JWs getting "Footloose" at the Kingdom Hall

by AndDontCallMeShirley 75 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I hope no one here get's injured when they see this and their jaw hits the floor:


  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    This song was from a movie about a bunch teenagers who rebeled against their religious bible thumping parents who out of concern for their kids morals and religious beliefs wouldn't allow them to have a high school dance.

    How ironic that a bunch of JW's are dancing to it and even moreso that they are doing it at the Kingdom Hall. Whooping it up...shouting and line dancing on the same platform where the Memorial is conducted.

    One time we had a 50's party at a rented hall and the Circuit Overseer got wind of it and at the following Circuit Assembly said we shouldn't have been imitating the world and honoring their celebrities, music and fads by dressing like them. We should have dressed like Witnesses in the 1950's engaged in the preaching work. (I kid you not!)

    We just rolled our eyes and walked off. Man....have things changed.

  • Quendi

    Did the angels or demons join in the festivities? ROTFL!! Thanks ADCMS for sharing this glimpse.

    I remember once throwing a "singles" party and being called on the carpet by the elders for not having chaperones and married guests. My answer that married people gave parties that excluded singles and did not include chaperones fell on deaf ears. I wonder what will happen to the people responsible for this gathering? Inquiring minds want to know.


  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    This was all part of the entertainment provided by the local congregations where International Conventions were held, to welcome the visiting delegates. This is all sanctioned by Bethel. They wanted the local congregations to entertain the visitors with "local flavor". This Congregation is in Texas I beleive, hence the cowboy hats and boots.

    This is the one from Detroit.


  • zeb

    The silly sister sounds reminds me of a social event where you couldnt hear yourself think because of the shrieking of the sisters; that is when let off the leash.

    Oh boy oh boy aint things changed!

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    WTF... Looks like they're just going through the motions to please the CoBE and really want this to be over soon.

  • Listener

    They are just so desperate they have turned their Kingdom Halls into party venues.

  • alanv

    Wow how the might have fallen. So much for the kingdom hall being an exclusive place of worship. One more example of the JWs going mainstream.

  • losingit

    I'm sorry, but y'all are just hatin'! That looked cute and fun! I'd jump in too haha :-)

    Now the Detroit one, that looked boring.

  • sparky1

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh my god this is hilarious! In the early 1970's I and some of my family members and a few others from our congregation were ' reproved' for Line Dancing. We were at a dinner /bar type venue and the house band was two local brothers from our congregation. A special needs talk was given on the dangers of dancing so the whole Kingdom Hall was warned too. The funny thing was that one of the Elders was dancing also. During our meeting with the Elders I said to the Elder that had been dancing that 'he was involved too' and so 'what about his conduct?'. His answer to my question was "I only did it a little bit". The way Jehovah's Witnesses are morphing into 'god knows what' is absolutely mind boggling.

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