Our insightful posters on this site were able to predict the new "spirit directed" generation teachings and FDS teaching even years in advance. What bomb do you thing will be dropped this year? I know it will be big. I think it also may be a distressful turning point.
What Bomb Will Be Dropped at This Years District Convention?
by kneehighmiah 84 Replies latest jw friends
They will try to play this year off as a celebration of jesus ruling for 100 years, like it is a big thing.
- Shun anyone that misses meetings
- Contribute more $$$ to Jehovah = the FDS/GB/Warwick Building Project
- Preach the Good News of JW.ORG
- Many long-time servants of Jehovah (COs and DOs) are being "reassinged" to the field. We expect YOU to care for their financial needs
- Contribute more $$$ to Jehovah = the FDS/GB/Warwick Building Project = The GB's Retirement Home
- Do not use the internet except to go to JW.ORG
- Just say "No!" to Higher Education; keep cleaning those toilets for Jesus!
- God loves you, but if you don't do what we say, he's gonna' kill you at Armageddon
- Regular Pioneer Hours have just been reduced to 10.9/hrs/month
- The End is still near. In fact, it's nearer than it's ever been!
- Any and all JWs guilty of "serious sin" (See: "Brazen Conduct" in the STFOG secret elders manual) MUST BE DISFELLOWSHIPPED immediately. Elders must be "big trees of righteousness for Jehovah."
- Elder Qualifications: you cannot have molested a child within the last 15 minutes and there must not have been a second witness
- Conventions: All publishers attending Regional Conventions MUST stay as designated hotels on the Recommended Lodging List. Failure to do so is now a Disfellowshipping Offense.
- ATM machines will be located at all Assembly Sites for the convenience of this in attendance. God loves a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:7
- Anyone that has doubts or questions the GB is an apostate
- Jesus is STILL invisibly present. That's how we know the End is So Close!
Listen, Obey and Be Blessed!
- It's a cult! -
The Assembly keynote talk on the Sunday will be " How the WTS. organization got away with lying and exploiting the ignorance of the public for 100 years "
They will drop the literal 144k #
The trouble with DA bombs, it is like carpet bombing, it is too dispersed, and after the first bomb goes of, the jig is up. so, wait for the Oktoberfest in New Jersey.
The theme, "Listen, Obey, or be Shunned!"
Symposium -
"Why the pagan practice of cremation even though only associated with bad things in the bible is acceptable while a birthday party is unacceptable"
"Show your faith in Jehovah by donating all retirement, savings, trusts, etc, to the faithful slave and you'll be blessed!"
"How to use 1 paper towel when drying your hands"
Special Elders Meeting in relation to how to proceed with sexual abuse accusations: "Pics or it didn't happen."
I think you will need to hold on to your hats for this huge announcement.
If you are standing, you better sit down.
If you have a weak heart, you will need to calm down.This year, they will announce that the end is so close, SO CLOSE.
That was it.
I do think the 144,000 being literal will be dropped. Since the gb=FDS it no longer matters. Of course if this happens the friends will lap it up as new light but the awakened will see it as further proof the GB is not spirit directed.