Sleep Aid Recommendations

by LV101 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dis-Member

    Why oh why in the US do they think drugs are the answer to everything?

    Oh yes I forgot it's part of the culture.

  • LV101

    Dis-Member- going to read your link later when I have time (can't wait). I'm afraid of taking anything after having bad reactions to 'natural' things.

    I know a few people (now I'm not judging because lying awake at night is maddening) that tried everything before they resorted to sleep aids - seriously. One is a young PE teacher (health nut) and always had difficult time retiring at night and has to take an anxiety med and it's the only thing that's worked. More than a few have indicated taking an anxiety drug (the addictive stuff--as far as I know) to deal with the situation.

    Mum - I read, also, but need to forget using the computers and switch to the old-fashioned books with book light - what's the difference! Cognac, heh? Guess it doesn't hype/stimulate you - that's good. I might have you run some cognac over! So many sip wine and have no problem - interesting.

    Thank you both - appreciate.

  • rebel8

    chamomile tea, hibiscus tea, establishing a wind-down ritual that you do exactly the same way every night at the same time, no stimulating stuff a few hours before bedtime, no light or noise in the bedroom, meditation, lavendar on your pillow

  • NeverKnew

    best prescription med but VERY expensive in some countries... Lunesta.

  • quellycatface

    Write things down that are on your mind before bed, or a "to do" list.

    Keep a notebook on your bedside table for in the middle of the night worries.

    Lavender on the pillow is brilliant.

  • LV101

    You're all so helpful - I'm so thankful for your replies and the time you're taking to post.

    rebel8 - now that's good about ritualizing a 'wind-down' and makes sense. What demanding bodies we have! I have to read when I go to bed but usually have no problem falling asleep but it's after a few hrs. of sleep I'm wide awake. Been yrs. since I've had 'chamomile tea' and had forgotten about - thanks so much.

    Lunesta - NeverKnew, I used to see their commercials on TV. I will have to check out just in case - sounds like money well spent for a good night's snooze. I don't have good luck taking anything - even antiobiotics, so I try to find other avenues but really understand why some need a sleeping aid otherwise you don't have a life the next day. Thank you.

    quellycatface (would you believe up until I typed your screen name I thought it was qualitycatface) - love the 'quelly' - excellent idea about writing but I'll probably have to try this after those initlal few hrs. of sleep hoping my mind doesn't take off for an all-nighter since I'm trying to do the breathing and positive thoughts thing. LisaRose's breathing is not easy - will take some serious practice and if that's meditation I might need a class to help. I'm assuming writing later in night helps - someone noted they do this whenever they wake up.

    I had problems last night trying to make up my happy story according to HB's post on Jam's great thread. Picking a subject matter was difficult for me because all I could think about was being with animals - lions and bears but it was all so happy - I'd watched a couple of email videos last couple of days and a woman went back to visit (after 5 yrs!) a lion she nursed back to health and the lion is standing up kissing/hugging her just like a person - I just love animals. Wish I could post that link but will try to give some info where to find later. Should go help out at the shelter - I'd need serious psychiatric help because I can't take even hearing about those places.

  • jgnat

    Can't even bear to hear about animal shelters? Then why would you volunteer there? Find a way to help from afar. Adopt one and make a photojournal. Don't pit yourself against your worst fears! Be kind to yourself.

  • Raton

    My wife takes some kind of natural sleep aid that seems to do good. The back of the bottle, if I remember correctly, said valerian root.

  • LisaRose

    I like the beach, so I use that for a pleasant scene to meditate by. I do a longer, more involved meditation than the quickie version I gave you. I just breath in through my nose, out through my mouth. While I am doing that I think about a beach I once visited. I imagine the wind, the salty air, the waves, the seagulls. If there are people, they are far away. I imagine the feel of the sand in my toes. I imagine I am sitting in a nice beach chair, I have a pina colada in my hand. The sun is just setting.

    Try to make it as vivid as you can, really think about the details. It can be any place you find relaxing. I sometimes use music to meditate by also, that seems to make it more effective. I have a Kindle tablet, so I have Pandora (free music app) I used the term "meditation by the sea" it gives me very mellow music with nature sounds. My cat likes it also and it helps her when she get wound up in the evenings. She will curl up next to it, or even sit on the tablet (it has a protective cover). She likes some music better than others.

  • LV101

    jgnat - For an opener the animals need caring for and if everyone has my attitude - I have two friends who just couldn't take it but wish they could have endured to overcome and carry on. There's always a demand for help in my city and we have the largest animal shelter in the country - one should be able to get over their issues, hopefully, maybe not. I'm being too kind to myself and feel it's easier to contribute monetarily to their care - which is very important. I'm certainly glad there are shelters but prefer the 'no kill' ones. I do my share and know all about adopting/temporary housing. I'm in/out of town and don't want to kennel pets of my own at this time although I've come close to adopting recently. Thanks for link will check out.

    I donate and help friends (donation-wise) who have rescue homes for dogs/cats.

    Raton: Thanks for mentioning 'valerian root'. Someone was telling me this 'valerian' plant is the properties used in valium - I think I read somewhere (maybe on this great site) that's not true but don't know. There's so many natural remedies that work for others I should be able to find something safe.

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