Most absurd thing I heard at the convention yesterday!

by Batman89 67 Replies latest social physical

  • opusdei1972

    The members of the Governing Body have to keep the flock in the theological fantasy. This is their task, otherwise most of the witnesses would be awake about the reality. You will see what will happen when the overlapping generation passes away (about 2034), the new members of the GB will have to invent a new patch for the understanding of Matthew 24:34.

  • villagegirl

    Gravity ? Was there a pre-gravity age ? Do they know what

    gravity is ? Electricity ? What ? As in light bulbs?

    Wind ? Who IS this guy ? Got to be one of the magical

    Governing Body speaking ? How could you not burst out

    laughing ? I would be rolling on the floor they would

    have to carry me out.

  • villagegirl

    Water-wings ? For toddlers getting baptized ?

    Then they will claim an "increase" ?

    Is getting a pre-frontal lobotomy new requisite

    to be a JW ?

  • leaving_quietly

    Batman89, were you in Seattle, too? Or in a tie-in? Yes that statement was so absurd, I wrote it down in my [very few] notes.

    There was also quite a bit said about having favorite sport teams and rooting for them. It was under the guise of nationalism.

    This was in the talk about who would NOT inherit the kingdom, and it referred specifically to "idolatry". Any one who we get over-enthusastic about is considered idolatry. Hello? JWs and the GB? JWs and "the organization"? How is that NOT idolatry? When Lett was introduced for his talks, the audience clapped BEFORE he started, as well as after his talk. How is this NOT idolatry????

  • ikhandi

    Yeah the baptismal talk Was Intersting. It was said that being baptized meams you have a direct acess to Jehovah for hmto hear your prayers. I'm like come again please. So if your not baptized your prayers go unheard? That's the dumbest crap I have heard yet. I couldn't believe that was said from the platform.

  • Ocean1111


    ive said it before, I believe the GB is now trolling us. This new group of guys don't believe the teachings. I think they are looking to give thinking people an excuse to leave. Some of their recent articles are just too deliberately dense to be accidental. The article where loesch attacked the infallibility of the pope was ridiculous. His reasoning was that if the pope was not infallible, then doesn't that mean he could be wrong? By the same token the GB has said they are not inspired or infallible. So basically he was admitting their wrong. Plus the ridiculous take on the generation teaching. That has to be an obvious troll job. It's almost as good as the fake questions from readers people post on this site. Now that they have all the money, the next step will to get people to leave. Then they can live out the rest of their lives in a nice new compound.


    True it is beyond coincidence now.

    It is also beyond actually being accidentally hypocritical Christians. These guys are con men experts, in an operation that can net billions, and have a peak ROI by global slave labor for 40 years of capital conversion from JW contributions into billions in properties globally. There is not a more lucrative scam on earth than bringing Bethel down legally and absorbing purposely liable assets in the hedges and litigations to make even more money on the unregulated derivatives bets by the insiders.

    Couple that with the national tsunami of litigation also in the wings, and one can read the writing on the Bethel wall.

    It could take years, but this is also when an accelerating catalysts can speed up the process. In my onion Bethel will not go down overnight, but within 3 years of the first notable action, Bethel will change ownership to that of it's creditors that will spontaneously appear when the derivates turn the tables by predesign. The WT legal department at that level of alignment is what is setting up the whole corporate network for seizure, because no one but them and their external planners understands the complexity of what Bethel is webbed into by purposeful positioning aided internally.

    So when David Splane says "some people say the Governing body is on the cutting edge, and they are right" it is surreal to hear him recite Russell's use of the phonograph and early multi-media to prove the Governing Body is "cutting edge". Geeez, there was no Governing Body until 1971, and a dictatorial coup in 1976. The modern GB ignores all post 1970 reality. But they shamelessly associate themselves with fictional plausibilities that are actually deceptive. The wheel was not broke when in 1976 the GB decided to fix it, and fix it they did. The peak growth of 1970-1975 in the 13% range can be shown to enter it's downward spiral the very year the GB went into power in 1976.

    Then merely reverse engineer everything that happened in a corporate sense, from a ship already in full operation, from that 1976 coup, and we can easily see when the single worst experiment in "rule by committee", factionally infiltrated at first, actually began not long ago. But long enough and gradual enough to have set the UN NGO in house, and to re-organize the place for the final stage of the coup that actually began in 1976. To pull off a brilliant act and production for multi-billions in booty is not too hard to believe. The surreal ridiculous lies and claims are actually ominous, the GB is also going for the Academy Award and they will win it, and they will take JW billions in accumulated corporate controlled wealth in the process.

    They can then abandon ship while it is sinking, dump the corporate liabilities to the national authorities, and JWs will be none the wiser for quite some time, because they can sell the WHOLE operation to JWs as "prophecy has fulfilled brothers! see you in paradise! preaching work has ended! bye!".

    And JWs couldn't be woken up if you spelled it out for them, they will be dumbfounded, bewildered and pawned as a group, in total scattered confusion. The JW dumb terminals will be disconnected from the Bethel server as it crashes permanently, but it will be in slow motion, but irreversible.

    What is indicative of an actually well conceived operation is Bethel subverts the understanding not just of JWs, but also of most of their critics, Bethel pawns both groups by giving the wrong impression to both groups. That is called brilliant in deception, they are in reality not "a bunch of dummies" as they culture that illusion for the opposition, and "cutting edge" for the JW duped.

  • 1009

    Bye bye birdie:

    the baptism talk was insulting to anyone not baptized. Brother Mangnusun said, "now that you are baptized your prayers are more readily heard by Jehovah. Let me illustrate, a man loves children but certainly a father loves and protects his own children ahead of any others. So your prayers are especially heard."

    So unless you are baptized you are a red headed step child and prayers go to voice mail.

    Didn't you know that?

    *** w90 5/15 p. 12 par. 11 Fear Jehovah, the Hearer of Prayer ***
    Only baptized believers have an unrestricted privilege of approaching the King Eternal in prayer.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Religious puppet masters

    Religious pied pipers

  • stuckinarut2

    I seriously DO NOT know how I will keep myself from CHOKING and SPLUTTERING out LOUD when I have to sit through all of this soon!

    I will be torn....on one hand I will want to hear every minute so that I can confirm just how much of a CULT the org is...on the other hand I will want to be out walking around the city doing NORMAL stuff

    (actually the best time to enjoy the city is when EVERY WITNESS is locked up in a stadium! Then you can actually enjoy yourself without having witnesses around.....)

  • Bye bye birdie
    Bye bye birdie

    holy cow. They actually put it in print too? Where is the scripture for that?

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