New to The Jehovahs Witness Faith and need some help

by jnjburkett 171 Replies latest jw friends

  • Designer Stubble
  • confusedandalone

    Again, although some publishers may not be aware of the YMCA issue, I do not know one eler who is not aware of it. After all the onbly way one would not understand that it is a problem is if they do not know what the letters Y M C A stand for, the C is for CHRISTIAN.

    However all that aside, we have someone who has only been studying for 1 month who comes here to ask a question and then immediately begins defended the organization with the fervor of a 30+ year pioneer. Uses JW speak so early on. Says that they hung out for 4 months with a whole family of witnesses and no one ever made it know they were witnesses of tried to preach to her when the father himself is an elder? The elder lets his daughter and a bunch of others go to the YMCA every single morning and never tells her to stop? There were a number of other obvious signs as well.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Guys - JNJBurkett has left the building - here we had a perfect opportunity to save some poor soul before she got sucked into the WBTS vortex but by making outlandish and irrelevant comments about JWs and the YMCA we allowed her cognitive dissonance an escape route. And then some of us (you know who you are) starting being rude to her and she bailed and she will now believe all the things they will be telling her at the KH about Apostates. If this site has a mission it is to save the likes of Ms Burkett (she had only been studying for a month and had concerns). She was no troll. No one explained 'love bombing' or the techniques of indoctrination used by the Witnesses. Obviously she had already developed an emotional attachment - maybe the Witnesses were giving her some sense of belonging she is lacking - some questions about what she liked about studying may have elicited that and opened a door to get through to her. Come on folks we need to get smarter and gentler in the way we handle people like her so we can get our message across. Sorry to lecture but I was a bit disappointed to read how this thread evolved. Fraz

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    she will now believe all the things they will be telling her at the KH about Apostates.


    Ultimately, a person is going to believe whatever they want to believe regardless of the evidence.


    No one explained 'love bombing' or the techniques of indoctrination used by the Witnesses


    Actually, it was thoroughly explained and JNJ refused to accept it. Apparently JNJ's miniscule "knowledge" and experience gained studying with JWs for a few weeks outweighs the firsthand knowledge and advice offered by those that were JWs for decades.



    ..........................................................................No It`s Not!!..Thats All We Sell At The WBT$!!..

    .......................................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Designer Stubble, I went over to your site, and saw that, yes, Miss J, is asking the same questions, the same format.

    After I posted, sincerely to her, I got the impression that she is a troll. A WT troll.

    ----->> If I was bored at Bethel, maybe working in the IT department, why not start a thread on JWN and see how many JWN'er's take the bait, and answer.

    What kind of wager would I do with my buddies? If I say, who will bet me I can get 3 pages of replies... Who will bet me $10.00? There will be someone who might say I will take that bet. If you get 5 pages, I will give you $50.00, anything less, nothing.

    Right now it is up to 7 pages. BINGO. In my book, "Miss J" made herself/himself $50.00.


  • Magnum

    I just read the whole thread and was feeling bad about the way it went... until I read AndDontCallMeShirley's post on pg7. Then I didn't feel so bad.

    Apparently JNJ's miniscule "knowledge" and experience gained studying with JWs for a few weeks outweighs the firsthand knowledge and advice offered by those that were JWs for decades.

    Doesn't that attitude really characterize all JWs including us when we were in? JWs are clueless, yet they think they know it all and have all the answers and everybody else is clueless. I thought I knew it all, but I now know I was clueless. I had never really read the Bible in context. I didn't question where we got the accepted canon. I didn't really know JW history. Etc.

    I was thinking it was a tragedy that JNJ left the discussion, but now I don't think so. Let her learn the hard way like most of us did. Of course, it's easier now than it was when some of us came in (only one midweek meeting, not as much material to read, using video presentations in service, etc.), but still, she'll find out. Let her find out that weekends won't be hers anymore - no Saturday morns, no Sundays. Let her start questioning once she's taken the plunge; let her find out how loving they'll be then. She'll probably eventually find out and she'll remember this site and what she was told. But if she doesn't find out and figure it out, then she deserves to be a JW.

  • cultBgone

    Is it just maybe possible that someone, somewhere, is having a good laugh because they made the apostates turn on each other?

    In all fairness, even though I apologized for being judgmental because I swayed to public opinion, this person sounded like a born-in jw with years of jw-speak in their vocabulary.

    And yes, I heard for 20+ years that the YMCA was baaaaaaadddddd. Same as Salvation Army (it was okay to shop at Goodwill, though.) And never any GS cookies....never...and I used to love thin mints.

  • confusedandalone

    A troll is a troll

  • SAHS

    In my humble opinion, I believe that these three posts are the most reasonable and compassionate of them all:

    “KateWild”: “I think this really shows she is telling the truth, it's such an old mag and I would say that the rule about this is inconsistent around the globe, just like the Malawi / Mexico incident. Most JWs who want to go along to the YMCA, don't do a CD-ROM search to see if it's okay.

    “notjustyet”: “What did I learn from this thread? I learned not to be quick in calling "troll" at the expense of scaring away a person who came to this site for answers about the WTBTS/Jw. . . . There are so many variables that could happen in the future that could make a person "look" like a troll but in reality are not. A person could have misunderstood what was said, the person that share story X could have been lying, the story could be true and would be dealt with on a Judicial Committee later, etc etc, . . . I hate seeing a person come here and get pounced on in a free for all with everyone jumping in sharing stories.”

    “rebel8”: “There are jws who do not know about the Y restriction. And this lady is STUDYING. Jeez people, calling her names?

    Me personally, I do not know all the facts of jnjburkett’s situation or that of her JW acquaintances (and neither do any of you all), but all that aside, I can only say this: Let’s just be fair and give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and ‘treat them as we would want to be treated.’ (What famous person said that? . . . . Oh yah, the same person known for stating the “Golden Rule.”)

    I was actually a born-in JW (since 1966), and I myself have observed quite a gamut of variety in what actually is, and what is “supposed to be,” allowed among the JWs. I for one have been an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous (“AA”) for quite some years. (I started going to AA meetings around 1988, but I have gone “in and out” a few times. I’m currently attending AA pretty much daily, and have been in detox and also in a residential treatment facility for 21 days.) The elders in all my judicial committee hearings (yes, all about drinking alcohol) all thought that getting “professional” help in AA was actually a good idea, even though that 12-step program is God-based/spiritual-based and originally began as a definite Christian group (the “Oxford Group”). I even join in saying the Lord’s Prayer. That just goes to illustrate how in the whole grand scheme of things nothing is really as black-and-white and universally consistent as one might think – even in JW land.

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