiencing specific events, rather than some make beleive fairy tale that you just have to "have faith in"....

  • Comatose

    How to avoid it???????......... hmmmmm......... Stick head in sand?

  • cantleave

    Doc house used to post here as The Mad JW. His MO hasn't changed. Ignore his trolling.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Why do people insist the human body is so perfect?

    We have only one spinal cord that can easily be damaged..... Poor optic nerves... Hair as an evolutionary byproduct....a decended lyrax causeing a choking hazrd.... bad neuron connections that are easily damaged or inhibated....

    I could fill this page with bad design

  • LisaRose

    I have seen him on Topix. He is actually one of the less crazy JW apologists over there. Of course that is not saying much, it's a pretty bizarre group. I have no respect for people who start a thread, but won't stay and defend their position, it's a waste ofeverybody's time.

  • MadGiant

    "Why do people insist the human body is so perfect?" - HomeMembersHowTheBibleWasCreated

    "Take the human form. We eat, drink, and breathe through the same hole in the head, and so, despite Henry J. Heimlich's eponymous maneuver, choking is the fourth leading cause of "unintentional injury death" in the United States. How about drowning, the fifth leading cause? Water coffers almost three-quarters of Earth's surface, yet we are land creatures—submerge your head for just a few minutes, and you die.

    Or take our collection of useless body parts. What good is the pinky toe-nail? How about the appendix, which stops functioning after childhood and thereafter serves only as the source of appendicitis? Useful parts, too, can be problematic. I happen to like my knees, but nobody ever accused them of being well protected from bumps and bangs. These days, people with problem knees can get them surgically replaced. As for our pain-prone spine, it may be a while before someone finds a way to swap that out.

    How about the silent killers? High blood pressure, colon cancer, and diabetes each cause tens of thousands of deaths in the U.S. every year, but it's possible not to know you're afflicted until your coroner tells you so. Wouldn't it be nice if we had built-in biogauges to warn us of such dangers well in advance? Even cheap cars, after all, have engine gauges.

    And what comedian designer configured the region between our legs--an entertainment complex built around a sewage system?" - Neil deGrasse Tyson

  • BluePill2

    MadGiant: Absolutely correct. I have always thought that - even if we became "perfect" again in the "new system" - our body is far from being admirable. Sleep? Why sleep? There is nothing useful and pleasant about sleep. Your body goes full limb, useless and your brain shuts down and becomes unconscious. I know, creationists will now come beating me explaining that during sleep this and that happens, blah blah blah...I know that, but there could be a far better way to accomplish all those things.

    The same with shiting and peeing. I hate these two. Really, really stupid activities. Why couldn't we have a full recycling system, where everything is used up without creating such a mess and source for diseases.

    We also share this waste system with E V E R Y single animal out there. That alone shows that we where not created. We are part of the animal world!

  • Phizzy

    And why is the play area so intertwined with the waste disposal ? They should be well apart, if waste disposal is necessary.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    And why don't females have three boobs?...two on the front and one on the back (for dancing)?

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