Active JW's, can you defend "THE TRUTH?"

by DATA-DOG 387 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    OK, So the son of man came already in the year 70 AD?? Hmmm, apologetics can be reaaly interesting and "creative". :)

    By the way, there is one verse in the NT that gives possibility for a late return of Christ, that's in 2 Peter. But 2Peter was vritten som 100 years after Jesus death.


    One challenge offered to Jehovah’s Witnesses is to admit that they made mistakes. There is no cognitive dissonance about this.....Heavens Gate11

    Jehovah`s Witnesses don`t make the Rules and Doctrines in WatchTower World..They Follow Them..

    The WBT$ is "Responsible" for "ALL" WBT$ Rule and Doctrine Mistakes,in WatchTower World..

    The WBT$ continuously makes JW`s to Blame,for WBT$ Stupidity................................

    .............................................................................................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW


    False Prophets speak in God's name = Prophet-like Organization.

    False God's = Organisation for salvation/obey the GB without question

    Signs and portents = partakers decreasing as proof of the LAST DAYS. That's just one...

    Adding to the Bible = making up anything/teaching commands of men as doctrine.

    Was Harold Camping a false prophet? Or did he merely misinterpret scripture? How do the GB judge Harold Camping?

    Don't forget Jesus' own words. Many false teachers would claim to be "The Annointed One/Christ" and say " the due time is at hand" do not go after them.

    It's really that simple.

  • Finkelstein

    However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak

    Yet the WTS/JWS for over century has been proselytizing Jesus return, first 1874 then eventually 1914 .

    And worse to that effect, selling these proclamations to the public claiming they are being guided by god's

    holy spirit and chosen by him to dispense bible truths.

    The corruption is clearly defined by the actions of this religious publishing house and the men who orchestrated

    this endeavor.

    The WTS./JWS is corrupt commercialized charlatanism $$$ and always will be.

  • Ucantnome

    heavensgate11 i don't think its hateful.

    They claimed to be a prophet i believe they showed that Ezekiel was a 'portent' or 'sign' of the anointed Jehovah's witnesses and as a prophet the somethings haven't occured. I think it was false when they said." shortly within our twentieth century the battle in the day of Jehovah will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom." and this is in the same book that they tell you that Christendom will know that a prophet was among them.

    if I'm remembering clearly Ezekiel had to lay on his side for a set number of days facing a pot and i think the book shows how it came true to the number of years proving him a true prophet. Maybe you remember it. I will look it up tomorrow.

    the quote is from. The nations shall know that i am Jehovah-how?

  • joe134cd

    Ok just to change the subject. Explain to me please. Why did 2 KHS in a small city have 4 refurbishments pluse a quickly built on them in the space of 10 years. The Halls in my opinion probably did need a revamp the 1st time but the 2nd refurbishments were unnecessary and a waste of money. Shortly after the 2nd refurbishment to one of the halls, this was quickly on sold and a new one built. So in the space of 10 years there have been 4 refurbishments and 1 quickly built, leaving roughly 400 publishers with a debt of well over a million dollars, to save for and pay off.

    Why when the RBC deems these projects necessary, is no receipts or price justification is given. The elders of the cong can not shop around for best price either. The RBC basically comes in and says you are going to have a refurbishment, and this is how much you will pay, so get with the program or else. I will admit it isn't said like that but it's certainly implied. Why was it when a group of elders who refused a refurbishment, to their KH were then seen as been unfit to carry out there duties, we're removed as elders, and a court case ensued.

    Why is it if I built a 1 million dollar home it would probably be perceived as been materialistic and not seeing the urgency of the end times. The society buildings however can be sold for a billion dollars and a new premises built for far less, occupying publishers time for 4 years when they could be making disciples (Mat 24; 14). Why would they not reveal to their members the price difference between the two ventures, but opt to likening it to the rebuilding work of Nehamiah time.

    Why is it in the time of the end when the spiritual food is flowing from the mountain of jehovah and we are eating off well oiled dishes, are we in fact getting less printed spiritual food with reductions in assembly and meeting times.

    Why in the magazines are they warning about the demonic lies in the media, and to stay clear of people who speculate, and yet not reveal what the speculation is, or give examples of Satan's cunning. Wouldn't it be better openly discuss these concerns with its members which would in turn squash these rumors.

  • punkofnice


    Why is it in the time of the end when the spiritual food is flowing from the mountain of jehovah and we are eating off well oiled dishes, are we in fact getting less printed spiritual food with reductions in assembly and meeting times.

    The sooner the JW's see that it's not about worhipping god but about money for the corporation is the better. The watchtower(R) is just another religion where money and power is their real god.

    On another point...

    I see lots of debate about scripture here but for me it's all a waste of time once you've gone further back to examine if the scriptures are actually inspired in the first place.

    To me at least, I am satisfied from my investigation that the bible is just another book. There is no evidence god exists. I see no evidence that jesus existed in the way the bible says.

    First, look to see if the foundation of the debate is solid.

  • baldeagle


  • Ucantnome

    on my post 1147, about the tribulation, this thread has the Watchtower article from 1970 quoted regarding the change which came after the May 1969 Awake article (i hope this works)

    in the 1960's we were raised with the final part of the tribulation Armageddon being very close. The Witness who studied with my father (bible study overseer i think they were called, later an elder) said to him one day he could put the radio on and the he would know Armageddon had started.

    In this Watchtower article the statement on page 53 in paragraph 13 that interested me.

    "Then the time interval between the opening part of the 'great tribulation' and the closing Armageddon part thereof will prove to be around five times as long as the length of the 'great tribulation' itself." (underllining mine)

    From the article, particularly paragraph 9, I understand the belief was that the tribulation started in 1914 and ran to 1918 and God stopped the First World War. This I think was the opening part. About 4 year. (paragraph 8, page 52)

    In paragraph 10 it mentions that chronology had been reexamined and the end of six thousand years of man's life on earth was to end during the 1970's.

    Between the January 1970 and the fall of 1975 was about 6 years. Add these 6 to the 4 years of the First World War and you have 10. Five times that gives you 50. In paragraph 11 it mentions it has already been 51 years from the 1918.

    The quote "Then the time interval... will prove to be around five times as long as the length of the 'great tribulation' itself"Seems to me to be an example of expecting Armageddon in 1975 or very soon.

  • galaxie

    Heavens, ...the conclusion I draw from your explanations is that you are admitting that the JWs since formation from bible students days to present have been guilty of; misunderstanding, miscalculation , misinterpretation.

    That's exactly why many here are ex JWs

    By your own calculations you are reaffirming what we have known for a long time, thank you for your honesty.

    You mention 1975 and that as you put it"sensational and immaturally expressed expectations" did not prevent JWs from further studying and improve understanding of the bible. Then how could anyone be expected to put trust in any current or future understanding by the so called, self appointed 8 men in New York who feed you THEIR TAKE on the bible. Try working it out for yourself and see how far you get?

    It must be remembered all ordinary JWs have no say on the matter(I bet they wished they had in 1975).

    And it must be asked by what method did they the so called FDS come up w this sensational and immaturally expressed opinion re 1975 as well as countless other miscalculations?

    This JW hierarchical method has proved time and time again to be false and misleading. Whether well intended or not.

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