What do you love about being a JW?

by FL_Panthers 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • Emery


  • Heaven

    FL_P said: who going to the memorial?

    FL_P, since you guys believe Jesus has already returned, why are JWs still doing this? His instructions were to stop once he came back.

  • sarahsmile

    Fl Panther, I doubt your apology is even a little sincere.

    If this is what you believe that people who leave the Jehovahs Witnesses are not going to survive Armageddon,God's day! then you belong here!

    You do realize your questions goes against Jesus Christ and Jehovahs bibical truths! And it was very judgemental.

    It part of your Jehovahs Witnesses training. Occasionally, a very strict JW would state your questions. So your one of those too harsh JWs who feel it is your Gid given right to condemn others. Chip on your shoulder

    Hope you read your bible only or another version, NIV.

    Asking people those questions are like Baptist shouting people are going to hell if....

    Welcome you really need to be here.


  • ballistic

    Some people mentioned love of Truth. "Truth" has a deeper philosophical meaning about the true nature of reality. I feel sure that if you discovered the true nature of reality, which is, how things are at the most basic levels and how everything exists, then that would indeed be something to wonder at and love as the post intimates.

  • sarahsmile

    For those who left the truth or who are inactive etc I have one question for you:

    how would you feel if the end came soon? Like next year?

    If the end came tomorrow,I have enough faith that is faith that Jesus will save me and every one else on this forum. I do not lack faith in Jesus Christ who was given all power and authority to judge me. I love Jesus and YHWH.

    you guys might have your own reasons for leaving but would you say that's better than everlasting life? life in a peaceful new world? This is two more questions. Read answer to queztion 1. It not about a religion but about Jesus Christ love. YHWH loves you so if you have true! faith in the Almighty Gid and his son Jesus everlasting life was offerred for ALL. Do you believe that Jesus died for you?

    I'm assuming that when armaggedon comes, you guys are still going to saying "I'm glad I left! Even tho I'm going to do die, leaving the truth was so much better"


    Answer to question 4 I hope you get some help from this forum! Can the Watchtower Bible Society,Jehovahs Witness, save you at Armegeddon or during the resurrection? It is not any religion or church that will save you. One! one will save you and that is Jesus Christ.

    Hope you compare Gods loving Grace for mankind than your judgmental mind set. You need help and many here understand you.

    FL Panthers here my question for you:

    What would you do for your friend? He just got disfellowshipped for doubting the Jehovahs Witness doctrine and is now being shunned by family and friends.

    Many are saying he is not going to make Armageddon.

    What would you do for your friend?

  • sarahsmile

    FL Panther

    I think I owe you an apology! But hope you think about my reply.

    We must be very confusing to you.

    I realized that you are sincere in your apology! Sorry! How okd are you and do you have a family?

    Hope you hang in there with this forum just so you understand why.

    Take care.

  • ShirleyW

    Sarahsmile - Are you new to this site, this guy isn't new, remember the names, George, Miz, and not to long ago Stand for Pure Worship"? Same guy. don't sweat it he works for a pharmaceutical company and obviously has access to the firms "goods". He even used to post here under one of his many different names the kind of pill and liquor alcohol cocktails he used to mix. The interesting thing about it is he's an elder.

  • perfect1

    I love that child abusers can have access to all the kiddos and never get reported to the police or denied their privleges!

  • perfect1

    I love to have a personal relationship with Jehovah, I know he loves me and because of that he might kill me if I am disloyal for an instant or if I am in the wrong tribe or if I get raped or if my Dad hears voices telling him I am a human sacrifice or

  • perfect1

    I love the organization and they show they love me by correcting things about my appearance, like if my hair looks too worldly or my skirt is at the knee because that rides up when you sit down and if my breasts are too prominent or all of the other mistakes a weaker vessel like me is likely to make.

    They also protect me from making a fool of myself trying to lead the congregation or correct a brother.

    They love me by discouraging me from engaging the opposite sex until I consider lesbianism, but that too is something I must guard against as I am sinful and weak.

    They really love me by making sure no one in my family ever speaks to me again until I return to the fold.

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