...What do you Do,when People Ask You for Spare Change?...

by OUTLAW 91 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OnTheWayOut

    Everyone has their own passion. If it is your passion to give to individual strangers, it is not wrong. Even if they use the money for booze or crack, it was not wrong to show human kindness.

    I see too many healthy cons begging to even get started giving money to them. Yesterday, the guy at the interstate off-ramp had his sign: "Unemployed Disabled Veteran applying for housing, Diabetic so no snacks please." I guess he didn't want to receive a soda or a candy bar from strangers and was only leaving room for money donations. I was out of them, but I typically give such folks a one-dollar gift coupon for McDonald's or a piece of fruit. (Reminder to buy more coupons, maybe some healthy 'snack' packages from Costco.)

    I do give to some who play an instrument in the park or on the subway platform and I do often give to the old guy who sells bags of peanuts and the folks who sell flowers. I also give to those missing an arm or a leg- but not those probable cons in the wheelchairs.

    I do plenty for people I know. Real charity is fine, but helping those you know is great.

    If your passion is not for people, but for whales or puppies or clean parks or the arts or after-school basketball programs, that is just as great too. Everyone with a passion should follow that.

  • Mum

    In Las Vegas I see beggars every time I go out. I keep cheese & crackers (the kind wrapped in cellophane) in my car to give them. I might give them a dollar or some change as well. I did see one beggar (from a parking lot) stop on the sidewalk, open his wallet and count his money. He was loaded!

    I can't allow a few impostors keep me from helping someone who appears to be in dire need. A lot of them have really bad teeth, I've noticed.

    Some years ago, Barbara Walters said it could save your life or well-being to give handouts. I keep that in mind, too.

  • Stealth

    Went to a conference in San Francisco one year. There was a man laying passed out in the street. He had the distictive look of a native american. He never got a chance to beg for $ because he was passed out.

    Went back to SF one year later and the same man was still laying in the street passed out.

    I find it easier to help others in need more now then before when a JW.

  • BizzyBee

    I occasionally part with a random fiver - I feel good, they feel good and it's better if I don't over-analyze it.

  • rebel8

    I work in behavioral health. I don't know the stats but when people are drug addicted, I don't believe it's helping them to give them cash on the street. Mental illness, same thing--I believe they need to access the health care system to get themselves well and back on their feet.

    In my area, beggars on busy corners have Ipods. I kid you not. I will never give them anything.

    I would rather give money to a credible charity who has accountability for spending the $ wisely, or give things like clothing or food instead of cash.

  • ShirleyW

    Like what Mum saw when the guy opened his wallet and he was loaded, there's a guy that looks homeless that just walks thru the subway cars with his hand out and just moans "please ladies and gentleman", he been at for a few decades. I saw him one day on the street and he had a thick wad of bills, took out a few and put it back in his pocket.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Obama actually does give out free phones. I've met people who have them. Of course, they also have their iPhones, for when the Obama phone runs out of airtime.

    The free phones have been around for many years. Obama doesn't give out the phones. Just sayin'.

  • Oubliette

    As a JW I never gave them anything. Now I give them a few bucks if I have it. I know it probably doesn't make much of a difference, but it makes me feel better than ignoring them like I used to.

  • RottenRiley

    I try to size up the person to see if they really need the cash. Usually I have no problem giving away a few bucks but there was a kid about twenty years old, he is riding a bike with a Burger King package and Big Gulp in hand and he ask's me if I can loan him $5.00, obviously he was a lazy piece of trash, too lazy to stop his bike and say "hello" and to ask me for the money. He glided through the parkinglot until the cops escorted him away, if only he did not do a "drive by" while trying to beg, I might have helped him out. Don't you think you can see what type of person the begger is? A bag with two Whoopers, a Big Gulp in hand, riding his bike with one hand, he really got no money from anyone.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    President Obama is giving out cell phones? I must stop by the White House.

    The NYPD gave out free cell phones in bad neighborhoods decades ago. Citizens could summon help and patrol the neighborhoood. I asked for one at my precinct. Equal access for all citizens was going to be my argument but there was no problem. It was cool. 911 was dedicated. I could reach it faster than on my regular cell phone.

    Maybe FDR gave out vinyl LPs. I wonder what free stuff Lincoln and Washington gave out. Lincoln represented the powerful railroads so maybe some rr souvenirs. I saw the National Constitution Center was selling bath salts at a Benjamin Franklin exhibit. Maybe Washington gave out bath salts. It might not be patirician enough.

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