JW Witnessing Trolleys. To approach or ignore what is your preference and why?

by KateWild 59 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sparrowdown

    Trashing books may actually help WT by adding to the numbers they use to support their claim of being a charity.

    Any books trashed not are counted as placements.

  • Doctor Who
    Doctor Who

    Why in the world would I want to approach or talk to them? Reminds me of Prov. 26:11...Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly...

  • cofty

    Except it's the exact opposite of that.

  • GrreatTeacher

    "Frozen vegetables." Pretty funny. :)

  • OnTheWayOut

    I remember not commenting on this thread because I went back and forth about what I would do.

    But time has shown me what I have done.

    I have seen the carts more than a few times now and I have never approached. JW's not knowing who lives there have rung my bell and I would say "No thanks" and close the door.

    I just can't get myself riled up for a stranger who will probably use my logic as a confirmation of "Satan's" skills.

    When I wrote my book, I ended with this paragraph that sums it up:

    If I had to choose the ending of a movie based on this book, I think I would have a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses approach me on the street offering me their WATCH TOWER magazine. They would go through their presentation and I would simply walk away and say, "No thanks, I am much happier now without it."
  • Xanthippe

    I've only seen a trolley once and unfortunately I was in a rush on my lunch break from work. The last person who came to my door I did engage in conversation until she got quite upset (cd starting up) and said she had to go. I will try and use some of the excellent ideas people on here have shared next time I see a trolley because I really wish someone had tried to help me get out.

  • rebelfighter

    Never a JW. I have yet to see a cart but to date since learning TTATT here is my score card.

    1. My friend owns one of the largest gas stations in this area in front of a large strip mall. There were always JWS handing out literature there. I waited till a couple was picking up literature and I asked about education, extra curriculum and children socializing. Then I reminded him he could find the CORRECT answers on pages ... of the Family booklet. Please review your Bible about lying. This guy peeled rubber off the parking lot and there has not been a JW insight on any part of this strip mall since.

    2. Two Special Pioneers rang my door bell the day of the Memorial. You can read all about it, they tried to escape but they got a good anti-witnessing for 30 minutes. Hopefully I planted some seeds in these young folks.

    3. About a month later a young Elder, his wife and their stroller with an infant rang my door bell. Again you can read all about it, I would have kept them longer but had to get to a Dr appt.

    Yes, yes I will approach if I can plant a seed and keep 1 child out of a KH it is well worth my time. I LOVE children not just my children ALL children. I have spent all my spare time when not working donating my time to benefit children. I cannot tolerate seeing children hurt sexually, physically or emotionally.

    The same goes for women.

    Kingdom Hall

    Men's Only Club

  • Goldstein

    I approach them, if I have the time.

    A simple question, where does Jesus say that the generation of Matthew 24 - will be an overlapping one, then and now?

    Was Jesus talking about the disciples generation or their childrens generation?

    They usually fire up their tablet and read 'Jesus evidently meant an overlapping generation'

    Where is that evidence - is the next question?

    I had one young sister listen to me and she look confused to say the least.

    She promised me an answer the next time she stood at this street corner.

    I am still waiting.

  • snugglebunny

    Ah..the good old days - not!

  • StephaneLaliberte

    If I was in another city and saw them, I think I'd ask a few questions that don't appear too "JW savy". Like, asking a question on 1914, 1919 or 607 would immediately trigger their "apostate alarm". I'd like to ask some questions like:

    When Jesus was there, why didn't he write any books? Did he asks people to build him churches?

    I heard that you guys shun people, a lot of people. Is this true? Even family and very close friends? Why? Did Jesus ever shun people? How could he be tempted by Satan if he did not shun him? Why did he go in the desert in the first place knowing he could be tempted? What was the point of that? Wasn't that willfully putting his beliefs to the test?

    If someone you know tells you that he's planing to kill someone tomorrow. Would you try to stop him? Would you inform the police? Why? How would you feel if you did nothing? Then why would God be able to stand by idle and watch so many bad things happen? I went to visit some concentration camps in Germany, I was amazed by how long it took the Germans to get to that final solution. They changed laws, organized trains, ghettos, build railroad, camps, etc. It took many years and God, who sees everything, knew exactly what was going to happen. Why? What did that change in the greater scheme of things? What is his excuse for doing nothing?

    I'd try to get more random questions that are general, but easily puts questions in their minds.

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