Sleep Aid Recommendations

by LV101 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • kaik

    LV I usually combine regular calming teas and a glass of warm milk and honey. If I go to bed too early like 11pm, I will be up by 4, so I go to bed around 1 wake up at 7:30 and I do not have to be at work until 9. Six hours is the most I can get. On weekends, I sleep eight hours or so. Insomnia is very little understood and generally docs do not want to treat it. I got lucky on primary care physician who understand my condition and sent me to various studies. Overall, there is a danger of getting adicted to sleeping pills and many people abuse it. Other continues to increase the dose and combine it with alcohol which is a lethal combination. Therefore, it is crucial to find a balance between getting a good sleep twice per week and cope with insomnia from time to time. As I got older my insomnia episodes are less frequent, maybe once every 8-10 weeks. Still I would recommend talking to doctor and not let yourself self medicate and self diagnose. I would be extremely carefull on over the counter stuff, as people react to them differently. Melatonin did nothing for me even with the strongest dose. Lunesta made me drowsy, upset my stomach, and gave me a horrible headaches that lasted for two to three days. 2.5mg of ambien works best because it is extremely small dose and work within your system quickly. I do not have side effect like headache, nor upset stomach.

    Ginger tea, mint, lavender, lemon, passiflora and orange teas are best as relaxation before bedtime. One tea cup is enough. You do not have to drink a liter of it before bedtime because the amount can stress your heart. Also I would be carefull with other herbs, where St. John worth can create over sensitivity on sun and cause you sunburn quickly. It was well used torture plant by Romans who forced condemned to drink it so they would develop painful sun blisters.

  • LV101

    kalk - I'm apprehensive about sleeping pills (prescription or OTC) and trying to tough it out here. I appreciate all your info.

    Don't know if I'll ever get into those herb teas but good to know what helps for relaxation. Herbs can be crazy - didn't know St. John's Wart was used as a torture method - thanks for sharing. Seems I read yrs. ago people take it for depression?

    Take care - keep sleeping.

  • kaik

    LV, St. John Wort has benefits, but it can be dangerous for people who are photosensitive like me with pale, nordic skin. It will really quickly turn your skin red on sun exposure. St. John Wort was used as punishment during ancient and medieval times as people were forced to drink it and tied to the pole which would cause them to get really painfull sunburns. Other herbs can be dangerous as they can cause issue with other meds. My father once suffered poisoning after making a tea from herbal extract that he purchased at store. He ended in emergency room having his stomach pumped out, pale, shaking, and profoundly sweating.

    I would still recommend combination therapy like relaxing tea, background sleeping music, hot bath with minerals, and OTC items in low dose that can work just for you like kava kava or melatonin.

  • LV101

    Kalk - when you're referring to "OTC items" you aren't including sleep aids, right? When I go to the doc I'm going to ask about anxiety med to use only when absolutely necessary - when I have to be out the door functioning with commitments. Just can't be feeling like a zombie.

    St. John Wort would never work for me - I'm so fair (white/pink as my friends describe!). I think many are very fair thus the skin cancer crisis going on from our younger days trying to be brown as a bear causing horrifying problems for beautiful fair skin - I think all skin colors are beautiful. My Africian-American girlfriend from jr. high used to call in summertime and be thrilled she didn't have to kill herself (literally) sunbathing with her bronzed-black skin - unbelievable! Using med from dermotalogist almost killed me for pre-skin cancer but I do need a little sunshine (I'm working on that) for vitamin D in addition need to supplement.

    I've ordered bluetooth headset for the background music (still deciding on the sound machine when I don't want to be bothered with headsets) and might be brave enough to pick up melatonin.

    Those evil Romans!


  • tornapart

    I find an antihistamine pill makes me sleep, only trouble is I can't wake up in the morning!

    Another thing I've tried is acupressure. Just under the ankle bone is a pressure point on each side (in the dip below the bone). Press firmly on each side at the same time for 60 seconds while breathing slowly and deeply and relax your muscles then do the same with the other ankle. I have no idea why or how it works (for me) but it does, every time!

  • jgnat

    I suspect the anti-anxiety drugs only work on buildup. You would have to take for months to get the effect.

  • kaik

    LV, under OTC supplement I ment melatonin or kava kava, no medication like Lunesta, ZzzQuil, or Unisoms. Lunesta, ZzzQuil and Unisoms are available without prescription . I would be very carefull to reach out for them to treat long term insomnia, and I would talk to doctor first. They may have long term side effect, and they are difficult on liver. When you have a prescription look out how it works on you; it may work differently on everyone else. In the 1990's I was prescribed some anti-insomnia drug that happened after my car accident. I had developed severe reaction, could not even stand on my feet, felt drowsy for three days. I do not remember the name of it, but it was nasty.

    I sleep well when I getting dim light, warm cup of herbal tea, hot aroma bath, and I am out while listening to these type of music:

  • stuckinarut2

    Spending a few minutes on JW.ORG

    That will put anyone into a coma!

  • LV101

    Thank you all - jgnat, I never thought about that but know a few (and in addition read on this site) people who only take when necessary - but I dunno. Say it calms them down and they really sleep. Can't imagine it not being addictive. A few commented (on other sleep posts and I could only find the last topic, 1 individual) they take every night right before sleep and I know a couple of friends do same. Couple of my older family members use to sleep - I can't stand the idea of having to rely/become addicted. Tea has been enough of an addition and Starbucks coffee every morning.

    kalk - thank you/as usual. Scared of OTC anything and prescription. At some point you have to depend on science, I guess.

    stuck - now that's funny and I think you have a point. Yrs. I spent reading the awake/watchtower and put me to sleep reading - brainwashing, also, many yrs. ago.

    Best to all of you - I apologize for this mundane topic rolling on and it needs to die out but do appreciate all the helpful comments.

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