Jehovah's Witness Tragedy - a series of installments.

by Julia Orwell 66 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Vidiot

    Julia Orwell - "Brother Wanis is a real person. He's an absolute Nazi elder who gave me some real grief. He's like if you got the worst trait of every elder ever and rolled them into one person."

    Sounds like a real GB fast-tracker.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Thanks guys!

    I don't plan to market or sell this work, just write it for the intrinsic joy of writing. My favourite authors are George Orwell and Alexander Solzhenitsyn .

  • PaintedToeNail

    Here I am, with a mental picture of Alfred and Adam. Alfred in his beraggled chair, in his lonely room...sad. Enjoying your story!

  • Muddy Waters
  • Muddy Waters
  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Oh, I love Alexander Solzhenitsyn, too! But I can't often get through his stuff, it's so heart-breaking!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Okay Julia, I am here. Where is my next installment... bedtime story???

    LL (not Bean)

    PS Oh, Aleksandr. I have only read his "The Gulag Archipelago" which I read, at a very difficult time in my life. It helped me to know worse things could have happened to me, so be thankful. I was.

  • roberto avon
    roberto avon

    Julia Orwell,
    really nice and interesting reading! I just can't wait for the next chapter.

    Village Girl, very good advice. I also wrote a book about my life among the Jw's even if my English is very poor. From next september I will take Enflish lessons and try to to reach a decent level so that I can re-write my book. I wrote it in English, changed names of persons and places, because my wife is still in ( very liberal ).
    Also for me, wrting the book was at therapy.

    What I did was starting the book with a " glossary".
    I explain in an ironic way all these silly Jw's words and expressions as


    You are trying to get your well deserved rest on Sunday morning after a
    hard week and you hear the bell ringing? These ball breakers are publishers and they are trying to save your life so that you
    can live forever on paradise earth with your wife and have a lion as a pet. So if you maybe
    intended to get divorced from your wife, don't spend your money in
    lawyers because the end of the world is coming right now. If you think to get divorced first and than enter in the JWs organization, be careful,
    your new wife may be even worse and you will have to stay with her for
    Once in paradise, leaving your wife alone with the lion won't work( he
    will eat only grass ), so you'd better get used to it. So just tell
    them to go away because you are an apostate ( somebody who is against them)and they won't bother you anymore.

    What do you think about it?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hey I like your wry style. I reckon this JWN should have a writers' corner for people like us.

    The next installment should come within the next few days. Today is my lap top free day.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Ok, here's the next installment of my novella.

    * * *

    Christopher Wanis strutted through the door with his flash new grey Bible in hand, tucked up against his side. Although only about 33, he had started balding early in life and was only about 5’6”, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t considered one of the hottest single brothers on the circuit. With 17 years of full-time service under his belt, five of which were at Bethel, he came from a long line of Jehovah’s Witnesses strong in the ‘truth’, and knew he was a hot commodity.

    Married women went to him for advice on raising children and men went to him for advice on their marriages. Single sisters found any reason they could to talk to him at a gathering or Circuit Assembly, yet none were up to his standard. He knew what he wanted: a slim, blonde pioneer sister with large breasts and a wealthy family in the ‘truth’ who could support two pioneers. She also had to be no older than about 18, for he felt entitled to young virgin. No second-hand sister for him! Teenagers were also easier to mould than sisters his own age.

    While Brother Wanis strutted in like a bantam rooster, Peter Edrupt almost tip-toed in behind him. A lined, colourless man of middle age, he took Alfred’s easy-chair and seemed to disappear into the décor.

    Alfred pulled out a folding chair when he saw Christopher go for the other easy-chair, and sat adjusting his tie. These gifts from God were here to encourage Alfred, yet all this sitting about the lounge room in suits and ties seemed distant and formal, like a meeting with parliament.

    After some pleasantries and a prayer, Brother Wanis went straight to the heart of the matter, interrogating Alfred about his thoughts and what had led him to this point. Alfred spoke honestly and frankly, believing that only a full confession would allow Jehovah’s Holy Spirit to work and help him with his doubts. This Brother Wanis was younger than Alfred’s son; Alfred had been an elder when this guy’s mum was still wiping his nose. Yet the Holy Spirit had appointed him an elder, and Alfred needed to respect that if he wanted Jehovah’s blessing. Alfred was no longer an elder and so he knew his place.

    He told the two elders about how many he’d seen die believing Armageddon was going to come soon, and about the disappointment of 1975.

    “So if they were wrong about that, what else might they have been wrong about?” Alfred knew he was in dangerous territory, but he knew these young elders would not disregard his sincerity.

    Brother Wanis’ eyes glittered like obsidian. He tensed as though about to pounce, then calmed as Brother Edrupt shot him a glare.

    Still, through tight lips, those black eyes like a hawk’s, he intoned, “Alfred, do you believe the Governing Body is directed by Jehovah?”

    Alfred was stunned. He knew from years of being an elder that this was the ‘apostasy’ question. He’d expected some scriptural thought or encouraging true story and not an inquisition. It was never that way when he was an elder.

    “Christopher, that’s the apostasy question! I am not an apostate. I just have some doubts, since Barbara’s death I’ve had a lot of time to think…”

    “Yes,” the colourless Brother Edrupt came to life, “We miss Barbara. She was such a good example to the young ones, and married sisters who had problems with submission. We all miss her.”

    “And if you want to see her again, Alfred, you have to get your thinking in line with the Faithful and Discreet Slave,” said Christopher.

    Alfred felt the colour drain from his being. Of course he wanted to see her again, and be with Adam forever too. After so many decades, he couldn’t give up now. He remembered the words of Jesus: “But he who endures to the end is the one who will be saved.”

    Brother Edrupt spoke again in a kindly voice. “Alfred, we know you’re a faithful brother. We know you love Jehovah. You’re just having some doubts. Do you think maybe Satan is taking advantage of your emotions right now? Of course he is. You are the one he wants to get now. Barbara slipped his noose by dying faithful to Jehovah. And we are so close, so close, to the end. For you to give in now would be throwing away all the blessings Jehovah has given your for your faithful service to him.

    “Think about how much you have been blessed by Jehovah. Adam a substitute CO. All those people you helped come into the Truth. Service privileges. Pioneering. And you’ve never gone without anything materially: I remember once Barbara told me that although you were supporting her and Adam when he was very young, working long hours for little pay and putting Jehovah first, you managed to buy her that opal ring!”

    Ah yes, thought Alfred. How she loved that opal ring. It was not really a blessing, but a necessity, something small to give Barbara in lieu of the other child she wanted.

    Alfred just looked at Brother Edrupt and then at Christopher. "You know brothers, that's actually one of the things that got me thinking. Barbara loved that ring and I sent it to the Branch Office in Sydney according to her will. Barb's dying wish that it be sold to make Kingdom Halls in Africa and her will stipulated that. But I never got a receipt or acknowledgement for it."

    * * *

    Next part will come hopefully before the weekend.

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