They are going to charge members monthly fees now! Society Tyranny

by MysticMage 74 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I'm so glad that i'm not involved in that stuff anymore

    now I just sit back and watch the train wreck and i'm sorry people are still on it but from the few conversations I've had nothing i say will make anyone jump off till their ready


    In our Congo, the average was around $12 per month. Multuply that by 8 million. They are not going to get that, but they wish they would. The goal is to raise the bar and get the sheeple all excited and rake in whatever they can.


  • Vidiot

    nancy drew - " I just sit back and watch the train wreck..."

    You're in a good place to be for an XJW.

    A lot of "newly unbaptized" are in considerable emotional pain due to the particular circumstances of their exit and/or what they've learned about what's going on behing the WTS's curtain, and because of that, want very badly to enact some kind of retailation against the Org.

    This leads to a lot of frustration if they loudly claim, "this (alone) is gonna bring the WTS to it's knees!" and the rest of the XJW community tells them "um.. no, it's not", and turns out to be correct.

    However, once you've been out long enough (i.e. had enough time to cool off), you often realize that the Org is - by its own policies and actions - increasingly undermining itself...

    ...whilst simultaneously realizing that you don't need to bring it down.

    All you gotta do is (like you said) sit back and watch.

  • kaik

    I just talked to my mom about the welfare and money she donates to KH. She said that pays only minium which equal about $1 per week on her small pension. She told me that several of the JW are on various disability programs and welfare so they have enough time for field service and use taxpayer money to give a donations.

  • rebel8

    Where is the evidence for the claim, "They are going to charge members monthly fees"?

  • awakenyr2004

    Why the hell do they need their kingdom halls renovated! Please! Give me a freakin break! When I was about 15 (1991ish) they renovated the KH I belonged to. I wondered then why they were doing it. I hought what is the point if the end is almost here. Yes it was older a 70s style place but it was perfectly fine. I don't think Jehovah nor Jesus would have cared if Armageddon came and we were all hudled in a 70s style kingdon hall.

    Well, I hear they are up to it again. They will be remodeling soon. I guess Jehovah and Jesus are really cray cray about their khs looking swag. WHAT A SCAM! Any lurkers here? I HOPE YOU WAKE THE HELL UP!

  • Scully

    I'd love to get a letter like that.

    I'd write on it in the prettiest penmanship I could possibly muster:

    Dear Brothers,

    I have been "waiting on Jehovah" for many things in this lifetime, not the least of which is the "promise" that Armageddon is coming soon. Had I listened to that admonition almost 20 years ago, I would have missed out on a wonderful education and an extremely satisfying career. Had I listened to that admonition almost 20 years ago, my family would still be stuck in a financial rut, struggling to make ends meet, my children would have been denied opportunities to have important life experiences during their youth, the very same opportunities that I was denied in my youth because it was deemed by people like yourselves that it would be better to "wait on Jehovah".

    Now you've asked me to commit to a monthly "voluntary contribution". The thing is, committing to something no longer makes it "voluntary" should my circumstances change and force me to re-evaluate my finances. I much prefer to make my contributions anonymously - I do not wish for others to be privy to something so personal, so private. It is considered highly improper in polite company to discuss what one's financial situation is, and a place of worship certainly seems to be an inappropriate venue for such topics. Didn't Jesus take offence to the presence of moneychangers in the temple? Why would he not be similarly offended by this obvious attempt at fleecing the very people whom the Society has admonished to "wait on Jehovah" for a better life for themselves? Why would people who have felt compelled to forego an education that would allow them more financial comforts want to give more to the very organization that told them that it is better to 'keep your eye simple' - and not to 'store up treasures on earth where moth and rust consume' - yet with the contributions that these humble sincere followers offer, you've turned around and built state of the art luxury palaces for yourselves at the various headquarters in the US, Canada, the UK and elsewhere in the world. Why is it all right for the Society to "store up treasures on earth" while it is not all right for the people who financially support the Society to do so?

    In light of this, I'm afraid that I will have to insist on continuing my practice of anonymous donations when I choose to do so, in an amount that is also of my choosing. If you wish to have a more solid 'commitment' than this, I'm afraid my answer is merely an echo of the promises that Society has uttered over the years: "Wait on Jehovah".


    Sister Scully

  • David7676

    Where do you guys get this stuff?

  • vanyell

    is this implemented worldwide? or just the US for now?

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    As a measure of protest, JWs should anonymously pledge high amounts to artificially inflate the number and just wait for the inevitable local needs talk.

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