...What do you Do,when People Ask You for Spare Change?...

by OUTLAW 91 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finkelstein

    Don't do it !

    If you want to help the poor contribute to the Salvation Army or other chartable local organizations.

    If people need help or assistance they can go there.

    The reason I say this is a lot of times these pan handles take the money they get off the streets to buy

    drugs and booze, something they don't need.

  • Simon

    Personally, I think handing out cash money is a bad idea - much better to offer food than money as there is no risk its feeding a begging scheme or someone's addiction.

    If you really want to help, why not volunteer at a local drop-in centre? Really, the people are not as scary as they may appear and it's a very rewarding experience. You also know you're helping and not doing harm without realising it - they are the experts and know what is and isn't needed-

  • frankiespeakin

    Well I try to always give something but sometimes I might be short on cash or time. I don't think begging is someone's profession of choice in most cases and so I try to give where ever I can or feel moved to, weather, time and assets permitting.

  • Simon

    People shouldn't mistake those in need with those who pretend to be in need because they want money for drugs, alcohol or because begging is their 'job' that they chose.

    Say 'sorry, no' and walk on by. Someone in genuine need does not need to panhandle - thy can go to charities to get help and care.

    At best, you're throwing good money away to a scammer - at worse you could be funding crime and addiction.

  • 4thgen

    As an active JW I NEVER gave any money to anyone. Now that I am not active, my heart has softened (What doesn that tell you?) and very often I will give something. Although I never reach into my wallet for cash, as it's showing them where my money is kept. But if I can see who I am approaching and want to give, I will stick some money into my pocket and smoothly give it.

    As far as Lions Clubs, etc....Since I have recently been a charity volunteer, I now will always address person standing in the cold. If I cannot give, I will state that I've already given what I can to charity and appreciate their personal sacrifice.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    There are not enough resources locally. It was plain when I volunteered in the Hospitality Ministry at the Anglican cathedral. My family barely made it. I had to go into the ghetto for KH. I saw things I wish I had not. Also, I worked for legal services in college. We tried to organize a rent strike at a building in Harlem. Every tenant was a welfare recipient. The housing violated so many sections of NYC"s Housing Code. I kept stomping my feet to scare away rats. B/c welare paid the rent, we could not do the rent strike. The strike would have allowed the tenants to use their rent money to make repairs.

    I always returned to my housing with new appreciation. Every KH meeting, I returned to a palace.

    I volunteered at a food pantry. The food is laden with fats and carbohydrates.

    People talk about Welfare Queens. From what I've seen, I would rather work any day of the week.

  • FlyingHighNow

    If you click on this picture, you can watch the video of this amazing man. I would throw a bill in this guy's hat anyday. Outlaw, I don't know how to make the video play inside the thread.


    Hey FlyingHighNow!..


    Thanks for the Picture Link..Much appreciated..

    Yes,the man is very talented..He belongs on stage..

    .................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • designs

    I use to buy good T shirts at the local Second hand Store in town and hand them out to people asking for money on the Freeway exists.

  • Violia

    I give money if i have it. I once bought food for a homeless man who was hanging around the 7-11. I just felt sick looking at this poor man. There were some guys taunting him and so I bought him food and stayed with him until those guys left. He was so hungry he ate like an animal. I just left and cried for a while. I could not really help him. Any money I gave him would have been stolen from him. I talked to the local police later that day and they said they'd check on him.

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